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guess who's back? mwahahaha *ahem*

Guest Ford Prefect

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Guest Ford Prefect

ford prefect calling from inside the arctic circle! first time at a pc for a week, been busy with other shit. its not too far above freezing outside and there's snow on the mountains, working its way down fast. had an inch or so on the ground the other day but that melted away.


traveling up here was the fun bit. had to do my last shift at work 6am - 2:30pm last friday then go home and pack, had to leave the house about 1:30am so didn't get any sleep. flight was at 06:25 from stansted to oslo torp. got there 09:30 local time. had to wait till 13:20 for a bus into oslo itself where i met my father. dumped stuff at the airport hotel and went back into oslo after meeting with some important business men from africa and america. met some extended norwegian family in oslo, had a few drinks then went back to the hotel about 11, sat in the hotel bar till stupid oclock(sunday morning) talking to my dad and then went to bed for the first time since 04:50 friday morning. caught another flight up here bout midday sunday and have been here ever since.


fairly uneventful time so far, bar the snow and getting a ton and a half of 1959 chevy pickup chassis from a field to the side of the house here.... actually started reading some of the books i bought a while back, currently reading "Global Justice liberation and socialism" by Enesto (Che) Guevara. so this place has done me some good at least.


i may even have caught the interest of a rather attractive norwegian blonde lass called Kine ;)

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Guest Ford Prefect
gah, id love to travel, get out of ye shit hole of england.


we too would love you to travel, far far away, somewhere they don't have the internet. could improve matters even more by being bitten by some poisonous snake/spider/insect :heh:



any way, "fuck twat shit" there happy? :indeed:

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Guest Ford Prefect

managed to find a couple of old pics on this pc here. they're not very good and i'd guess are at least a year old. she looks much better in the flesh, tho i haven't seen nearly enough flesh :heh:




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Guest Ford Prefect
*raises thumb* :wink: Now, if only you two were in...swansea or something. All that sunshine, no clothes. :heh:



Who's that in green?



that critter in green with the ginger hair is niklas, spose you'd call him my step brother. he's the eldest son of my dad's missus up here. year younger than me. theres another brother called joakim who's 17 and then theres an elder sister who's about 25 or 26 i think. she lives over in sweden, never met her.

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Guest Ford Prefect
You were in Oslo, I live in Oslo.



yeah, only passing thru. been there before a couple of times. i'm up in harstad atm, near narvik.


need to try and learn the lingo tho, gets abit baffling sat at the dinner table eating with everyone else including you're own half sister waffling on in norwegian and not understanding a word of it. kine has taught me a couple of little bits, going to try and pick up some more, see if i can impress her abit :P

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yeah, only passing thru. been there before a couple of times. i'm up in harstad atm, near narvik.


need to try and learn the lingo tho, gets abit baffling sat at the dinner table eating with everyone else including you're own half sister waffling on in norwegian and not understanding a word of it. kine has taught me a couple of little bits, going to try and pick up some more, see if i can impress her abit :P


If only there was a book entitled "101 chatup lines in Norwegian". If only..:heh:

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Guest Ford Prefect
Matt! My child! How are you mate? Cold no doubt.



not too bad, isn't really cold here yet, last i checked it was 5 degrees outside. which is still warm! by this lots standards it certainly is. with any luck i'll have a "SNB" to keep me warm.......

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