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Pokémon Black & White


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* The green Pokémon with the horned head is said to be called Kibago (キバゴ). Remember, this is not confirmed.

* The green blob Pokémon shown on Oha Suta last week is called Gochiruzeru (ゴチルゼル). Remember, this is not confirmed.

* The gothic Pokémon also show on Oha Suta last week is called Rankurusu (ランクルス). Remember, this is not confirmed.

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Chinese alphabet used in Japanese. Its the most complex of the three alphabets (although not really an alphabet as much as words (and katakana and hiragana aren't really alphabets themselves, not in the same way as English)) and typically the games use hiragana and katakana as these are easier to read for young children as they can sound out hira/kata (like we can read 'Hello' as h-e-l-l-o but if it was just the word 'hello' children may not understand unless they know the word)


Ummm...it would be like how we sound out long words so that you can read them. Make sense?


I don't think I explained that well...

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Welp, just finished the movie. Absolutely terrible - I would literally call it the worst Pokemon movie ever. But more on that later. Before the movie started a new commercial for Black and White aired. For a split second, a new Pokemon appeared in a battle - Minezumi. The blogger who posted its name earlier understandably messed it up because it flashed by so quickly. After the movie, Reshiram and Zekrom fired attacks at each other and then an unnamed Pokemon appeared on screen and waved to the audience (as if to say "I'm sorry it sucked, but come next year please!"). Could it be a Legendary Pokemon? You can click the thumbnails below for larger images; I risked my life to get them, so if you steal them I will force you to watch the movie as punishment (I didn't film the movie though, just the two commercials!). We'll post the movie summary later in addition to other details from the advertisements.





chipmunk and field mouse?

Edited by Dante
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That chipmunk doesn't look real.. but we have a new Bidoof every one!


But yeah, Ashley's pretty much right. That image posted with the Kanji would have been like this in previous generations: 'やせいのハトーボーがたおれた’


But if the pictures are right and this new generation includes basic kanji, it'd appear '野生のハトーボーがたおれた’。


So you can see the sentance which read in Japese is 'Yasei no Hatooboo ga taoreta' (Wild Hatooboo fell' or something, now has the kanji for 'Wild', but not for taoreta, which is 倒れた.


Basically I need to study a lot of Kanji next year and this will help, depending on how good the type set is with the DS's screen resolution.

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PokeBeach -


- *rolls eyes* I find it rather revolting that rival sites (and others) are saying I should be arrested for posting two photos from advertisements promoting the upcoming Black and White; talk about blowing things out of proportion and starting unnecessary drama (or is it out of jealousy?). Said rival sites post photos from CoroCoro magazine before it is released, post hundreds of episode screenshots immediately after they air, upload whole video of segments from Japanese television, have copyrighted material on their websites, post images of Pokemon that are (potentially) leaked to the public illegally, and even distribute DVD-quality Pokemon movies. Talk about a double standard! At least when I do something fishy, I fully acknowledge it. If you're going to complain about the way I run this website, make sure you're not going to sound like a complete hypocrite first. And chill out - the Pokemon will be revealed soon anyways. Like maybe even tomorrow during Pokemon Sunday (which I'm sure will be uploaded to thousands of places on the Internet), or in the leaked CoroCoro scans next week (which we all know, and have always known, come from people who illegally get the magazine first). Shooting me in the foot for something like this is pretty foolish when everyone does it to some degree; two low-resolution and blurry photos of Pokemon, whether the act of taking the pictures is illegal or not, is not going to hurt anyone and only promotes the games. If anyone should pay a fine, it should be Pokemon and Nintendo to its loyal webmasters who have spent years of their time and money promoting their products. After all, the only reason I came to Japan (spending well over $8,000 out of my own pocket) was to do coverage of the fifth generation.


Despite what some webmasters (who have never even left their computers to report on Pokemon) want you to believe, their motivations for calling us out on this story are not admirable or in concern for the community, but in an attempt to damage the reputation of a competitor. It’s called PokéPolitics. You know, “Pokemon is serious business?”


Were the Japanese to have leaked these screenshots, you would bet every Pokemon fansite would have them up even if they knew they originated from a theater. But since a competitor actually went out and got them on their own, the other competitors (naturally) became jealous and angry, leading them to dubiously change their value systems to fit the situation.


And don’t even get me started on 2ch, the supposedly “enraged” individuals who laughably reported me to the Tokyo Police. These people have no problem leaking, spreading, and discussing the aforementioned news stories, which they know are obtained illegally. Yet suddenly they feel the need to report an American webmaster for advertising an advertisement? Ridiculous. This is all “hypocrisy” and “jealousy” at its finest.


Eh, sure is a odd thing to moan about.


Edit - The Pokemon drama has been removed from sites now.


More screencaps:











Nezumimi (Barn Owl?)


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* This Pokémon is called Wooguru (ウォーグル ), possibly derived from War and Eagle. It is the Valor Pokémon, it is 1.5m tall, weighs 41kg and is a standard Normal/Flying-type Pokémon. It has two abilities, one of them Keen Eye. It also has a new attack called Free-Fall (フリーフォール). Free-Fall is a two turn attack that has the Pokemon grab the opponent and lift it into the air and then on the next turn falls to the ground

* It also appears that Rankurusu (ランクルス), revealed in Oha Suta last week, is of the Psychic-type and has two abilities, one of them Magic Guard. However, we'll wait for a bigger image to totally confirm this.




Munna's evolution Musharna (ムシャーナ ) has been revealed. It has a secret, said to do with Dream Smoke (ゆめのけむり)

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