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Killzone 2


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Haven't played this in ages. Sort of just given up on it. The single player was so uninspiring that I just got bored and the online really isn't that great. Not sure if I'll bother finishing it now what with other titles coming out soon that I'd rather be playing. ::shrug: Dunno, was looking forward to getting it and when I got it it just wasn't all that. I wasn't even hyped for it so it's not like it's not reached any level of expectation I had for it.

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Colour me surprised Ganepark32. :rolleyes:


You have not even played this game.



75 hours blimey...I have only managed to fit in about 10...


You've done more than 10 hours just playing with N-E. Still not close to my BF2 time. I am sure CS is insane too. Halo and GE i spent alot of time on too back in the day but offline.


Was thinking of doing casual clan matches. Small ones. If the other team does not show up we get free points ;)

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^ :nono: Not to be rude but you're being a bit idiotic claiming I haven't played the game. I have played it as much as I have wanted to and while graphically it is fantastic (although really, to claim it's pushing the PS3 is a lie because some bits such as textures on objects look bloody awful) the game lacks the substance to provide an adequate single campaign that puts it up there with those which can be found in other FPSs. Likewise, the multiplayer while offering 32 players and a fairly decent amount of customisation lacks and lags behind that which is also present in other games.


I wouldn't expect anything different from you in terms of your constant gushing over the title Choze but really, there is nothing here that makes it stand out and nothing that really warrants a completion.

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Colour me surprised Ganepark32. :rolleyes:


You have not even played this game.





You've done more than 10 hours just playing with N-E. Still not close to my BF2 time. I am sure CS is insane too. Halo and GE i spent alot of time on too back in the day but offline.


Was thinking of doing casual clan matches. Small ones. If the other team does not show up we get free points ;)


Nope...not according to my stats...gonna put in a quick hour before work.

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Yep true. I didnt check. You can add the minimum single player time on easiest mode. Dont tire yourself out. I'll be on in the day today.


Gosh I played alot...


^ :nono: Not to be rude but you're being a bit idiotic claiming I haven't played the game. I have played it as much as I have wanted to and while graphically it is fantastic (although really, to claim it's pushing the PS3 is a lie because some bits such as textures on objects look bloody awful) the game lacks the substance to provide an adequate single campaign that puts it up there with those which can be found in other FPSs. Likewise, the multiplayer while offering 32 players and a fairly decent amount of customisation lacks and lags behind that which is also present in other games.


I wouldn't expect anything different from you in terms of your constant gushing over the title Choze but really, there is nothing here that makes it stand out and nothing that really warrants a completion.


Not only is there nothing on your PSN profile with Killzone 2. But you are just being open ended because you have no clue. Try playing the game perhaps.

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Well just had a great couple of games. Bodycount, in the last game, I died 5 times which was the least out of everyone and finished with a score of 39 which was 5th in my team. It's great having these breakthrough moments...but then I end up having a shit run of matches for ages...157 points away from captain now.

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Good good. I am coming on inabit so hope i am not late.


To be fair, I have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to some textures being bad and the multiplayer is clearly one of the best out there.


There are plenty of flaws in the game. Some huge ones like no splitscreen with such a good multiplayer component... baffling imo. Thankfully the core game is great. The design is excellent which is why its fun.


Lots of little flaws like not enough details of games/server before joining to lack of party system(oddly since every fps has had it this gen). Having said that GG seem keen to improve the system. First patch was very quick and making the singleplayer controls feel like the multiplayer similar was a good idea.


I also expect them to add more ranks like any other online fps for the hardcore. :heh:

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resi 5 is eating away my time, so it may be a couple of days before i reach general, still 200ish points off i belive.


i would have like a more cod style level up, as in lots more levels and more ways to gain exp. that said the ribbons sort of do that, and medals act like perks. a little more customisation would be nice, i have a medic with the ability to boost, so im fairly unique out there.

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Had some awesome games last night. Engineer is definitely for me. Careful placement of turrets was giving me plenty of headshots it was just ridiculous. In the last game I played last night, I swear I got something like 20-30 kills from turrerts and more than half of those were headshots.


Also, most of the swearing came from me and Doncartel I suppsoe. Usually I dont get so heated but it is frustrating when you shoot someone in the head, yet you die, then a second later, they die. Or when you shoot somerone in the head, yet you die as if you did nothing. Oh and this is with a shotgun...


But man, as I said earlier, it's so much better when you have good teamates and play with the people from the forum. Also the chatter is so much better too. None of this foreign languages which you cant, understand, but the can blatantly understand you but pretend not too. Yeah mate, I heard you call me a 'Puta', I get that one.


Should be on tonight if Doncartel does not get resi 5 today.

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Yep the turrets are not underpowered. Its about good use of them. More power would make them a nuissance.


resi 5 is eating away my time, so it may be a couple of days before i reach general, still 200ish points off i belive.


i would have like a more cod style level up, as in lots more levels and more ways to gain exp. that said the ribbons sort of do that, and medals act like perks. a little more customisation would be nice, i have a medic with the ability to boost, so im fairly unique out there.


Yeah the ribbons will be the focus for most for a long while. Especially due to more customisation. I am ranked top 1000 out of over 600,000. With over 70 hours. Plus beta experience when i got all of them.


I am guessing for people like me GG will add more stuff for status rather than unlocks and change them now and again like in pc fps. The honor rank(gold trophy, red ribbon) currently will be tricky for many people.

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Choze, you're such an ass. You keeping tabs on my PSN for some obscure reason? I have indeed played the game and Have played well over half of the single player and quite a bit of the online. I really don't need to justify my playing of the game to you because you won't hear it anyway. If it's not showing up on my PSN thing online then there must be some form of problem with the cross over because I have played it and have trophies to show for it. There are a few PS3 players from these forums who have my PSN ID added and so if you really want proof of me having played ask some to check my trophies on their friends list.


