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The Official Devil Survivor (Series) Thread


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Though it would mean waiting another eighteen months for Devil Survivor 2 for anyone who's been holding out for a PAL release. :p


Actually, Devil Survivor 2 was kind of a weird game to bring over since it's so niche and the kind of people who were going to buy it in the first place would already have imported it over a year ago. Maybe it would have been more worthwhile if they could have released it sooner, but I guess they didn't want to release it before the first game.


I'm not sure why the release of Overclocked is so late, but Ghostlight isn't usually this slow at bringing games over, I don't think? Trails in the Sky was released over here eight months after the US release. That's still longer than I was willing to wait (and oh my God Iwata if I ever meet you on the street you're getting punched in the face), but it's a lot better than eighteen months. I'm hopeful that bringing over the 3DS port of the second game would be a lot faster.


Edit: Apparently it's called Devil Survivor 2: Break Record.

Edited by Magnus
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I just read that release of Devil Survivor: Overclocked has been brought forward, to March 29th (which is odd, as it's not a working day). I only have a finnish source right now, but I'm looking into it. Might be false, too.


It's real, Ghostlight posted it on their blog:


Hi everyone. We’ve just been speaking to the manufacturers and I can now inform you that instead of being released on the 5th April, the amazing Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked will now be released on the 29th March! That means you can grab a copy of the game before the long Easter weekend .




They removed the P&P costs if you buy from their store if you really want those posters as well.

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Info on Devil Survivor 2 from their Blog:

"In last week’s blog we also promised an update on Devil Survivor 2. Currently the European version of the game is finished and has been approved for release by Nintendo. However, without going into too much detail, retail support for DS titles is understandably low at the moment making it difficult for us to release the title. We haven’t given up though and we’re currently looking into several different ways of making this fantastic game available to you all. One way that I’ve heard being discussed on the Ghostlight grapevine is that we may release a Collector’s Edition of the game exclusively through our website which will mean we’d need your full support in making this release happen. I’ve probably said too much already, but you can expect more news on this in the coming weeks."




Collectors edition sounds cool, but I'm wondering how well that will go down if they decided to take that route.


Maybe they could release it on the eShop?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welp, I got an email from Amazon on Thursday saying that they didn't get enough stock in and to sit tight and wait for the reprint, so I started playing Digital Devil Saga instead. What's another few weeks at this point? :p


In other news, Devil Survivor 2: Break Record is going to have a casual mode, a new character, full voice acting, new anime cutscenes and a brand new scenario that takes place after the end of the game (which worked so well in Persona 3: FES).

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Welp, I got an email from Amazon on Thursday saying that they didn't get enough stock in and to sit tight and wait for the reprint, so I started playing Digital Devil Saga instead. What's another few weeks at this point? :p


True, it has been a very long wait. My copy arrived on Thursday, but I'm too busy playing Luig's Mansion 2 & MH3U so I'm going to put that on hold for a while. By the way, is that the first time you're playing Digital Devil Saga? how is it?


a brand new scenario that takes place after the end of the game (which worked so well in Persona 3: FES).


You don't sound pleased about that extra scenario in Persona 3, was it not good?

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Bwahaha. I doubt they'll have time to fix it in time for the reprint, though. Unless they delay it! *Won't get to play the game until 2014*



You don't sound pleased about that extra scenario in Persona 3, was it not good?

I don't know whose brilliant idea it was to take a game that was lauded for its mix of social links and dungeon crawling and make a bonus scenario that removed the social links entirely and focused solely on dungeon crawling. Never mind the fact that it was extremely difficult and what little story there was really wasn't worth it. Blah.


Hopefully the new scenario in Devil Survivor 2: Break Record is better.


By the way, is that the first time you're playing Digital Devil Saga? how is it?

It's good so far, but I've only played for an hour and a half. I decided to do some research on the game after beating the first dungeon and found out that it's apparently rather dungeon-crawley and fairly difficult, but I'm hoping the story will make up for it. :p

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From the Ghostlight Blog

It is with much regret that we have to make this announcement. Many of you may already be aware that our most recent release of Devil Survivor Overclocked on 3DS unfortunately has some issues. These problems mean that currently you will not be able to complete the game. The game will hang/freeze if you summon a demon during battle or if an auction house seller lies about the stats.


Currently we are doing everything we can to fix these problems as quickly as possible so that you will be able to enjoy DSO in full.


We deeply value the continued commitment from our devoted Ghoslight fans and all the EU JRPG fans as without you all we wouldn’t be here. We hope that you will allow us to take the time needed to fix the problems and give you the gaming experience that you have waited for so patiently.


Once we have more information we will let you know.


Kind regards,





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That's what some people are reporting it. Unlike you though, I already opened it because I was going to play it but then quickly after putting the cartridge in the 3DS I saw the news about this...


I started playing through it today to try and see how early on this bug arrives and stop there.

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Almost 4 hours in, so far so good. Very enjoyable game. Right now I'm up to this part:


About to fight that abominable snowman called 'Wendigo'. Even though I had a few more free battles (pre-fight grinding) to level up my teams I still start the stage knowing full well an important battle is ahead and yet I find this monster at a shocking level 17. I've looked around some websites/forums and I see some people teams are around 5-9 at this stage whereas my entire team is level 8, 8 & 9.


At the moment I'm cooking up a strategy to get all the weaker demons first before I group up on the main enemy, which is looking a bit hard to do at the moment simply because of the proximity, everyone is close to eachother. I think I may restart the file before my save and look for a monster that I can 'crack' (take their skill) in a free battle, I need the skill 'Bind' which will considerably slow down the opponents movement which should give me enough time to take down the rest leaving Wendigo alone.



The story is also great and I'm liking some of the characters already, namely Atsuro. I also think the voice acting helps in bringing out the emotion in their exchanges.

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Wrong name, yes. Everything else, no. Just like what was said on NeoGaf and other websites, when you see Naoya's name it reads "Naoya [insert your characters surname]". Apart from that, it has been fine although I expect the rest to happen.


Update from Ghostlight:

Hi everyone, thank you for your patience. As you can imagine we have had a busy couple of days here at the Ghostlight offices.


To give you an update of where we are... We have been in contact with Atlus who are already looking into fixing the possible causes of problems when summoning a demon in to a battle along with the intermittent crash found in the Auction House. Nintendo have also been contacted and will be able to help us both quickly and efficiently through the process of looking at a patch solution.


Sorry that we don’t have any more news for you at this time but we are working as fast as we can towards a fix. We appreciate your words of support and continued patience through our first release on 3DS.


Kind regards,





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  • 2 weeks later...
Testing has now begun on a patch for Devil Survivor Overclocked. A massive thank you to Atlus for turning this around so quickly.


Should be out soon then if there's no issues.


You ran into any problems yet @\-Dem0\-?

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Should be out soon then if there's no issues.


You ran into any problems yet @\-Dem0\-?


Played over 8 hours and still haven't had any problems apart from the name mix up I mentioned before.


I'm hoping that the patch doesn't affect the save file though.

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Patch update:


In the excitement over this, we haven’t forgotten about those of you waiting for a fix for Devil Survivor Overclocked. Thanks to the very hard work carried out by Atlus, I’m pleased to say that we received a patch for this title at the beginning of this week. Testing is going well and so far we have been unable to reproduce any of the reported bugs using the patch, and neither have we seen any new ones. Should this happy state of affairs continue then we will be submitting the patch to Nintendo as soon as possible in preparation for its distribution on Nintendo’s eShop.
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