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Rainbow Six Vegas could be played in the FPS view point and had a cover system. So technically, that brought it to the table before Killzone 2. And I'm sure it was brought even earlier than that.


Anyway, looking forward to this. While I played through W@W, I just didn't enjoy it anywhere near as much as Modern Warfare. I would probably prefer them to leave the vehicles out but if anyone can do them alright it should be Infinity Ward.

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Rainbow Six Vegas could be played in the FPS view point and had a cover system. So technically, that brought it to the table before Killzone 2. And I'm sure it was brought even earlier than that.

Except cover was 3rd person in that game. :)

Edited by Choze
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Cover system may not interest you, but definately very inventive. :)


You need it above easy.

How can you be excited over a cover system? I played it on hard mode on KZ and didn't use it as much as I thought I would, it was kinda awkward to operate well. It's not as if previous FPS game developers didn't think of adding a cover system, it's been in so many 3rd person titles.

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Now I'm not with Daft or Choze but in the middle - KZ added 1 or 2 nice ideas in the multiplayer side of things with ability unlocks and mixes but it still isn't that innovative. It's just like Cod in that it is a solid shooting game.

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KillZone just looked fucking amazing and had a real weight to it. The cover system was awkward to use, way too many buttons.


Its only one button. It works really well.


Yeah you cant see behind cover(radar works though) but thats what makes it fun. 3rd person cover is a little less immersive because somehow you can see everything without poking your head out. Works really well especially in harder modes where it is essential. Adds an extra strategic element that can be used.


It is not inventive in any way at all.


Dont be silly.

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Its only one button. It works really well.


One button, and then you have to push a stick and press another button to fire, maybe reload. It's not only one button.


Dont be silly.


Seriously, do you know what inventive means? It's hardly even innovative. All the stupid cover button does is make you stick to things, you can manually cover in almost every other shooter. Inventive? You're deluded.


People are falling for the flamebait.. *yawn*


It would be flamebait if it was intentional. Sadly the comments are completely earnest.

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It would be flamebait if it was intentional. Sadly the comments are completely earnest.

You think so? He's been mentioning KZ2 in every thread recently to try and get a rise out of people. I don't see it being constructive or earnest personally, just him trying to wind people up.

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I don't think Choze is the Flaimbaiting type, it's just his desperate need to bodyguard KZ2 like a whore. I've learnt people don't like my favourite game at all, many think it's shite, but you move on ya know? Choze doesn't know how to do this step.

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One button, and then you have to push a stick and press another button to fire, maybe reload. It's not only one button.


Yeah and one button for cover. How many shooters have you even played?




Seriously, do you know what inventive means? It's hardly even innovative. All the stupid cover button does is make you stick to things, you can manually cover in almost every other shooter. Inventive? You're deluded.


Either way we arguing whether its new. Thats my point. You can say its crap but its a new idea that works. You want to argue the definition of innovative then go make a thread but as far as most games go this is a really obvious new idea.


Yes you can hide behind walls in KZ2 without cover even(not even counting objects for this discussion). But you are not fully concealed so its hardly anywhere near as useful. Cover pushes your body against the object and solves that. Using cover also gives you an accuracy bonus. Its also useful to use to move around when under fire, if slowly.

Its near impossible to get through hard let alone elite without using cover in the game. As i said the strategic impact on the game is huge. This probably explains why you find it so hard :p I dont think anyone who has finished the game in elite will remotely agree with you.


It would be flamebait if it was intentional. Sadly the comments are completely earnest.


At the end of the day my argument is sound. I get the impression you do not play alot of fps.

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Haha damn I thought you'd fall for it.

Just realised that modern warfare 2 is going to be a massive game and people will probably re-read the first couple of pages and see this crock of shite of an argument. Get a mod to delete.

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Perhaps i shouldnt have bothered with trying to do a clean discussion. Was hoping we could actually discuss game mechanics.


Snide remarks next time much like Dante, Dwarf and Daft. :geek:


edit: I am fine to dicuss later in another thread. Fair enough this is MW2 thread. Though i am not the one kicking up a fuss looking at post numbers.


i am getting sick of coming into topics and finding you turning them into talks about Killzone 2 or posting KillZone 2 gifs in them.



M.A.G - Killzone 2

Resistance 2 - Killzone 2

F..E.A.R 2: Project Origin - Killzone 2

Timesplitters 4 - Killzone 2

Red Steel 2 - Killzone 2

Uncharted : Among Thieves - Killzone 2


Now Modern Warfare - Killzone 2


Do a search for Burnout against other racing games. Oops.

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