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Starfox 64 3D


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Yeah, I remembered you didn't like it, Retro Link. I just think it's one of those games where you really have to know what you're aiming for (which might be why I found it overwhelming on the Virtual Console). Maybe "steep learning curve" is the way to put it? For example, you have more fun if you know which icons improve your lasers and shield meter, and aim to collect them as soon as possible. Same goes for what to do to travel the branching paths. And I still don't really know when to U-turn/somersault.


Then again, I know you're a good gamer, so maybe you just don't like it. :heh:

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  • 10 years later...

It's been quiet. Too quiet.

This thread's been quiet. Too quiet. For 11 years. 

Took the 3DS out and about (no Streetpass hits) and after exiting Luigi's Mansion 2, I decided it was time to unwrap that Star Fox 64 3D icon. Yeah okay, I may have done some Japanese Rail Simming too, guilty as charged. :blush: 

After the enforced training section which I thought was never going to end, I played through the game twice. It's as great as ever! Relieved to say it works all right with the slide pad. I just got tangled up a few times between Y and X as for some reason I instinctively pressed Y to boost and expected X to be nova bombs whereas it's obviously the other way around. Not sure why my thumb thought it'd be any different. 

The voices are off. Especially, from the stages I played anyway, Andross. I'm sure they did their best but the delivery just doesn't come across the same. Also, even on headphones, some of the music is a bit lacking too. In particular, on Katina when the mothership comes in. It's softer and doesn't drive home the peril of the situation. Pity the 3DS doesn't have rumble. 

Fichina was so reality-breaking it sent me down a rabbit hole.

According to the Internet, I can skip the credits next time around. This is not something I ever considered on the N64 but the amount of time it takes to sit through the tacked-on 3DS staff credits is a big ask. Didn't help that the battery was in the red (flashing!) by the end of the second play-through, so I had to close the 3DS rather than risk waiting out the credits. 

Otherwise, great touch-up of a great game I used to run through pretty much daily at one point on the N64. If I had these graphics + 3D effect on the big screen with the N64 controller, rumble, voices and some more oomph where needed on the 3DS orchestral music I'd say we'd reached perfection. Let's just call it Fortuna too, okay?

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