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Should I download the homebrew channel?


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*I will not be carrying out or discussing illeagal activity, just so you know;)*


I have an American Wii and I'm finding it incredibly expensive to import games of late, with ye old credit crunch and all associated rubbishness. So, I've read there's a glitch in Zelda which you can run this homebrew channel malarky meaning you can play games from different regions. Now, my Wii is nearly 2 years old but I have an immense collection of VC games which I would rather not lose due to crashes etc. Is it worth it? Pros and Cons, etc...


I really want to play Wii Music, Mario Kart and a few games from the Wii's back catalogue I can't find cheap from the US / ebay. Plus the upcoming games look rather tasty to say the least and don't really want to be spending £30+ on them when I'm on a budget tighter than a nun.


Ideas, thought, experiences?

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Might of been better in the General Thread since this might start a debate and people saying it's legal/illegal etc.


But to answer your question, in your case, you should really give it a download. The pros is that it's easy to download and install and use, only con I can really think of is that it would void the warranty, but 2 years old and NTSC, this shouldn't really apply. Another slight con is that a firmware update might remove the channel, but you can just not update till there's a solution/see what update does.

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Not really a good idea if you're planning on using the Wii Shop Channel at all in the future, or if you buy anything from the UK which contains a firmware update capable of deleting the Homebrew Channel. If you have the latest firmware, I don't think you can download it anyway, but Nintendo are doing stealth WC24 updates now to catch out hackers.

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Not really a good idea if you're planning on using the Wii Shop Channel at all in the future, or if you buy anything from the UK which contains a firmware update capable of deleting the Homebrew Channel. If you have the latest firmware, I don't think you can download it anyway, but Nintendo are doing stealth WC24 updates now to catch out hackers.


Hmmm I use the shop a fair amount as I often splash out on VC and Wiiware games although they've become pretty pricey recently. I just dont wanna fork out for a UK wii...

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Wait, I read your post wrong. You have an American Wii, not a UK Wii. This is more Shadow's forte, I'll let him give you some pros but I'm here to balance it out with cons, since I honestly don't think it's worth losing the ability to download VC and WiiWare games over a hacked piece of software which could easily be removed permanently at any moment by Nintendo, rendering any UK games you buy useless. (There may eventually come a time where a workaround for firmware updates becomes nigh impossible.)

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You can always download the HBC, get the Region Free Loader working and buy UK games etc, but if you do and they have any updates, you're gonna have to make sure you never update from the UK games since it'll brick your Wii.


You can have the HBC, update your firmware with an application via HBC to the latest firmware just now, use Wii Shop Channel, then downgrade your Wii firmware back to 3.3 or something so you don't get automatic updates. Then for each stealth firmware update, you'll need to wait and see what it does to the HBC. If it gets removed, you'll need to wait for a work around to be released, and as Tellyn said, they could eventually entirely block out any Twilight Hacks from working.

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If you have the latest firmware, I don't think you can download it anyway, but Nintendo are doing stealth WC24 updates now to catch out hackers.


It works with v3.4, and so does the latest Twilight Hack to install the HBC, Nintendo's stealth WC24 updates can easily be sorted by turning off WC24, assuming you don't send/receive a lot of messages or use the Nintendo Channel much (which I don't)... no effect on my Shop Channel I can still buy VC games etc, just fine.



(There may eventually come a time where a workaround for firmware updates becomes nigh impossible.)


And there is coming a time when firmware updates won't have any effect on HBC... once BootMii is finally completed ;)

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You can always download the HBC, get the Region Free Loader working and buy UK games etc, but if you do and they have any updates, you're gonna have to make sure you never update from the UK games since it'll brick your Wii.


You can have the HBC, update your firmware with an application via HBC to the latest firmware just now, use Wii Shop Channel, then downgrade your Wii firmware back to 3.3 or something so you don't get automatic updates. Then for each stealth firmware update, you'll need to wait and see what it does to the HBC. If it gets removed, you'll need to wait for a work around to be released, and as Tellyn said, they could eventually entirely block out any Twilight Hacks from working.


Hmmm I see them blocking out the Twilight hack fairly soon. So undecided... If someone could give me a UK machine, no pads or cables for £80 I'd bite their hands off... Life's never that simple though. Somehow being able to play Manhunt 2 / Trauma Center a year early and VC games in their original form doesn't seem worth it anymore *sigh*

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Yeah its a new thing the HBC people are working on, with the BootMii on your SD card inserted into your Wii, when you turn your Wii on it loads up the HBC directly from the SD card long before any of the Wii's major systems have started up, take out the SD card and the Wii works as normal, should be firmware update proof... hope they finish it soon, like before the "Fridge Solution" is released


I think how they describe it is that as it is now, Homebrew creators are users of the Wii's systems and subject to it's rules. Once BootMii is finished, they are making the Wii's system work for them.

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I'm not exactly 100%, but as far as I can tell, the Wii gets redirected to run the BootMii code/application straight from the SD Card instead allowing the HBC to load up before the Wii system menu, then from there you can do what you want.


EDIT- Damn Mokong beat me.



But you still have to modify part of the firmware to make it read the card right? And what's the Fridge Solution?


You won't need to since the SD Card hacks the boot2 files, making it read from th SD Card instead of the Wii. Fridge solution is next firmware update which speeds up the SD Card tranfer times.

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Fridge solution is next firmware update which speeds up the SD Card tranfer times.


It had better do more than that.


Even if the channel is broken by the update, there will most likely be a fix within a week of the update. Nintendo isn't about to brick a bunch of Wii's either because that would mean less of a market for their games.


Plus its not firmware, its software. Firmware would be what tells the machine to boot into the OS.

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Plus its not firmware, its software. Firmware would be what tells the machine to boot into the OS.


exactly... maybe this is a better way to explain it.


When a Wii is turned on it always starts the same way, going through a set process booting various files in order.


When a SD card with BootMii is inserted, when the Wii starts and begins opening it's various files/programs in order, the BootMii file is inserted nearly right at the begining of this process, so it begins running long before the Wii's own firmware is, something weird like that


Here watch this video... but make sure to read the description on it


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Ok, just like I expected BootMii needs to be INSTALLED, it does not run automatically from the SD card. Here's the comment from the coder behind this on youtube:


FFS, just ignore the damn LCD. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BOOTMII. BootMii is _SOFTWARE_. It needs to be _INSTALLED_. It will help you fix your Wii if you break it _AFTER_ installing it. If you need a comparison, it's like FlashMe for the DS.


It makes sense now, the Wii wouldn't just be reading code from the SD card without any trigger.


Why does that matter? Every device has Firmware.


I suppose the point is to bypass whatever Nintendo throws at us. Nintendo can update all they want and it wont affect the hbc.

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Bit of a thread hijack!

So with this homebrew channel, is there a way to continue to use your wii/update it, yet also still manage to use the shop channel without peril, but manage to boot foreign discs at the same time? I've got a PAL wii, and an NTSC ssbb, but I'm feeling a bit sentimental about it and all my stats and replays, and trying to figure out if there's any way I can manage to update my wii and things without losing my capability to play the game(which I'm currently doing through a freeloader) nor my ability to play my wii(through it being bricked). Dunno why they didn't just make it a transferrable save. Nor why they made it different for different regions grrr.

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