Anyways, I'm not going to bother being like yourself over this. I'm done with the game. It's nowhere near as good as you make it out to be and really you should pull your head out of Guerilla's backside and see it for what it is because really it doesn't stand up well against several other modern FPSs and is nowehere near the greatest FPS that you make it out to be. However, this is the last that I'll post on the subject. Just wasting my time and space by posting especially with you around Choze.

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See that shouldn't be your last post, because we haven't reached an agreement here. Choze can't state that Killzone 2 is the best online game around and he can't say that you are wrong in not liking it, but nor can you say 'it doesn't stand up well against several other modern FPSs and is nowehere near the greatest FPS that you make it out to be.'


What you can do however is say why you think it is the best/not very good and appeciate that you can't be right or wrong. For me I think it is one of the most awesome online games out there, and people saying that it isn't won't put me off playing or make me think otherwise.

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way id look at it, ganepark dosent like killzone. thats fine. choze likes killzone. thats fine.



id certainly not say choze had his head up gurillas arse for liking the game alot. perhaps hes just the type who appreicates large scale fps's online? i liked no more heros an awful not, the dosent mean i was sucking suda 51 off behind the bike shed.

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Finished on Elite. Had some trouble with part 2 of the final boss battle but figured out the strategy and with the help of headshots. Rest was fine. Immensely enjoyable due to the challenge. Was generally hard but mostly not overly so. Certaily not as tough/cheap as COD4 or Crysis hardest modes.


Noticed flamethrower burns objects like flags or cloth somewhat realistically. You see the carbon floating off! Also in some stages you can shoot the oil on the ground which will light up! Useful in many situations. Unrealistic i think, but fun.


Choze, you're such an ass. You keeping tabs on my PSN for some obscure reason? I have indeed played the game and Have played well over half of the single player and quite a bit of the online. I really don't need to justify my playing of the game to you because you won't hear it anyway. If it's not showing up on my PSN thing online then there must be some form of problem with the cross over because I have played it and have trophies to show for it. There are a few PS3 players from these forums who have my PSN ID added and so if you really want proof of me having played ask some to check my trophies on their friends list.


Anyways, I'm not going to bother being like yourself over this. I'm done with the game. It's nowhere near as good as you make it out to be and really you should pull your head out of Guerilla's backside and see it for what it is because really it doesn't stand up well against several other modern FPSs and is nowehere near the greatest FPS that you make it out to be. However, this is the last that I'll post on the subject. Just wasting my time and space by posting especially with you around Choze.


lol stop overreacting and just play the game so your stats will show up. Plus join our clan for kicks when you do.


So which website is N-Europe's arch rival? We should challenge them if they have a clan. A clan match will be set soon. We can set number of players and game type. Get some Valour.

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So which website is N-Europe's arch rival? We should challenge them if they have a clan. A clan match will be set soon. We can set number of players and game type. Get some Valour.


I guess cubed3.com is kinda in terms of the site...relatively similar sized site etc... http://www.cubed3.com/topic/34760/ that's their killzone 2 thread on their forums...not really sure of any others...

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I can understand why you would not like Killzone 2 Ganepark32, i can see why it wouldn't be for everyone. (Just to add as well i decided to look at your trophy stats and you indeed have trophies for Killzone 2! You even have one i don't! lol)


I however love this game, i think its brill, i also think Cod4 is brill as well. For me Killzone adds something abit different, i think i find it more fun to play with friends/fellow forum users then other shooting games what with all the different stratigic elements in the game like picking spawn spots etc. I love how the game objectives change while your still in a game so ur not always going back to menus etc.


At the end of the day as other ppl have said everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and no-one is right or wrong in their opinions. I just think that sometimes ppl go a little over the top with defending/inforcing their decision on others.

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Good stuff. Though i recommend him trying out other game types rather than only body count online :) His stats for every other game type is 0. I recommend finishing the single player as well. The first half is mainly just in Pyrhuss (the city area). The second half is varied and quite different pacing wise.


I guess cubed3.com is kinda in terms of the site...relatively similar sized site etc... http://www.cubed3.com/topic/34760/ that's their killzone 2 thread on their forums...not really sure of any others...


May try that. Friendly clanmatch. 4v4, 6v6 or 8v8? We have nothing to lose :heh: I'll check. There are loads on killzone.com as well to choose from.

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Yeah i think it will be great when a group of us on here play against other ppl! Should be a good laugh as well!


Should do it soon - last time was hiliarious.


In fact I think we should organise games nights where we can all muck about online.



Motorstorm 2 Mondays

SOCOM Tuesdays

Killzone 2 Wednesdays

Sreetfighter Thursdays

Burnout Fridays

etc etc etc


That way we can all hook up certain nights for specific games but knowing me I'd end up turning up for them all.


After all we are a community and this would bring us that little bit closer (hands around the world bullshit).


You know what I mean though - every night you'd have some online game to look forward to. Be a bit of a bastard to organise initially (I cant be arsed myself but someone wants to take on that role feel free).


Anyway just a thought.

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Should do it soon - last time was hiliarious.


In fact I think we should organise games nights where we can all muck about online.



Burnout Paradise Mondays

Killzone 2

Killzone 2/Burnout Paradise Wednesdays

Killzone 2 Thursdays

Killzone 2 Fridays

etc etc etc


That way we can all hook up certain nights for specific games but knowing *Snip*


Anyway just a thought.


Fixed. Your welcome. :wink:

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So a good idea then?


Game specific nights would be good though eh?


Online is far more fun with forum members.


Sounds fantastic, this is what an online 'community' is all about. Now we just need someone to run with it.

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