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Sucker Punch


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You know I love you really, Dannyboy! :p


Also guys, PLEASE listen to the soundtrack because it's just so awesome. If I had the decision of hearing nothing but an album for the rest of my life, that would be it! Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This), Army of Me and the Queen remix just kick so much ass!

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Oh for fuck's sake.


What a load of bollocks. AND before you say "You didn't go in with the right attitude!" - I did. My friends didn't, I did. It was SO much worse than I was prepared for.


UGH. I wish I was dead.


My friends and I laughed out loud frequently at the SHITNESS. All of Vanessa Hudgen's scenes. The bit where she's crying and shouts incoherently = DEAD. Legendary scene. The bit where he tosses her off camera into a mirror = death by lol.







Just...fuck this shit. Everything was awful. The dialogue didn't need to be in the film. It would have been a more compelling and interesitng film if no one opened their mouths.


Zac Snyder typically fucks up scoring his films once again. I appreciate using Army of Me by Bjork as a recurring theme, but...she's wishing she was dead for agreeing to this. The director has NO idea how to use music in film. Fucking hell. The entire thing felt like a music video - SILENCE is used in fim for a reason.


I love my friend's comment RE: Babydoll's "dances" - "I'd rather actually see her dance".


Not one redeeming feature. Zack Snyder's visuals are nothing to write home about, and were better in 300 and Watchmen in any case - all the annoying bits I disliked visually in Watchmen made up the entirety of this film. CHRIST.


I'm quite speechless.



Edited by Paj!
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But it's just...I can love these kinds of films that have jokes to tell. This was just shit. Nothing about it was ACTUALLY good. The action wasn't particularly good other than a few, "Oh." mildly appealing set pieces that were on screen for about a split second.


The pacing was shit, the acting a non-event (I would say shit but I blame the dialogue as much as the acting for the failure), and the dialogue immature and as I said, just served the bring the film down.


I would forgive it if it weren't so poorly made. It wasn't even the story I had issue with (which some reviewers have picked up on) or the muddy waters the imagery/metaphors land themselves in. Just.


It needed a sense of humour and a sense or awareness of it's own potential for camp greatness. It however had neither.


No. Please. Tron Legacy was bad (more like bottom-end mediocre), but a godsend compared to this.

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Paj has beautifully summerised what I was trying to say.




Oh and I'm glad someone else has picked up on Zac Snyder's complete lack of imagination when it comes to scoring movies. Sure the soundtrack on it's own is probably marvelous but I can't see it complimenting the film.


The musical cues in Watchmen were my least favourite thing about it.

Edited by Hamishmash
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Paj!, forgive me for saying but it sounds a lot like you took this too seriously. Even from the trailer, you could blatantly see that this was something to just watch for fun. It didn't even take itself so seriously.


It was complete fun. Nothing more, nothing less. It's not a masterpiece and it's not perfect, it's just something that's visually fun and no, this isn't because I'm a guy and I like seeing sexy women fighting (although that's a small reason) but I just loved the whole tone and the imaginative scenes. I would have liked to have seen Baby Doll dance but the action scenes were brilliant.


Also, there were a few jokes in Sucker Punch.


when Browning's singing Sweet Dreams and then Lennox House shows. I thought that was cool.



Maybe it's just me but I really didn't see this as a serious movie at all. I just saw it as an imaginative escapism with a great soundtrack that I've had on repeat on my MP3 player.


I'm not surprised you didn't like it though, I was 95% expecting you to come back and slate it, lol.

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There was no evidence that this film didn't take itself seriously other than I guess, if you look at the idea from a distance, it seems kinda silly, or just for fun. Which I can appreciate. And probably why I still went to see it.


There was nothing fun about the story aspects, which took themselves DREADFULLY seriously. The woeful dialogue, the shit acting...argh. How can I not take something seriously when it's trying so hard to be good, and failing? If it had focused on actually being fun or over the top or whatever, it would've worked so much better. Instead there was so much faux melodrama, clearly without a shred of intentionality behind it.


I just...I wouldn't be opposed to a film that was MORE about the action scenes, or MORE about the brothel/mental asylum escape. Just don't try and tack on absolute crap "storylines" and (lack of" "characterisation"/characters into it.


I 100% went in with a (relatively) open mind. I love over-the-top things - I've mentioned how much fun I found DOA, which was shit, but entertaining, and had no intention to be anything else.


The action sequences were the best thing about it and they were often boring due to the amount of Snyderness through them all. FASTSLOWFASTSLOWFASTSLOWI no longer care. The choreography in them was nice.

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There was no evidence that this film didn't take itself seriously other than I guess, if you look at the idea from a distance, it seems kinda silly, or just for fun.


