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3rd Party Cross-platform Games - Not A Problem

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There's been a lot of concern over 3rd party games on the PS3 and XBox 360 coming to Revolution. There's the 'shell' addon in the works. But thinking about it, the nunchuk combination is actually not that different to a standard PS3 and XBox 360 controller besides the look.


If the two were taped together with cellotape (not that you'd actually want to do this, but bear with me) they would actually have a similar layout and button configuration as a standard controller. Sure there would be 1 less shoulder button on the right. But the D-pad isn't that different to the standard 4 button configuration usually found on the right, plus you have the large A action button.


The C-stick is effectively the controller when you move it around. Thinking about this, it will be better for controlling cameras as it will be more precise. Rather than judging difference with camera work on a C-stick, you actually point at the direction you want to look. Plus there's the added bonus of being able to zoom in and zoom out by moving your hand in and out. Usually the zoom function is relegated to a shoulder button or two. Now you don't need these buttons which is why there's one less on the right.


Perhaps this will remove some people's concerns, it certainly has mine. Any more thoughts?

  Towers said:
Or alternatively.. Use the GameCube's controller


Too many people seem to be forgetting you can still use the GC controller, "how will it work for Game X" its not going to be suited to everything, thats why the GC controllers are there.


I think the shell be very similar to the IGN mockup (though prettier ;) ). The start-select-home buttons are placed just perfect for that, and an extra stick won't hurt. In fact, I think a C-stick would work better controlling the camera than the motion sensor.


You are getting everything the PS3 and Xbox360 do PLUS a totally new way of playing games as we know it today; with the REVO!

and for a lower price :D


awesome, right? :D


This is an interface that covers all the old options, but adds so much new functionality and extras that no other controller can compete with.


That expansion slot is the key to a lot of greatness.


people shouldn't worry so much about 3rd party support. Nintendo did it right this time...they showed the controller to the third parties months ago and as we saw after iwata's speech, many 3rd parties are really excited about getting to use this. Even companies like square enix who weren't too kind to the cube!!! This could be the turning point for nintendo and third parties!


You focus on the wrong aspects. The classic addon will cover the gameplay problems in games where this new way of control is nota good idea.


The main problem is the console being less powerful than the Xbox360, a console which will be released nearly 1.5 year before the Rev in Europe (i am guessing march or may 2007 release here). So if we get to see watered down games being compared to older consoles, this will hurt third party sales even more. The list of third party games which had NO sequels on the GC is too significant to overlook.


Let's face it people. At 300Eu the core package of the new Xbox is CHEAP. Third party games will look better there, so more and more potential Revolution gamers will get an Xbox JUST for the third party support and the graphical superiority, which will hurt third party support even more on Nintendo's next gen home console. I mean it is pretty bad already with lack of PROPER support from third parties (and no i don't call a YuGiOh game from Konami support) this could be devastating.


Remember what happened with the DS. A lot of people were amazed with it, many developers signed up and it all looked like a smooth sail, but the games released were less impressive than expected and that support has considerably weakened, especially with PSP's surprising sales in US and EU.


Impressions mean nothing. Iwata's "bring on the non gamers - let's make simple games" attitude may be good for the company but not for the gamers. Developers can change their minds in no time and follow the "cool and popular" trend. We need to see games and we need to see the "next Mario64" NOT a game which uses this in a gimmicky way.


The DS taught me not to be amazed by what the console can possible do, but from the quality of the actual games released for the system. It is good to be optimistic, but you need to be a bit cautious as well.



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