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The future of Motionplus


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Star Wars Lightsaber Game. They can do it properly now, not like that Clone Wars crap, so get on with it Lucasarts.


Aside from what everybody else has been saying for the past three years, I'd like to see how a Wii Nintendogs would be handled, and I reckon (won't offer up suggestions as I'm too unimaginative) that Capcom could integrate the 1:1 aspect into Movie Effects and Powers very well for a Viewtiful Joe 3.

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A Star Wars lightsaber game is a must. A new Jedi Knight sequel of sorts tied into it would be excellent.


Hopefully they'll tighten up shooters a bit, then we won't have to worry about fiddly or unresponsive controls when it comes to throwing a grenade or trying to melee an enemy, only to then find out we've reloaded or something. It's offering more accuracy after all, let's just hope that they use it!

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star wars games are about the story and moving things with the power of the force.

It is NOT about willy waving.


If there is a wii-brain-wave peripheral that can replicate an interface with the force... then we will have a starwars game worth talking about. (this is realistic technolgically and feasible for home console in the future)

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Star Wars Lightsaber Game. They can do it properly now, not like that Clone Wars crap, so get on with it Lucasarts.


Aside from what everybody else has been saying for the past three years, I'd like to see how a Wii Nintendogs would be handled, and I reckon (won't offer up suggestions as I'm too unimaginative) that Capcom could integrate the 1:1 aspect into Movie Effects and Powers very well for a Viewtiful Joe 3.


Nintendo is NEVER (In the near future) going to make another pet-sim game. As soon as Nintendogs came out, every shovelware developer in existence started making Nintendogs clones. Pet games have become a red ocean, there are too many of them now, Its the sort of thing that goes exactly against Nintendo's strategy.

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Motion Plus's future to me is very iffy, there is really no incentive to develope a game for it except a few games supporting it as to 'stand out' in the market. Sure enough I'm sure EA only supported it cause they got a deal with Nintendo to bundle the things.


I think Red Steel 2's delay also is related to worries over the attatchment, it's supposed to exclusively support the thing but Ubisoft are maybe worried the market size won't be as big as they're hoping.


I don't think Sony's tech or Natal will fare much better at retail for games, but I can see alot of developers making motion games for them to release via PSN as XBLA - imo that business model far more suits the 'added peripheral' type market if the publishers can get the hardware into households in the first place.


I'm not really sure how Motion Plus could be used to interest me... Grand Slam Tennis did look pretty good though but I'll need a price drop to get tempted.

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I'm agreeing with many of the shizzle here, Nintendo are/don't seem to be putting much effort into bigging up the Motion Plus, apart from Sports Resort. It's like they've kitted their kid out for his first day at school then pushed him into the playground and drove off.

The problem with the Motionplus' future is that Nintendo basically see it as a peripheral, in the same vain as the Wii Wheel and the Balance Board. As a result, they aren't going to push the attachment as much as they should do because as they see it, a small percentage of titles will utilise the device.

Word 'mon. What they should do is try and make remixes of old games and allow a trade in. Impossible as it would never happen, but would be awesome to have more recognition on some games.

They've already said that soon they're going to stop making fitness games because its becoming a red ocean.

This a woman joke?

Pet games have become a red ocean

Sexist bastard. :blank:

I want to see a Soul Calibur game but with a Punch Out perspective.

What I want to see is Mecury Meltdown Revolution with better response.

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