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Patch 1.21 on the way next week. Good stuff. :grin: The articles on Killzone.com are pretty nice too.


Hi All,


I am back, if briefly, http://www.killzone.com is up and seems stable right now, so that is good news. Also I advise you check out the Billinghurst article on the site toda, here. I like it a lot. Also check out the second part of the Killzone Chronicals, where take a look back at the early development time. part 1 is here. There is more content in those links than you can shake a dirty stick at.


Anyway, down to business. Pending any unforseen problems, early next week patch 1.21 will be released. I’ll confirm the timings on Monday. The patch includes the following:


-Increase of the standard points settings for Bodycount. Should ensure longer mode on heavily populated games.

-The return of Online Bots. Adding bots to an online game renders it ‘unranked’.

-The option to create unranked games. Players will be made aware that a game is unranked upon joining.

-Fix to Game Search functionality so correct maps are displayed.

-Standardization of the Y-Axis controls on the HGH Scout when zoomed with the Sniper Rifle.

-Fix to Sensitivity setting where the weapon animation did not follow the reticule correctly.

-Fix for auto-aim exploit when rapidly tapping zoom/fire.

-Fix to infrequent collision issues with C4 Proximity mines.

-Fix to list of games displayed on search.

-Stability fix relating to disconnect.

-Fix to ‘Clan’ button functionality in custom game creation settings.


We are also working on the next updates and here are some of the areas we are exploring and investigating for the future patches:


-Controls. Seeing about giving more options.

-Expanding on Join Game searches and options.

-Improving game and network stability.

-Collision exploits on maps.

-Improvements to help play with friends.

-More game creation options.

-More game options for clans.

-Fixes to Clans unexpectadly losing tournament rounds.

-Other minor fixes.


Now the above does not include the DLC updates that we are working on and they wont all come straight away, but I wanted to give you an idea of the areas we are exploring. If anything else pops up we will of course add that too More on future updates soon.


All the best and will be in touch Monday. have a nice weekend.






Seb Downie - Producer - Guerrilla Games




Anyone want to play tonight? Don't know how to create clan shizzle but I don't mind as long as I get to play with people from here. I may decide to Resist it today if you get me though, striving for the plat.


Go for the platinum. Huge satisfaction. R2's is much tougher than KZ2's as well so you can show off.


My How to 'Join a tournament' guide is above and here: http://www.killzone.com/kz/_ns:YVByb3h5LTF8YzB8ZDB8ZXByb3h5VGFyZ2V0PTE9TDNOalpXVXZZbTloY21RdmJXVnpjMkZuWlQ5aWIyRnlaQzVwWkQwNUpuUm9jbVZoWkM1cFpEMDVNRFl6TXc9PT09/forums.psml


Alternatively make your own Tournament with your rules. :awesome:

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Wait. So you like the game now?


I never disliked it. All I said (and am still saying) is that it's unremarkable. It's like Resident Evil 5... just because I like it, it doesn't mean it's great. It's good, but not great. :geek:


Ok, scratch that, it's a tiny bit better than RE5.

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I'll be on tonight. Though i have a huge backlog for PS3, Wii and PC lol.


We could do an open game today with specific maps and settings. Feel like doing Pyrhuss Rise and Visari Hammer alot today. May play as medic or a scout who heals.

Just join my game and lets see how it goes. We have not played against each other for a long time.


It actually doesn't, thing is it must be denial. Maybe I'm in denial?! I don't think I care yet I'm turning into Choze :/


Dont use me as an excuse :p He is complimenting the game, that makes you and him friends. Play with each other.

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If you spent 8 hours on it surely it is more than good? It can still be great even if you think it is unremarkable; it offers you enough for it to be a different experience.


Hey come now, I've completed RE5 on all 4 difficulty settings and am compulsively playing Mercenaries and that still doesn't mean that the game is anything more than good. It's solid, yes, I like it. It's just not gonna redefine my taste for the genre, get it?

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Hey come now, I've completed RE5 on all 4 difficulty settings and am compulsively playing Mercenaries and that still doesn't mean that the game is anything more than good. It's solid, yes, I like it. It's just not gonna redefine my taste for the genre, get it?


A litttle confused, so no. Joke, but still, it matters that you like it because simply put, it's better that you are one of us that enjoys the game than not. Anywas, if you think you are good, why dont you join the clan?

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A litttle confused, so no. Joke, but still, it matters that you like it because simply put, it's better that you are one of us that enjoys the game than not. Anywas, if you think you are good, why dont you join the clan?


