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PSP Slim & PSP 3000 Comparision pics...

The Lillster

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No matter how shiny the screen, I won't get another portable until GOOD dual anologues are introduced. What I was thinking was a chinese dolls type of design so the anologue could fold in on itself and into the system, when you want to use it, you click it in and it pops out.


I really should patent it.

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Comes out the day before my birthday so I'll buy this for myself as a gift! :D


PSP 3000 Battery Myths Shattered!


The video gaming industry was devastated to learn recently that the recently announced PSP 3000, with its new, brighter screen, built-in microphone and fancy new PS button, may lead to shorter battery life. GameSpot reported recently, based on a conversation with SCEA's John Koller, that higher consumption may reduce battery life by "about 20 minutes." Just soul crushing...


Fortunately, the director of hardware marketing now says that's not actually true, that the PSP 3000 will have an equivalent battery life of four to six hours when gaming, less when watching UMDs. Koller writes on the official PlayStation.blog that "our engineers in Japan worked to reduce the power consumption of the overall system including its components" ending our long national nightmare of slightly reduced up-time due to battery charge. Thank you, God!



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Thats so "backward" if it's better then it should only have the 3000 setting, otherwise it's like saying it's unecessary. :heh:


The hidden features are in the firmware. That's right, the PSP-3000 offers users a few bonus options. Famitsu.com makes note of three areas in particular.


The PSP-3000 has a setting for "Color Space" under the system settings section of the XMB. This can be switched between Wide and Normal. Wide exploits the full color depth of the revised hardware, while Normal returns you back to PSP-2000 level color.


The 3000 firmware has an option for Automatic USB Connection. When this is switched on, the PSP switches to USB mode automatically when a USB device is connected.


Finally, the 3000 firmware offers a noise reduction feature for video out. This is used to cut the noise when outputting the PSP's video signal to a television.


Outside of the firmware changes, the Famitsu.com article makes note of some of the changes that players might notice (or might not notice) when doing screen comparisons for themselves. The PSP-3000's screen strengths are most apparent when looking at natural colors such as human skin. However, the differences may not be as apparent with current games. The Famitsu.com article shows a shot of the LocoRoco title screen with the differences barely distinguishable between the two units.


The problem, the site speculates, could be that current games have had their colors fine tuned to look best under the 2000's limited color depth. The site expects future games to fully exploit the PSP-3000 screen's strengths.


Source: http://uk.psp.ign.com/articles/907/907086p1.html


Also go here and here for even more comparision pictures.

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Unless the 2000 mode is for extra battery life on the move??


True... in which case it would sort of be justified, but then if you end up playing it in that mode more than the new settings then it kind of doesn't really justify it's purchase as your essentially paying for better image clarity which your then not taking advantage of. :heh:

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