spirited away Posted July 15, 2010 Posted July 15, 2010 Playing terrible today; I can't hit a thing. Getting bored of Pred/Harrier/CG, but that's the best combination by a mile so there's no point in changing it. Bought the new maps. Just serves to prove that MW maps are so much better than MW2 maps.
Shorty Posted July 15, 2010 Posted July 15, 2010 So am I the only one who always has tactical nuke on, just in case? I got a 20 kill killstreak the other day... then I went and died twice just before teh end. If I had known there would be titles in it if I had survived I would've run off and hidden somewhere... there's a few decent hiding spots in Storm too. I've been considering buying the second map pack, -_- I think I hate Wasteland now.
Oxigen_Waste Posted July 15, 2010 Posted July 15, 2010 Oxigen Waste, I meant to ask you: is your N-E username the same as your gamertag? Because I played someone with that name on MW a while back. Yep, it's my name everywhere. I guess it's not a very popular name (even when you spell it right)... Just pay attention to wether it was Oxigen or Oxygen, because I always spell it with an i. ALSO, Silenced TAR = beast. Fav weapon in the game along with the ACR. Fantastic, really. ALSO, Killstreaks suck. Go me!
James Posted July 15, 2010 Posted July 15, 2010 I always use the UAV and then anything else I fancy after that, UAV is such a team player, it's very rare you lose a game when you can call in UAV's all the time.
dwarf Posted July 15, 2010 Posted July 15, 2010 I always shit my pants when an enemy UAV goes up whilst I'm on a streak. I always think 'damn, why don't I have cold-blooded on? Oh yeah, I wouldn't get any kills without Stopping Power'. Then it's a case of whether or not I can quickly take the thing down with my sub/AR. If I have the sniper class (i.e. with spas) then I'm fucked, basically.
spirited away Posted July 15, 2010 Posted July 15, 2010 I always use the UAV and then anything else I fancy after that, UAV is such a team player, it's very rare you lose a game when you can call in UAV's all the time. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a team player. I'd rather hoard the kills than help out the team when playing this game. There's not the same type of teamwork that there is in Halo 3 anyway, so I can't be bothered.
dwarf Posted July 15, 2010 Posted July 15, 2010 (edited) I was thinking the other day, there should be an FPS that attempts to have seperate modes in online which completely erradicate and completely eliminate non-team players. Getting rid of camping is obviously tremendously difficult. There's many ways you could do it, but it's hard to find a way to remove it in a positive manner. You could remove it by limiting the time a can stay within a certain designated region of a , by making people move a certain sizeable distance over time intervals, or by somehow rewarding players that pass over multiple regions of the map. These would work to different extents, but as long as camping is punished somehow, for example by automatic , or by ammo depletion over time, or by giving terrible central spawns atfer death etc then it could be effectively reduced. The 'camp bar' would indicate when you're entering critical camping levels, so you'd know when & how much you have to move around to prevent punishment. ------- Second mode/ Combined mode Also, team victories/team playing should really play a more integral role, or at least there should be a mode that suits team players and the rewards for playing in the mode should be noteworthy. I know that I'm not a team player in , but that's not because I don't want to be, it's just that there's not really an incentive to be, in fact true is of the opposite. I'm sure there's been a couple of neat ideas here and there in games (In KZ2 for example, you get a 1.5x points bonus if you win) - though this is still not enough as many people still just go and don't bother with objectives. The multiplier for KZ2 match wins isn't that great because levelling up quickly isn't that important in the grand scheme of things for most avid/skilful players who are going to reach the end anyway. Plus everyone's so concerned with their K/D and personal score that it becomes irrelevant. Adding to that, if you play well , there's a high chance that you could significantly help your team to win just because you're killing the opposition. My ideas - give different unlockables for playing in this team mode and being successful in it - winning earns you certain unlockables you can't get if you lose but get high scores or win but don't help out with objectives. Also, reduce the importance of killing; Obviously, being able to pick people off is great, and it should be encouraged, but it shouldn't always be the centre-piece. doles points fairly generously for objective performance, but they still aren't enough. It's probably because of the existence of k/D and kill scores - should this be removed in plain favour of just showing kills and not deaths so that K/D is not calculated and stored? Further this by putting the kill count near the bottom/out of place of scoreboards and records in this mode? That's what I'd do. Perhaps objective players should be rewarded by getting certain once they've completed an objective. Another important thing is that objective/team players shouldn't be punished too much for trying the daring - planting or whatever is generally dangerous activity, so perhaps respawn times for these people should be reduced, and if people are going on kill streaks without touching objectives, their respawn time is increased even? The thing about the above is that it's a seperate option from the normal modes, and that there are unique incentives for succeeding in them. Sorry for the long but I'd be interested in listening to your . Edited July 15, 2010 by dwarf
James Posted July 15, 2010 Posted July 15, 2010 Just got some insane abuse of a scottish guy, calling me an english cunt and my mum a cunt, and called me a camper, which since I was running around carnival the whole time removes that point. Divvy. I bascially called it two stealth bombers after each other, he would have been more pissed off if I had pavelows set up in my killstreak load out.