Because I only get to play every two weeks when I come home for the weekend. The PS3 belongs to my kid brothers (even if I'm the one who actually chooses what they buy), my personal possession has a round angle as surname. :heh:


But yeah, I'm not gonna go around pretending that the game sucks, just because it's a PS3 game... when that's just not true, it's quite good. :bouncy:


In fact, once GOW III and team ico's new game come out, I'll have to say that the ps3 will be almost on equal ground as the 360. (except for the damned controller!)

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Battle Replays:


26th March 2009









27th March 2009



http://killzone.com/kz/tour_round_history.psml?kz_match_id=2712824&kz_file_id=2400947 (seems glitched i am no.1, lone person but won )




Because I only get to play every two weeks when I come home for the weekend. The PS3 belongs to my kid brothers (even if I'm the one who actually chooses what they buy), my personal possession has a round angle as surname. :heh:


But yeah, I'm not gonna go around pretending that the game sucks, just because it's a PS3 game... when that's just not true, it's quite good. :bouncy:


In fact, once GOW III and team ico's new game come out, I'll have to say that the ps3 will be almost on equal ground as the 360. (except for the damned controller!)


Welcome to the fan club. :grin:

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I'll arrange some clanmatches for tonight. I dont think anyone did them yesterday. HAd some fun in normal matches. Played with Cooky for abit. Tough battle :( We should have won the Assasination defend.


Anyone going for the weekly ranking should realise its getting easier to do. :) So play a ton today. This game has an easy platinum.

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Can't be arsed with platinum for many games, including this. The shooting symbols thing is lame and killing so many people with certain weapons just consumes time - I'm only going for it on Resistance because I've done so much on it already.

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I'll arrange some clanmatches for tonight. I dont think anyone did them yesterday. HAd some fun in normal matches. Played with Cooky for abit. Tough battle :( We should have won the Assasination defend.


Anyone going for the weekly ranking should realise its getting easier to do. :) So play a ton today. This game has an easy platinum.


Completed the game on veteran at 5am today. Was so pissed off as the last battle is rediculous. I died 75 Times on that point. Not happy about that at all. Can't even imagine what its like to do that point on elite, and then the whole game?! Teamates are USELESS! Don't shoot shit! And then you die when you have to go save them ¬_¬ And there are quite a few bits that are frustrating because the enemy will just come forever unless you move forward, but of course your teamates are too dumb to realise this and often let you run into a hail of bullets. And the amount of times I turned to see natko and rico shooting at absolutely nothing while there are plenty of helghast to shoot...

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^ I hear you.

I didn't count but I died quite a lot of times on veteran - it's just the sheer number of enemies and lack of check points. It's annoying because you have to snipe helghast that have rocket launchers whilst having to kill people from close range - this would be Ok if you could hold two decent weapons but as it is you always have to have the magnum/pistol.

Anyway no point in complaining because I'm not going to bother with the campaign again.

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I did the rocket bit of the last battle perfect on my very first go on Elite. :awesome: The bit where you go up the stairs is the hardest though because its long so the sequences take a while to figure out. Its very scripted like traditional boss battles besides the AI. Even in Elite its not a hard game at all. Its more like medium mode for many fps.



And there are quite a few bits that are frustrating because the enemy will just come forever unless you move forward, but of course your teamates are too dumb to realise this and often let you run into a hail of bullets. And the amount of times I turned to see natko and rico shooting at absolutely nothing while there are plenty of helghast to shoot...


To be fair in any fps the temamates will not play the game out for you. You have to be the one leading and making virtually all the kills. You dont have to revive your teammates either. Unless when you want ammo or something. Just run ahead and they reappear. Yes Rico is an idiot but at best they are just a distraction.


It's annoying because you have to snipe helghast that have rocket launchers whilst having to kill people from close range - this would be Ok if you could hold two decent weapons but as it is you always have to have the magnum/pistol.


That was very easy. You have so many options there. You could throw grenades or use one of many weapons behind you. I used sniper for the rocket guys and grenade launcher for the guys below. You can even shoot the chandeliers left above.


If you want a hard fps play Crysis or Far Cry on pc. Even on very easy they have hair pulling moments with low ammo.

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I did the rocket bit of the last battle perfect on my very first go on Elite. :awesome: The bit where you go up the stairs is the hardest though because its long so the sequences take a while to figure out. Its very scripted like traditional boss battles besides the AI. Even in Elite its not a hard game at all. Its more like medium mode for many fps.





