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keyboard acting strangely


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I split hot chocolate on the right hand side of my keyboard a minute a go, tried cleaning it everything was fine, but I think because I forgot to turn my keyboard off my LEFT hand side of the keyboard is doing things like this:


a = as

s = as

CAPS = caps and tabs

q = qw

w = qw

1 = 12




I think I've pressed something somewhere as my google chrome also looks quite flat and different. Any ideas anyone?!

Edited by nightwolf
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My mum spilt coffee over my Logitech G15 keyboard :(


Even after drying it out, it still wouldn't work. Then again, my keys didn't work at all, yours at least still do something, so maybe it's fixable. In which case, i'd say do what will' said.


It's just going to be my luck to have to buy something when I don't have any money. :p


Yes it's already set to dry out before I wrote this thread, I just want to find out why the hell the side it was split on is fine. You'd think these things would be the other way round.


Plus my chrome looks different so I'm not sure what I've done to that either..


I suppose now this gives me a good reason to make a new thread..I did need a new keyboard anyway (it's 2 and a half years old and buttons are starting to go.)



Edited by nightwolf
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No, it's not, mine it's just the buttons such as home used to stand out, now they are flat and orange, although that's probably a setting I hit whilst trying to clean it before setting it to dry.


I'm going to admit defeat anyway, I tried using the keyboard with my laptop to see if there was another issue and it seems its the keyboard - luckily it gives me a reason to buy a new keyboard and mouse - hence the new thread. :)

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The liquid has shorted some circuits, doesn't matter which part of the keyboard was spilt on as most of the electronics for the keyboard will be in one place. Leave it to dry for a day or two, upside down or tilted if poss. if you have a hairdryer with a cold setting it might speed up the process (don't blast it on hot though).

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