jayseven Posted July 15, 2010 Posted July 15, 2010 Playing terrible today; I can't hit a thing. Getting bored of Pred/Harrier/CG, but that's the best combination by a mile so there's no point in changing it. Bought the new maps. Just serves to prove that MW maps are so much better than MW2 maps. I try and mix up my killstreaks depending on the map. Skidrow with a turret is far more rewarding than a harrier of chopper gunner in most scenarios. I use a care package partly as I'm trying to get 1000 crates dropped (though, I've just hit level 70 again and doubt I'll be willing to wait for another 800 crates before i prestige again...) and because there's a lot of fun in the lucky dip. Also, pavelow ftw. So am I the only one who always has tactical nuke on, just in case? I got a 20 kill killstreak the other day... then I went and died twice just before teh end. If I had known there would be titles in it if I had survived I would've run off and hidden somewhere... there's a few decent hiding spots in Storm too. I've been considering buying the second map pack, -_- I think I hate Wasteland now. It was the last one I unlocked this time. I've had two instances of 25-kill steaks since the last prestige and was slightly annoyed I didn't have it on. I'm getting better at certain maps so I may risk it! Underpass and Wasteland... in all honesty I think it's the dreary nature of the maps that puts me off these days! For me, Estate is the most frustrating because, if I'm not in the house, it seems I'm spending forever just to try and get close to the action. ALSO, Silenced TAR = beast. Fav weapon in the game along with the ACR. Fantastic, really. ALSO, Killstreaks suck. Go me! I got a quad-kill, thanks to quality timing and sheeplike opponents, on quarry, with one clip! I always use the UAV and then anything else I fancy after that, UAV is such a team player, it's very rare you lose a game when you can call in UAV's all the time. The team aspect of the game is the weakest for me, mostly because I've basically only started playing online games with MW2, so actually being arsed to form a squad and tactically try and make a balanced set of skills between us is beyond me. Finally; Dwarf, I'm not exactly anti-camping. There's an element of king of the hill involved with owning a spot and successfully defending it. What should be avoided is vengeful gaming, where you've been killed by someone then you instantly head back to that point in order to try and make it even, somehow. By doing this you're playing straight into their hand, and until a player stops being so thoughtless they'll never be any good. Similarly it's why I don't like 1vs1 games, Shorty. Sadistic pleasure when you win, pointless anger when you lose.
dwarf Posted July 15, 2010 Posted July 15, 2010 (edited) Just had a hilarious 58-15 on HQ Pro, got 2 pavelows, a harrier, a resupply crate which I left by the petrol station, literally enticed and killed a pavelow's streak worth. My God it was fun. My favourite mode. Used unsilenced UMP and USP. They're both insane. stopping power, marathon, commando. It's just too good, seriously! Edited July 15, 2010 by dwarf
Shorty Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 For me, Estate is the most frustrating because, if I'm not in the house, it seems I'm spending forever just to try and get close to the action. Yesterday I had an epic long battle in the area of Estate that hardly anyone ever plays, out near the pylons/transformers. Was teh funs.
