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Cataclysm: World of Warcraft


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I can't believe people pay for transfers and all that bollocks. Considering you pay them £8.99 a month you should have that service for free! Especially if you've played the game for ages they've made a mint out of you, then make almost 3 months game time just to edit their database a bit. It's a bit of a cheek imo.

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I'm sure if people weren't willing to pay them for it they would do it for free.


The thing about such extra expenses is that it isn't a big deal when you're really into WoW. Certainly when I used to play it I saved loads of money by virtue of it being the only thing I was playing. It also probably ruined my dietary habits for life, but there you go.


Anyway, I really want to get into Cataclysm but the better part of me knows it's a terrible plan, at least until I get another job. Playing the game's a great way to conserve money but it's also a complete productivity drain.

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I forgot to mention I started a Worgen last night. Love the starting zone. The quests are actually interesting, not just the usual "run here, kill/collect that". Well, they sort of are, but they're actually making me pay attention to the story.


Bit linear, but I think that makes it easier to follow the events/story IMO.


I also love how you start off as a normal human and get turned into a Worgen. I think that's what made me pay attention, knowing that I would be turned.

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I'll probably make another char on a server from someone here if there's a few folk. Just depends on how many make what where for me. But it won't be a main, just one i'd use to play with you guys.


Anyway, healing has changed me in Cata. Oh lawd it has. I'm a mana scrooge now. I was a bit like that in the dungeons, but soon as I hit the hcs it was worse. If people mess up a fair few times (like 3 or 4 now) then they get no heals and die. T'is a dark path. It's awesome, but dark :|


Saying that, I spent yesterday experimenting with the class to make myself better and I think I got some improvements. I think it was easier healing atleast. All I need is more int. Some spirit wouldn't go amiss either. And haste would make things better all round. Hell, bring in some crit...

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Think I might start another Goblin at some point to see the starting zone and how their story starts. I missed my Goblins beginnings since mine is basically a Night Elf crammed into a Goblin skin.


Edit:Started a Goblin. The starting area/quests are pretty good, but not as good as Worgen.

Edited by Goafer
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Just hit 70 and fucking hell did I have to work for it. Was stuck in a random dungeon with an utter prick. He was doing rather well (I hate to say it, but he was doing really well), but Christ, didn't he know it. He just kept typing stuff about how great he was. I dread to think how well he would do if he shut the fuck up and concentrated on playing.



On a side note, I really need some sort of AOE. Fan of Knives can't come soon enough.

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It's not that bad, it was really put in to force people to do the quest lines rather than just grind mobs


Basically if you do the zones in order Hyjal or Vashj'ir > Deepholm > Uldum > Twilight Highlands then it's fairly straightforward


I slowed myself down by doing both starter areas :)

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Yeah, 9 million exp is an utter piss take.


It's all relative innit? 9 Million is a lot but you get about 34,000 per quest in Deepholm alone and that scales up through the zones too.


Hyjal is almost exactly 80-82 end to end. Presumably, the latter zones are similarly worked out.

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