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Digital Portfolio Help!


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I have 40+ Photoshop PDF files of work that I would like to combine into a single file to be able to send out to people online.


Now in the past I've simply used Adobe Acrobat Pro 9, but I've since used up that 1 months free trial and would now need to buy it, which is rediculously priced and I'm not gonna do... help!


What program do people use/should I be using... because surely the vast majority can't afford to buy Adobe for such a basic task.


Also the pages as they stand add up to 30+mb, which is obviously too big to email over hotmails 10mb limit. What are the most effective ways of reducing file sizes... or reducing the size of the combined pdf.


ithankyou. :D

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What do the PDF files represent? Are they all single page, or multiple page? Are they the same size? If for example they're al just single images, you should convert them to an image file and put those in a pdf. But I assume they're not and you'd figure that one out on your own.


I haven't used the program myself yet, so I don't know if it does what you want, but I installed [scribus], a free (= opensource, but also "really" free) dtp program, as an alternative to an Adobe Indesign which I can't afford, for when I'd need such a program.


Also, Hotmail's filesize limit for attachments isn't 10 MB anymore, it's 10 GB total now, although I'm not sure this also means you can upload a single 10 GB file, but I think you could upload a combined pdf file even "as is".

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