To be fair in any fps the temamates will not play the game out for you. You have to be the one leading and making virtually all the kills. You dont have to revive your teammates either. Unless when you want ammo or something. Just run ahead and they reappear. Yes Rico is an idiot but at best they are just a distraction.



That was very easy. You have so many options there. You could throw grenades or use one of many weapons behind you. I used sniper for the rocket guys and grenade launcher for the guys below. You can even shoot the chandeliers left above.


No. Just no. This point of the game is just rediculous. And Rico should provide some point of cover. I could do it easily if I could just stick to the sniper but NO, you have idiot helghast rush you and of course the secondary weapon is useless against them. You pretty much have to use the helghan assault rifle but evemn then they run forward whilst you shoot them and switching to that and surviving is an almighty pain.


Now I know the pattern...fuck it im not doing that point now. I'll leave that for later. ATM struggling to get the 3 headshots with the revolver with on clip as it keeps shooting the helmets off instead of killing them ¬_¬ Got quite a few trophies for it now. Past the 50% mark so am bleased with that.


But had enough single player now. Maybe some multiplayer will cheer me up.

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No. Just no. This point of the game is just rediculous. And Rico should provide some point of cover. I could do it easily if I could just stick to the sniper but NO, you have idiot helghast rush you and of course the secondary weapon is useless against them. You pretty much have to use the helghan assault rifle but evemn then they run forward whilst you shoot them and switching to that and surviving is an almighty pain.


That is the hardest part of the game by far. The assault rifle doesnt do enough damage fast enough unless you do headshots. Knife is good for side Helghast when on the balcony. Or shotgun(take a full one upstairs). I also used grenade launchers and fired them at the stairs. You do have afew options. LMG is good too if you kept it from earlier.


Now I know the pattern...fuck it im not doing that point now. I'll leave that for later. ATM struggling to get the 3 headshots with the revolver with on clip as it keeps shooting the helmets off instead of killing them ¬_¬ Got quite a few trophies for it now. Past the 50% mark so am bleased with that.


Yeah the pattern is tricky. Plus Radec himself has to be shot to make it easier. If you do enough damage on him he wont reappear till the next phase which is handy. Probably why it was easier for me. The rocker launcher bit was clear for me. Headshots and voila.


But had enough single player now. Maybe some multiplayer will cheer me up.


Hehe. Well you did Veteran on first try so well done. I did very easy to get an understanding of what to do :p I will be online soon feel like going for the weekly ranking again. Purple or red will suit me fine.

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That is the hardest part of the game by far. The assault rifle doesnt do enough damage fast enough unless you do headshots. Knife is good for side Helghast when on the balcony. Or shotgun(take a full one upstairs). I also used grenade launchers and fired them at the stairs. You do have afew options. LMG is good too if you kept it from earlier.




Yeah the pattern is tricky. Plus Radec himself has to be shot to make it easier. If you do enough damage on him he wont reappear till the next phase which is handy. Probably why it was easier for me. The rocker launcher bit was clear for me. Headshots and voila.




Hehe. Well you did Veteran on first try so well done. I did very easy to get an understanding of what to do :p I will be online soon feel like going for the weekly ranking again. Purple or red will suit me fine.


played well earlier this week so hopefully if I can play well today, can achieve red cross thingy. I have officially become a trophy whore...but a crap one.

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When people rush you during the Radec fight switch to your knife rather than pistol. The Helghast have a tendency to try to melee you when you're close as opposed to unload a clip into your face, and your blade will make short work of them.

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Yeah the knife is great in that section. Just rush them. The trenchcoat ones are abit dangerous though but satisfying when you get them.


played well earlier this week so hopefully if I can play well today, can achieve red cross thingy. I have officially become a trophy whore...but a crap one.


You will need afew thousand points this week for it and today is your last chance. No clan matches for you today i guess. :p

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I'm online if anyone fancies some games


I am ont hough kind of late. Just playing for fun. Racking up points. Near the 20,000 mark. :grin:


?rel=0&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

alternative guide for The Professional Trophy.

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In a month Killzone 2 has reached over online 800,000 players. I am guessing it shouldnt have a problem surpassing R2 and Socom soon, its still growing quickly but like for like comparisons are near impossible due to how every game uses a different system. Only KZ2 seems to disclose total figures.


Although the KZ2 leaderboard is slightly faulty. Weekly numbers for this week are lower than todays numbers somehow...


Patch hits tommorow morning. So it shouldnt cause much disruption at peak times.



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