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Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes (Wii/Wii U Online RPG)

killer kirby

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Yuji Hori wanted to make sure that children could play Dragon Quest X without having to worry about online subscription fees. That's why he came up with the 'Kid's Time' idea, which was a set amount of hours where children could play for free.


That idea was all well and good...until one developer brought up the dark side of the internet. This dev stated that anyone could say they were young enough to enter into the Kid's Time section, therefore skirting the payment options.


This lead Kid's Time to its death, as it quickly became a scrapped idea after this point was brought up.


This was always going to be a problem.

Subscriptions for all!

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Pretty sure they translated it wrong, it's limited to a couple of hours a day so I don't see how it would be a problem. Google Translate doesn't make sense, but I think it's the age verification they removed.

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Pretty sure they translated it wrong, it's limited to a couple of hours a day so I don't see how it would be a problem. Google Translate doesn't make sense, but I think it's the age verification they removed.


They have got it wrong, already people who are fluent in Japanese have said they have seen no signs of it being removed and it's not said it's been removed in the Iwata asks either, just gaming sites using their best awful interpreters...Google language.

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To be fair this is what I got in Google Translate :p:



"Kids Time" way (※ 14) , or were born is not it?

※ 14

This film "Kids Time" =, but has become a need to purchase "voucher" as a fee online service, "Kids Time time zone able to play freely in the child, you can play for free without buying a ticket use are provided. " Kids time, (including holidays) Monday to Friday - 18:16, Saturday and Sunday are scheduled at ~ 15:13.



Yappari, I do not want your child also.

"But I can not play because there is said to be charging, very painful"

it is not thought. So,

What is not to consult? "I can not free".



And "Kids Time" is to say, because it does not age verification,

but it is no big risk.



It is not because they play for free even without my kids.



And age to authenticate,

Do not leave people probably lie.

People lie is, I think I can tell a lie, and really hate.

I did not want to do it.


But even I could tell what they meant. One site reported it wrong and the rest just blindly re-reported it

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Just cause it's quiet with Wii/WiiU console info on anything I may as well put up a run down for all members who are interested in the game summary.


Confirmed info for DQX:


-Coming for both the Wii and Wii U; released on August 2nd in Japan but unannounced for the west.

-A world modeled after Dragon Quest VIII, said to be 4-5x bigger in size.

-A return of the skill system from Dragon Quest IX

-Gameplay similar to DQIX, but you are able to move around the battlefield freely; movement and attacks are based on a combination of the standard menu based system and an action based MMO style combat engine

-Weight is suppose to play an important part of the game, allowing characters with more 'weight' to be able to push enemies or overtake enemy defenses; spells can be used to increase your weight or decrease the weight of enemies

-You can push enemies and block enemies attacks based on your weight; classes like Ogre and Dwarf seem to be better at Melee because of a higher weight (not confirmed)

-There are 5 classes in the game: Ogre, Elf, Dwarf, Puklipo, and Weddie; this is not counting the starting Human class.

-Your character starts off as human, but eventually you must make a choice to become one of the five monster classes; later in the game you obtain an item that allows you to transform between your human and monster form

-Unlike DQIX, there is no separation between the main story and post game; you can team with up to four other live people as soon as you complete the tutorial at the start of the game

-When not in a party with live people, you can hire AI controlled party members which you create; or hire AI controlled party members that represent live players who are logged off the game

-When not on the game, you can set your character up at the party planner and people can hire them to be used as AI controlled characters; you gain EXP and gold from time spent as an AI controlled companion.

-Game Producer Yosuke Saito stated he is hoping to have major game updates every 10 weeks. This is on top of the weekly and monthly content updates such as item and quests already planned.

-Various mini games are available to craft items; depending on how well you do at these mini games, the better quality of item will be produced; these games can also be played with multiple people.

-When exploring the world or in battle, people not in your party can interact with you by cheering you on (granting buffs), heal you or chat with you.

-The game begins in an offline mode, but after the initial story you must connect to the servers to continue playing

-The game will feature a subscription based fee for JAPAN ONLY at this time, it is unknown if America or Europe will have the subscription fee.

-Battle will feature multiple enemies at once, not just one enemy at a time as videos show; some images and recent trailers show up to 5 enemies in battle at once

-Metal Slimes have been confirmed in Beta

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I'm reading the impressions from Parakeetman on Neogaf, who is playing it at the moment. I need this game in my life. :(


I was so expecting them to launch the WiiU with this game, but I guess it just isn't going to happen. I suppose I can see why though, they will be wanting to move as many Wii versions as possible before focusing on the WiiU one.


EDIT: Live stream from Kotaku




Just watching them take on a Golem at the moment. :D

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Either people are waiting for the official bundle that includes the 16gb memory stick, or this game doesn't seem to be going down well. Amazon has discounted it by 20%, which isn't good at all when it comes to Japan.


Not to mention the worryingly low user scores on Amazon Japan. However, I honestly don't know how anyone can give an actual score to any game in less than 2 days of play - let alone an MMORPG which takes sometimes months to develop.


The closest thing to an MMO I've played is MH3 and that took me around 100 hours to really get into.

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Either people are waiting for the official bundle that includes the 16gb memory stick, or this game doesn't seem to be going down well. Amazon has discounted it by 20%, which isn't good at all when it comes to Japan.


I just cannot see how an MMO can hope to be as popular as an offline game. I love Dragon Quest, I really do, but this is the first one I don't expect to play since they started releasing them in Europe.

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I just cannot see how an MMO can hope to be as popular as an offline game. I love Dragon Quest, I really do, but this is the first one I don't expect to play since they started releasing them in Europe.


