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Common European names.


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Very helpful guys!

anyone knowledgeable on French names?


If you need first names, I already posted them in a previous post. =P


If you want family names, I could give you quite a few from Belgium (that are French, since we also speak French here).


Lambert, Marchal, Lefèvre, Leroy, Martin, Legrand, Bertrand, Massart, Moreau, Lejeune, Servais, Legrand, Renard...


And many many more. X3

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Very helpful guys!

anyone knowledgeable on French names?


Christian, Raymond, Zachery, Antoine, Yves.


I will be suprised/impressed if you know the reference.


Otherwise, Gervais is always good. Or Gaspard and Xavier, good musical names ;)

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I can mention a bunch of common Danish and generally Scandinavian first names. Some of them obviously have their roots in other languages, but they are none the less very common. Varieties in spelling exist, but I've chosen the most Danish variants.


Male names: Daniel, Søren, Peter, Lars, Jens, Frederik, Kristian, Anders, Mads, Rasmus, Jesper, Morten, Martin, Erik, Palle, Helge, Poul, Simon.

These aren't common in Norway. Peter would be Petter, Frederik would be Fredrik and Erik would be Eirik. Common names in Norway would be Arild, Geir, Rolf, Rune, Ove, Andreas

Female names: Anne, Katrine, Karen, Julie, Lykke, Sofie, Susanne, Johanne, Line, Josefine, Ingrid, Mette, Maja, Rebekka, Nina, Ditte, Lærke, Sine.

Not common in Norway . Other common names in Norway would be Silje, Marianne, Kristine, Stine, Sandra, Heidi, Hanne


As he mentioned -sen is used in Danish for surnames, -son is used in Swedish, but there's nothing in Norwegian. So here's some famous people; Stoltenberg, Bjørndalen, Strømøy, Rybak, Nærum, Marlin

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These aren't common in Norway. Peter would be Petter, Frederik would be Fredrik and Erik would be Eirik. Common names in Norway would be Arild, Geir, Rolf, Rune, Ove, Andreas


Not common in Norway . Other common names in Norway would be Silje, Marianne, Kristine, Stine, Sandra, Heidi, Hanne


As he mentioned -sen is used in Danish for surnames, -son is used in Swedish, but there's nothing in Norwegian. So here's some famous people; Stoltenberg, Bjørndalen, Strømøy, Rybak, Nærum, Marlin

As mentioned, the spelling may vary. The highlighted names are also quite common in Denmark.

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