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Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - The Film


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Is a Terrible film... truley.


I've not read the book. I've heard from many people the book series is incredible, my girlfriend has them and has read them and loves them. they're next on my list to read after the Sookie Stackhouse stories (true blood books)


My girlfriend bought the DVD yesterday. we watched it in Sweedish, and then literally almost straight after in English Dub.


that was complete torture. i couldnt stand it, the pace was so slow. I watched the whole thing in Sweedish, and thought lame. so then thought ok in English Dub, i wont have to focus on reading the subs, i can just watch the film and concentrate more on it.


oh how i was wrong, that made the film worse. i couldnt take it. halfway through i left her to watch the rest to play some 360. when i came back she was flat out asleep too with the film just on the dvd menu, so clearly she enjoyed it too.



what's your take on the film / books. It has sort of put me off reading the books if i'm honest, although as mentioned everyone ive spoke to who has read it said they are amazing.


i know films based on books tend to turn out pretty bad anyways but still.

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i know films based on books tend to turn out pretty bad anyways but still.


Actually, there's a massive amount of great films that are based on books - it's just that they don't make it as obvious (best example is probably Blade Runner).

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Godfather is another bookfilmeything.


Was talking to my dad about The girl... series. Apparently the guy wrote the trilogy of books, sent them to a publisher before finishing his editing, had a heart attack and died, then the books are published and notes for another three books were found, with another 4 said to have been considered too.


Anyway, not seen the film yet, but decided to get the audiobook for some weird reason.

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