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That's because the media is shite. It works on the assumption people are more interested in trivialities rather than actual issues.


Like, during the election it was just so frustrating to see people basing their vote over the bigot from Rochester debacle rather than actual political policy -- mostly because policy is never discussed properly in the media.

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Mcoy can't speak on behalf of anyone but expression of sexuality, preferences and opinions is a civil right that everyone deserves so long as It dosen't physcially hurt another individual. Mcoy thinks It's a bit of a disgrace how the "free" part of the world is still full of some much prejudice against the LGBT crowd. Mcoy will acknowledge that there are rules and rights in place to prevent discrimintation and prejudice, however the problem is still very at large. Mcoy only needs to look at a local school/office and you'll see clear harrassment.

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I did a LGBT Awareness and Homophobia talk at my old school last week because it was quite homophobic. It went awesomely and I've been asked back to do it twice next year and then once a year after that. But to be honest, I'd like one year them to say that I'm not needed back.


I do stand up comedy so my talk was a lot like that, everyone was laughing and I ripped into 50 Cent for a good minute.

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I did a LGBT Awareness and Homophobia talk at my old school last week because it was quite homophobic. It went awesomely and I've been asked back to do it twice next year and then once a year after that. But to be honest, I'd like one year them to say that I'm not needed back.


I do stand up comedy so my talk was a lot like that, everyone was laughing and I ripped into 50 Cent for a good minute.

You do stand up comedy? Show us!


Also, signed the petition. Thought, might as well.

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I did a LGBT Awareness and Homophobia talk at my old school last week because it was quite homophobic. It went awesomely and I've been asked back to do it twice next year and then once a year after that. But to be honest, I'd like one year them to say that I'm not needed back.


I do stand up comedy so my talk was a lot like that, everyone was laughing and I ripped into 50 Cent for a good minute.


Please stop being so damn awesome. You're making me depressed about my own life.

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You do stand up comedy? Show us!


Also, signed the petition. Thought, might as well.


I don't have any of my live stuff filmed cos few people ever show up. :P I'll make sure to get a friend to help me with that next time. Alternatively - I hope to be at Edinburgh Fringe this year. I missed out on booking a proper show, but I've got a few comedian friends who might help me out with putting me on a show reel kinda show with lots of comedians.


Please stop being so damn awesome. You're making me depressed about my own life.


Watch more Disney films and eat more fruit. Then your life WILL be awesome!

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I don't have any of my live stuff filmed cos few people ever show up. :P I'll make sure to get a friend to help me with that next time. Alternatively - I hope to be at Edinburgh Fringe this year. I missed out on booking a proper show, but I've got a few comedian friends who might help me out with putting me on a show reel kinda show with lots of comedians.



I'll (and Chair) be in Edinburgh for the entire summer/I live there. DO IT.

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I'm all for activism, used to do a lot in my teenage years before the MS really kicked in, demonstrations, hunt sabbing, fund raisers, all sorts. I don't like Lady gaga though, I don't like her music, I think she's fake as hell, and is probably just doing this to go with her image. And as I'm anti war I don't think her cause is the best either, fight for the right to go and get yourself killed, there are more deserving causes out there. If she's so supportive of the LGBT community how about she go and do some free concerts at American high schools to promote equality to the youth. God knows how many gay kids end up killing themselves because of intolerant attitudes amongst their peers, bet it's more than the amount of gay soldiers whining about not being able to go and get themselves killed though.

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