dwarf Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 (edited) Finally; Dwarf, I'm not exactly anti-camping. There's an element of king of the hill involved with owning a spot and successfully defending it. What should be avoided is vengeful gaming, where you've been killed by someone then you instantly head back to that point in order to try and make it even, somehow. By doing this you're playing straight into their hand, and until a player stops being so thoughtless they'll never be any good. Similarly it's why I don't like 1vs1 games, Shorty. Sadistic pleasure when you win, pointless anger when you lose. I don't really agree with all of that, you're basically referring to bad players. I myself am good at holding up a position, but much of the time, too many people are doing it, and it's less frantic and it makes TDM feel pointless. I want to be exploring a map and doing different things each game. I don't want to be consciously avoiding certain areas or consciously staying in certain areas. It's why arcadey shooters can be a lot more fun sometimes because of the variety. Staying in the same place for a minute maybe is acceptable, but longer than that and the game gets stale. Hence a 'camp bar' for queers is acceptable. Edit @ Teh Shorty: I've never encountered anyone there unless a care package has been dropped near it. The spawns make it very unlikely to be used. Edited July 16, 2010 by dwarf
jayseven Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 I had a session down there yesterday, too. The other team had snipers at the building and up by the boathouse, so I went into a small building there and picked off some over-eager enemies, knowing they'd not look for me in my window. Ended up attracting a lot of attention, and it was fun because clearly none of us knew the area that well. Dwarf; if someone's finished the game with one kill and zero deaths, then he's most likely a camper. If someone's finished the game with 24 kills and zero deaths, but not moved from the same spot, he may be a camper but within reason. Why move spots if you're racking up the kills? The game encourages a mixture of approaches to TDM - killcams show you where the bastard was, so obv. he can't just sit in the exact same spot and wait for you to fall into the same trap. Having a range of classes means you have an arsenal that can combat any situation... The game is scored on kills/assists. If it was scored with "amount of map seen" and "miles ran" factored in then it would be a different game -- actually, that would be quite an interesting game... Anyway, I rant on about this 'camping' issue because, like noob tubes and heartbeat monitors, it's a part of the game that is available to everyone, and only the purists/elitists get annoyed by it because they think they're untouchable.
dwarf Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 I had a session down there yesterday, too. The other team had snipers at the building and up by the boathouse, so I went into a small building there and picked off some over-eager enemies, knowing they'd not look for me in my window. Ended up attracting a lot of attention, and it was fun because clearly none of us knew the area that well. Dwarf; if someone's finished the game with one kill and zero deaths, then he's most likely a camper. If someone's finished the game with 24 kills and zero deaths, but not moved from the same spot, he may be a camper but within reason. Why move spots if you're racking up the kills? The game encourages a mixture of approaches to TDM - killcams show you where the bastard was, so obv. he can't just sit in the exact same spot and wait for you to fall into the same trap. Having a range of classes means you have an arsenal that can combat any situation... The game is scored on kills/assists. If it was scored with "amount of map seen" and "miles ran" factored in then it would be a different game -- actually, that would be quite an interesting game... Anyway, I rant on about this 'camping' issue because, like noob tubes and heartbeat monitors, it's a part of the game that is available to everyone, and only the purists/elitists get annoyed by it because they think they're untouchable. I'm suggesting it's a different play mode, while successful in doing it, as I've said, holing up in different areas and not moving much gets pretty lame, and there's no team feeling. Obviously it's fairly easy to uproute campers but if they're staying in obscure positions and killing you when you're on a streak, that occasional shit kill can break your game and fun up. I'm not just on about team deathmatch. Noob tubes etc are another argument. But I am against them, or at least against not having the option to play against non-users.
James Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 I agree with your little you wrote before jayseven, about the guy that keeps running after the person who just killed him and then constantly dying, it is my brother that guy!!! I watch him play and just keep telling him to leave the enemy alone an go after someone else as he will only keep killing him, makes me laugh watching him play. Campers that sit behind a wall waiting for you to walk by are annoying, campers that hold a position such as an office building fair play to them.
