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The Sopranos (Spoilers)


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Okay I'll start with getting something off my chest.




I've started watching The Sopranos about 3-4 month ago and I've loved every season, It's easliy one of the best shows i have ever seen in my life. But i have just downloaded Season 6 Part 2 and I was desperate to find out how it all ended, so i powerd through it today and wow...


The ending! Tony obviously dies, Bobby said to him on the boat a few epsiodes before death must just be like a silent blackness so theres no way that could be a coinsendence. Also in the Cafe all the people there had been done over through out the six seasons. I think what the writers wanted to say was that Tony would have got killed eventually, it wasn't the fact that he died there (even though he obviously did) it was more the fact that he would of died somehow.


Anyhow I'm toally pumped from the ending.



Edited by Caris
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I love Sopranos too. Has so many memorable moments. I was borrowing each series through a friend of mine and I was pretty much going through half a series a week at the start. I got the entire boxset for Xmas and I only recently finished watching through it all again. It's great to see the character development too. As for the ending I really was expecting something big to happen, like the restaurant to explode or they all get shot. I think I preferred the ending as it is.

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Ah but did he really die though? Or was the screen going black just a metaphor of the viewer dying. And life goes on for the Soprano family but we are not able to see what happens anymore. Any TV Show that uses a Journey song in the finale > *


Anyway, the Sopranos is my favourite TV show of all time. It's so well put together each episode feels like a mini movie. I got the box set in China (piracy lulz) for a fiver up to the middle of season 2 on my re-watch atm.

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OOOOOOOR The Wire and Battlestar Galactica. :p


Never really been interested in Sopranos, but then crime stuff has never appealed to me/I Haven't been exposed to it. I've not seen Godfather, Scarface or anything like that.

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They're all too busy watching lost or 24 or some other generic bilge :(


Heroes is the worst one thats all some people ever go on about but its like Sopranos is the best thing ever damnit!


My fave character is this man




Some highlights with him are the obvious "let me buy you a drink" classic line after he beats some guy senseless for a percieved insult to his wife.


Also in this scene


which is my fave ever. I love how classy he is, saying salute not "to junior" and looking like an utter badass.


Johnny Sac always seems to have his finger on the pulse and does well securing New York's interest in New Jersey like the Paulie incident for example. I also like how he is both pragmatic but also has a horrible temper. But I always like him and so wish he could have been boss instead of that piece of trash that took over in season 6.


Anyway I love the Sopranos not really sure what to post cause I could go on all day about it but think paying a tribute to my fave character and scene was enough.

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Shit that guy is just gold but one of my faves is when someone is telling him about Tony B's buisness partner or something who is Korean and Paulies response is. "Never forget, Pearl Harbour!" haha got to love the guy.


Also he is in one of the best acting scenes in the whole series in my opinion starting from 4.42

I have always thought this scene was a standout scene in the whole of Sopranos acting wise.

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