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Shantae: Risky's Revenge for DSiWare


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Did just @Cube, @Grazza (who forgot I got it, so recommended it to me... :indeed:) and myself get Shantae: RR then? I sat down with the DSi last night to play a little more of it and ended up pushing through right to the end. Final stats - time: 5:03:29, special items: 17/34. :blush:


I agree with everything Grazza has already said above so its difficult to know what to add. Its bursting at the seams with charm and truly is a gem of a game. The most annoying thing for me was going back and forward through the desert area - I played the game last week and was looking for the arm's baron or whatever and was a bit lost, so that probably didn't help the desert's case. Thankfully the entire game world is very compact, with a few warp points, so backtracking wasn't a sore point for me. :yay:


Maybe it was just the gap in time from when I started the game to when I resumed it, but it seemed like there was a decent amount of time with the monkey transformation then the next two are threw at you in quick succession. It felt like I didn't have as much time (or even opportunities) to mess around with the latter transformations.


Seems like I'm panning the game but thats only cos all the good stuff has been said! :p


Did anyone notice an error in the dialogue in theirs? At the part where you are talking to the red octopus about rescuing his three children, the dialogue became something like <insert string data> for three or four lines. The first time I thought it was the game about to break the fourth wall with some kind of joke, but no, the conversation ended. ::shrug:

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I've spent ages typing replies to this, but kept getting the 10 character error message. The main point I was trying to make was that I recommended it to nando. I knew you were the one who recommended it to me, darksnowman, and very grateful I am too.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Right, so I'm going through this now and the music and style is just brilliant!


Just defeated that Octo boss.


Simply great stuff.


Like I said, I can't wait for what they have in store with Shantae on WiiU.

I think they might go with the handdrawn style, seeing as they're also using it for Mighty Switch Force, but I'd prefer pixelart anyday :D

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Like I said, I can't wait for what they have in store with Shantae on WiiU.

I think they might go with the handdrawn style, seeing as they're also using it for Mighty Switch Force, but I'd prefer pixelart anyday :D


I'm not sure... They said they weren't abandoning sprites/pixel art, and I think the hand drawn style may just be because it would be too difficult to recreate the Mighty Switch Force characters in pixels that would have exactly the same proportions, but perfectly suit 1080p. Hand drawn seems a faster way to adapt something that already exists in another form, whereas pixel art may be more feasible with a brand new game in HD. Just my theory. :heh:


Glad you're enjoying Shantae.

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  • 1 month later...

Welp, finished it in about 7 hours with 29 of the 34 special items found.


It's cute, it's sweet, but I think I'd like to have a more grander experience with Shantae than this.

Wasn't there word of the original coming to the eShop or something? Or WiiWare?


Anyway, I love the whole universe and I hope we'll see some truly awesome stuff on the WiiU.

Pixel-art or not, ....who knows...


Also, I couldn't help but dream up a magnificent duo:


shantae_main.png X OoE_Shanoa.jpg


Shantae & Shanoa: Shennanigans

coming soon

for 3DS


Imagine the combined hairpower!

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