So hold on...a film that's macabre garbed, structured like a videogame, has Scott Glenn as a character known as 'Wiseman', girls dressed in nerd fap fighting zombie nazis, robots, massive samurai and dragons isn't evidence it wasn't taking itself seriously?...




The whole thing was stratospherically ridiculous.


Which reminds me, why weren't there dinosaurs in it?! Giant ones with shoulder mounted cannons.

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Well, I agree that as an idea, of course it's intentionally..whatever. What you just said. But as a cinema experience, actually watching the film, it is depressingly SERIOUS instead of not taking itself seriously.


Basically, it wasn't fun. Or particularly entertaining. It was too often boring or depressing. (or plain atrocious) - for a film like this - it equals a failure to me.


I dunno if I'm getting across what I thought properly, but anyway.


I genuinely want to know what makes this film worth anyone's time. I don't accept "Don't take it seriously/it's just a bit of fun" because I've seen it, and I tried/I don't see it. :/


Many of the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes are spot-on for me. (And one of the positive ones raised an interesting point I agreed with about the reasoning behind the semi-fetishizing/whatever of the girls, something I was trying to work out how I felt about)


Anyway yeah, you all hate me and love Zack Snyder bye.


EDIT: It looks like I may be going to see it again soon/this week, though I said only when it was the cheapest possible. I want to reassess it, to see what I've missed (even though I know it's nothing).

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Well, I agree that as an idea, of course it's intentionally..whatever. What you just said. But as a cinema experience, actually watching the film, it is depressingly SERIOUS instead of not taking itself seriously.


Basically, it wasn't fun. Or particularly entertaining. It was too often boring or depressing. (or plain atrocious) - for a film like this - it equals a failure to me.


I dunno if I'm getting across what I thought properly, but anyway.


I genuinely want to know what makes this film worth anyone's time. I don't accept "Don't take it seriously/it's just a bit of fun" because I've seen it, and I tried/I don't see it. :/


Many of the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes are spot-on for me. (And one of the positive ones raised an interesting point I agreed with about the reasoning behind the semi-fetishizing/whatever of the girls, something I was trying to work out how I felt about)


Anyway yeah, you all hate me and love Zack Snyder bye.


EDIT: It looks like I may be going to see it again soon/this week, though I said only when it was the cheapest possible. I want to reassess it, to see what I've missed (even though I know it's nothing).


Either watching it as a cinema/DVD experience or the movie itself, I still can't see the seriousness you speak of. As Daft said, it's so blatantly full of ridiculous things that it would be near impossible to sit there and take it seriously. It's like taking Sharkboy and Lavagirl seriously, it just can't be done.


The fact you're even trying not to take it seriously says everything (unless I read what you said wrong, if so, I'm sorry). I found it really easy to get drawn into the movie and found that I had a fun time watching it. Of course the tones were dark and quite gothic but I just can't see how or why everybody is taking this seriously when it's basically ridiculous but in a good way. It's mostly visuals but I did like the story as well. Of course it could have been better but I was more entranced in the visuals and was too busy having fun to really notice. I mean, what were people expecting the quality to be, American Beauty? The Shawshank Redemption? The Godfather?


I know it might be hard for you but watch it again with a clear mind, think nothing of it, expect nothing from it but to have fun and don't pick on its faults. You'll have more fun. :)

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I wasn't trying to pick it apart. It's faults flew out at me and all my friends. We all turned to each other cringing and laughing at the same points. I wasn't trying to take it seriously. It took itself too seriously (not COMPLETELY seriously, just too much) to be truly enjoyable for me. An example of a successful shit thing not taking itself seriously I can enjoy would be like...Batman & Robin. Or Showgirls.


The premise of this film is fine. I have no problem with it. It's like a sketch for a potentially fun film. All he's done is make an extended, badly paced and realised music video full of things we've seen a million times before.


It has no characters. It has no imagination (really). We've seen everything in this film before, done better. The action was a blur, nothing went in. I understand he made this script in 10 minutes (I can't fathom it taking any longer than that) but it's like he then suddenly decided it had to be more of a film, rather than an exercise in lol, which is what I wish it had been.

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I wasn't trying to pick it apart. It's faults flew out at me and all my friends. We all turned to each other cringing and laughing at the same points. I wasn't trying to take it seriously. It took itself too seriously (not COMPLETELY seriously, just too much) to be truly enjoyable for me. An example of a successful shit thing not taking itself seriously I can enjoy would be like...Batman & Robin. Or Showgirls.


The premise of this film is fine. I have no problem with it. It's like a sketch for a potentially fun film. All he's done is make an extended, badly paced and realised music video full of things we've seen a million times before.