Oxigen_Waste Posted July 17, 2010 Posted July 17, 2010 Oh yeah, I wouldn't get any kills without Stopping Power What? How much do you suck? I only use SP on my M16 class (to ensure "one burst kills") and I do quite alright. The only reason I don't get uber streaks and K/D ratios is because I don't use any killstreak rewards... Cold Blooded Pro FTW. Best Red perk, no doubt! What should be avoided is vengeful gaming, where you've been killed by someone then you instantly head back to that point in order to try and make it even, somehow. By doing this you're playing straight into their hand, and until a player stops being so thoughtless they'll never be any good. If someone is camped and kills me twice, I always do this. And I usually get the job done the first time around, how is that thoughtless and how is it preventing me from being good?
dwarf Posted July 17, 2010 Posted July 17, 2010 What? How much do you suck? I only use SP on my M16 class (to ensure "one burst kills") and I do quite alright. The only reason I don't get uber streaks and K/D ratios is because I don't use any killstreak rewards... Cold Blooded Pro FTW. Best Red perk, no doubt! I wish I could play you :P No I'd like to use cold-blooded but if I'm not playing hardcore, I just hate getting killed in a 1v1 situation because my bullets are slightly less powerful. Plus, silencers kill range, so if you're using an ump at mid-distance you're basically not going to live unless you're facing a blind-retard. (btw, the UMP is one of my favourite weapons, it's just not that effective without that extra kick) USP unsilenced is the shit, great weapon.
spirited away Posted July 17, 2010 Posted July 17, 2010 What? How much do you suck? I only use SP on my M16 class (to ensure "one burst kills") and I do quite alright. The only reason I don't get uber streaks and K/D ratios is because I don't use any killstreak rewards... Cold Blooded Pro FTW. Best Red perk, no doubt! If someone is camped and kills me twice, I always do this. And I usually get the job done the first time around, how is that thoughtless and how is it preventing me from being good? Best red perk is easily stopping power in my opinion. Especially on snipers. Why don't you use killstreak rewards?!
dwarf Posted July 17, 2010 Posted July 17, 2010 If you don't like killstreaks you should still use UAV/counter UAV and EMP surely?
spirited away Posted July 17, 2010 Posted July 17, 2010 50-1 on Afghan, followed by 43-1 on Skidrow. Definitely hit my form again .
Shorty Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 I only bother with Stopping Power with the Intervention, make sure you don't have to go back for a second shot, and makes getting 15 silenced kills possible.
jayseven Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 Prestiged (again)! I used to rock at the start of a game then slowly get more and more shit, but recently it's been the other way around. If someone is camped and kills me twice, I always do this. And I usually get the job done the first time around, how is that thoughtless and how is it preventing me from being good? if you get it done first time round then clearly it's not thoughtless and you're not the sort of player I'm talking about...
Oxigen_Waste Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 I wish I could play you :PNo I'd like to use cold-blooded but if I'm not playing hardcore, I just hate getting killed in a 1v1 situation because my bullets are slightly less powerful. Plus, silencers kill range, so if you're using an ump at mid-distance you're basically not going to live unless you're facing a blind-retard. (btw, the UMP is one of my favourite weapons, it's just not that effective without that extra kick) USP unsilenced is the shit, great weapon. Yeah it is, I use that pre existing "Recon" or whatever class with the UMP all the time and it definitely is effective. Also, my bros have MW2 for the PS3 so it is technically possible for us to play. What isn't possible, though, is for me to not suck with the Dual Shock 3 at shooters. Best red perk is easily stopping power in my opinion. Especially on snipers. Why don't you use killstreak rewards?! Stopping power on Snipers is pretty much useless: And I don't use Killstreak Rewards because I pretty much just don't like them. It's like they don't exist for me, because A - I don't use them and B - most of my classes use Cold Blooded Pro and so I very rarely get killed by someone else's killstreak reward. If you don't like killstreaks you should still use UAV/counter UAV and EMP surely? I like vanilla. Sue me! Prestiged (again)! I used to rock at the start of a game then slowly get more and more shit I'm this guy. That first half hour, I just completely dominate!
Shorty Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 We need to get a game going between us all. You guys are so big headed, I want to see if you're really all that
jayseven Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 i reckon I can still rock with team deathmatch -- I never play any other mode so I'll suck at free-for-all. I'll be on tonight if we're all up for it?
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