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NaNoWriMo 09


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AshleyTwo is my username (lol joint 2006, completed NaNoWriMos...0 :p)


Been meaning to bump this all week to remind people, thanks DudeDazz.


I think I've once again changed my story ^_^ We'll see how this goes.


Oh and its going to be 'real time', in that its set between Nov 1-30th (with flashbacks though).

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I'm ending the first day with 3,153. I was on a roll today, I just typed non-stop, haha. The tips are right, it starts off easy. I'm looking forward to writing tomorrow, lol.


I meant to add. NaNoWriMo's wordcount meter is out by about 20 words for me. I double-checked so when you do update your profile with your wordcount, use Word.

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Since I put it in the awesome thread Jayseven made, it really should be here. This is my Novel Info of what I'm writing at the moment. 4,071 word into it now and on the third chapter. Post what your Novel Info is if you want to, here's mine:


Synopsis: Inferno- The NightWorld Saga

Lucas is your everyday teenager. He likes nothing more than listening to music, playing video games and talking to his friends. Except for Lucas is no ordinary teenager, he has a gift. His gift is he can step into an alternative universe...through his dreams! At first he thinks they're just dreams until he finds out that the universe he dreams about actually exists and that there are four others in the world who can do the same thing. The alternative universe is in danger of the Obscurus and the only hope to stop it rest in the hands of five warriors...one of the five warriors is Lucas.


Excerpt: Inferno- The NightWorld Saga

I always thought my dreams were special. The beautiful worlds of a thousand colours, all were rich and bold and the glistening blue ocean as far as the eye could see. The smell of the air so fresh and sweet, also the views I was very lucky to see were ones that I pray I would never forget. The most beautiful thing of all of my dreams was the endless sky with the sun and the moon coinciding together, making such a beautiful dark velvet red colour. Darkness and light side-by-side become one and the same. It was a memory I was sure I would never forget and it was a memory I would love to share with other people. They were mine, my worlds. My worlds I could live in one day forever.


Unfortunately, most of the population on Earth will never get to see what I see. Very few people can see what I see, can dream what I dream. Except these dreams aren’t your ordinary dreams, these are real. It’s a reality. It’s an alternate reality. It’s an alternate universe. It’s in danger, the Obscurus are taking over our worlds, my worlds. Only five of us can stop it. Somehow, we will fight to the death, the worlds are worth it.

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10,584 words now, lol. I entered the wordcount in a little too late as I entered it in bang on midnight so it looks like I missed a day, lmao.


11,677 words, haha. I didn't exactly write alot today, I sort of became stuck but then I got into the flow and soon got to my daily goal of 1,667 words, lol.

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