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PSO: Blue Burst

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Haha no worries :heh:


I'm getting adjusted to the keyboard layout now, lv 2 aswell!


How do you hotlink items to the numbered keys?


Go in the customize menu highlight the icon and press the number. What ship/block/game are you in?

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got the gamecube 1+2 back online thanks to that site,


its awsome fu ne, and there are still hundreds of poeple playin it almost all day



its easy to do. all you need is a gamecube broadband adapter.


I've still got it up on my Cube from months back when I started playing on the scthack servers, although, I remember going back on again a few weeks ago only to find that my save had a low level character T_T


Better check all my memory cards though, I seem to have bad luck when having my FOmar at a high level. The day my original save corrupted, it changed me :cry:

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