WoW and The Old Republic? Also, the most popular yearly release is COD and people aren't buying that for the offline single player. Online is a bigger and bigger selling point in games today, what's more, Square-Enix must be thinking they've struck gold if they pull this off just look at the logic:


Wii has lowest dev costs (reduced cost)

Wii has largest install base of current gen home consoles (largest market place)

Game sells to millions (profit)

Monthly fees for those who keep playing (profits keep rolling in)


It seems like a mAjor reciepe for success, especially considering the last two sold over 5 million units each! However, this isn't your typical DQ game.

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People are gearing up for the WiiU. It's no surprise at all that no-one wants to buy an inferior version of a game for a dying console.


I really think they need to start pushing the WiiU version. The current policy of keeping the whole world in the dark about not only this, but many other games for a system that launches in mere months is beyond crazy.

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WoW and The Old Republic? Also, the most popular yearly release is COD and people aren't buying that for the offline single player.


World of Warcraft - fair point. I've just looked it up and at one point it had 12 million players. Can't believe it!


Some people do buy Call of Duty to play offline though. What's more, it's not mandatory online. You can play it as much as you like offline and then connect up for multiplayer whenever you like too. I can see Dragon Quest going in this direction too (optional online multiplayer), which is fair enough - I don't want to be a total luddite - but having to connect up every time you want to play? That's just alien to me.


That said, you make a good point in that this might be a good business strategy for Square-Enix. We'll see! In the meantime, I hope they are not too far behind working on the next offline Dragon Quest, because I need my DQ fix...

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Not to mention the worryingly low user scores on Amazon Japan. However, I honestly don't know how anyone can give an actual score to any game in less than 2 days of play - let alone an MMORPG which takes sometimes months to develop.


The closest thing to an MMO I've played is MH3 and that took me around 100 hours to really get into.


One of those reviews had a rather naughty word in it. Didn't think Amazon allowed such behaviour. Unless it was just Google Translate :P


Gotta love Google Translate:


marathon your marathon, marathon earnestly



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Not to mention the worryingly low user scores on Amazon Japan.


DQIX also got bombarded with 1 star ratings the moment the game came out, didn't stop it from being the best sold DQ game in japan and the most loved game in the franchise according to the Japanese public :D


I should also mention that FFXI was the worst selling FF game out there, yet it gave Square-enix the most money out of all the FF games.


Even if DQ sells 300,000 to 500,000, if they get the subscribers playing for months it's done it's job.

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Got a good laugh out of that.


I know The Old Republic had over a million players in the first three days of launch and I have a few mates who played it and still are playing it - however I don't know how it's fared since then.


World of Warcraft - fair point. I've just looked it up and at one point it had 12 million players. Can't believe it!


Some people do buy Call of Duty to play offline though. What's more, it's not mandatory online. You can play it as much as you like offline and then connect up for multiplayer whenever you like too. I can see Dragon Quest going in this direction too (optional online multiplayer), which is fair enough - I don't want to be a total luddite - but having to connect up every time you want to play? That's just alien to me.


That said, you make a good point in that this might be a good business strategy for Square-Enix. We'll see! In the meantime, I hope they are not too far behind working on the next offline Dragon Quest, because I need my DQ fix...


Yeah, WOW is huge. The things is when a company makes a game that ends up making 12 million x 15 dollars every month forever (I know it hasn't been here literally forever but it certainly feels that way) every other company wants to emulate that.


Online multiplayer has become a bigger and bigger part of gaming and sadly more and more games are focusing on that aspect and even trying to shoehorn online multiplayer into games where it's not actually necessary. I actually complained when Red Steel 2 had no online modes then I played it, loved it and realised why it didn't. I also liked Bioshock and felt that lost nothing through being a single player only game.


I think if DQX is a big hit and they sell anything like the number of copies a regular DQ game sells it will be Square-Enix's bread and butter as that's 5 million plus subscribers. The problem is that could spell the end of the DQ franchise as a single player offline game.


DQIX also got bombarded with 1 star ratings the moment the game came out, didn't stop it from being the best sold DQ game in japan and the most loved game in the franchise according to the Japanese public :D


I should also mention that FFXI was the worst selling FF game out there, yet it gave Square-enix the most money out of all the FF games.


Even if DQ sells 300,000 to 500,000, if they get the subscribers playing for months it's done it's job.


Yeah I saw DQIX also had bad reviews. As I said earlier I rarely trust early 'fan' reviews as they tend to be either glowing defences of a fanboy's purchase or vicious attacks from someone who probably doesn't actual own the game or does own the game and has played it for 30 minutes.


With any game I don't think it's far to judge it until you've beaten it and I never review a game until I've beaten the single player and put in a good few hours on any online modes - often waiting for the first meaningful patch.

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Reports are in that it possible to get around the IP block, going wait a bit for more confirmation and detail.


I'm just going to wait until the WiiU comes out first and then I'll start thinking about the import.


I don't really see the point of importing a japanese game which is so focused on online multiplayer with heavy Japanese text, to then also pay a monthly fee for it and pray to the gods you don't get caught(Monster Hunter Frontier says hi), cause if do you get banned right away. if it was a single player game then yes import would have been a wise thing, but not for a game like this.


Edit: Besides Ike, why rush and play with strangers when if you can wait for it to come out here and enjoy the game to it's fullest in english and with people you know well + not having to go through so much hassle! :D

Edited by killer kirby
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If you plan on playing Dragon Quest X, you better make sure you do so at least once every 3 months. Square-Enix has said that the server may end up deleting your character/profile if you go inactive for over 3 months. This is sure to hit someone hard out of nowhere. Sometimes life just gets really busy!


What the hell? What happens if you want a break from the game? Or your everyday life just gets in the way? Bad form, S-E.

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