It has no characters. It has no imagination (really). We've seen everything in this film before, done better. The action was a blur, nothing went in. I understand he made this script in 10 minutes (I can't fathom it taking any longer than that) but it's like he then suddenly decided it had to be more of a film, rather than an exercise in lol, which is what I wish it had been.


You enjoyed Showgirls? How? It's awful and not in a good way! How could you like that and not this? lol.


Also, the characters part I can agree with, the script I agree with too but I disagree with you on the imagination and the action part. We may have seen this done before and we may have seen it better but there's a lot of movies out there that you could say the same about such as Avatar, Twilight, almost every horror movie, almost every superhero movie, DoA, those God-awful parodies, etc, but they can still be enjoyable. Just because it's been done before and, in some cases better, doesn't mean it's not imaginative and it doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable either.


I agree and disagree with you about the action. It wasn't really a blur but I would have liked the scenes to have been longer, although I was happy enough with the time it had now.


If I were to take Sucker Punch seriously, it would most likely get a bad review from me but I couldn't take it seriously and I didn't really want to. I knew just from watching the trailer that it was one of those movies where you could just enjoy the ride and not think at all about anything else as visuals would majorly outweigh everything else. Visually, it was quite beautiful. As I've said before, as far as Sucker Punch goes: visuals > everything.


What exactly was you expecting Sucker Punch to be, Paj!?

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You enjoyed Showgirls? How? It's awful and not in a good way! How could you like that and not this? lol.

I hope you see the the irony in this statement. :heh:


Also, this discussion is really boring. Paj didn't like the movie and stated why (and Hamish agreed), and then it's like he has to defend his opinion for some reason. We could literally have this discussion about anything.


Paj, y u no like Sucker Punch?

Paj, y u no like Metallica?

Paj, y u no like tomato soup?



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I hope you see the the irony in this statement. :heh:


Also, this discussion is really boring. Paj didn't like the movie and stated why (and Hamish agreed), and then it's like he has to defend his opinion for some reason. We could literally have this discussion about anything.


Paj, y u no like Sucker Punch?

Paj, y u no like Metallica?

Paj, y u no like tomato soup?




I see no irony considering that this is shit but in a good way and Showgirls is shit in a shit way. :heh:


I just find it interesting, is all. People tend to ask me what it is I don't like about Florence and the Machine or Katie Price and we just have a discussion. It's interesting to see just how far one's opinion can differ from another and why, or at least I find it interesting. Besides, I want to know how someone enjoys Showgirls since Paj! is honestly the first person I know who actually has enjoyed it :p.


Thinking about it, it's given me a subject to talk about...


What's your definition of a mindless movie? What's your definition of a popcorn flick? Can you guys enjoy a mindless movie? What mindless movies do you enjoy and why? (probably would be a new thread but still...)

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I see no irony considering that this is shit but in a good way and Showgirls is shit in a shit way. :heh:


We've been there before, and I assume the smiley is indication that you know that. :heh:


I just find it interesting, is all. People tend to ask me what it is I don't like about Florence and the Machine or Katie Price and we just have a discussion. It's interesting to see just how far one's opinion can differ from another and why, or at least I find it interesting. Besides, I want to know how someone enjoys Showgirls since Paj! is honestly the first person I know who actually has enjoyed it :p.


It definitely is interesting, no doubt there. :) But the debate is going in circles now. You're both just repeating the same arguments. Unless you can take the debate further than this, you probably should just accept each other's differing opinions at this point, don't you think? :)

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I see no irony considering that this is shit but in a good way and Showgirls is shit in a shit way. :heh:




On a script/dialogue level Showgirls cannot be compared to Sucker Punch, and I'd hope you'd agree, if you have a basic grasp of the English language. On that part there is no debate. The LACK of character and dialogue in Sucker Punch kills it right off. Even though everyone in Showgirls is some form of stereotype, they're written with intent and care, as though the writer has tried to make them compelling characters (wether or not he succeeds or fails is another matter lol!), they just more often and not slip into the cheesy side of things. (Obviously the story and overall product that IS Showgirls is something else to consider...:blush:)


But yes - I can't not watch this video and laugh hysterically (positively).


Life. Oh, NSFW. But yeah, amazing editing. I urge everyone in the world to watch this video. (Since realistically the film isn't worth watching unless you actively choose to, so spoil it now, who cares)




Yeah, no, I can't see any factor that redeems Sucker Punch. It lacks in every possible cinematic department. The end of my opinion on the matter.

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Yeah it's a hilarious video, and yep, better than the film. Though I would say if you enjoyed that you could still watch the film with that attitude in mind and enjoy it, like I did.


You couldn't make a video like that from Sucker Punch IMO - Maybe that's the root of why I couldn't get over it's shitness. You can't make fun of it properly. I was just..cringing in the cinema. My friends and I had over hoodies over our faces at points. *shivers at the memory* :p

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