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Posted (edited)


So a good idea then?


Game specific nights would be good though eh?


Online is far more fun with forum members.


Sounds fantastic, this is what an online 'community' is all about. Now we just need someone to run with it.

Edited by MATtheHAT
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So a good idea then?


Game specific nights would be good though eh?


Online is far more fun with forum members.


Does sound like a good idea. Although i can't always say i will turn up for them what with playing certain games with local friends or playing games by myself on any console etc.


I played on Resistance 2 yesterday and I turned into a complete novice again. My skills just vanished and I was utter crap - I don't think I realised how good I was before... I was just plain shite.


The feel of the game was totally different, the controls were alien and I forgot all of the skills and knowhow. I died a little bit inside when I was at the bottom of the leaderboards.



So a good idea then?


Game specific nights would be good though eh?


Online is far more fun with forum members.


Personally yeah, I think its a cool idea. Actually, if you check out the PSN site and the forums I think, they hold events and play games on certain days.


The Blade Runner trophies is awesome. I had so much fun just running round like a headless chicken knifing Helghast. :heh:


Half the time they didn't even notice me until I stuck the knife in.

Tried the 'The Professional' Trophy? :D


3 Revolver headshots with one clip.


Do you have to kill them? Because I just seem to knock off their helmets...


Haha! Sounds awesome.


I'm not going to go out of my way to do it. At the moment I'm going for the Helghast genocide trophy...1500 kills or something. I think I'm just going to use the knife from now on. It's so much fun.


I think im going to trade in Street Fighter IV tomorrow to get Killzone, while I did enjoy SF I just have played it since unlocking all the characters. Im not really one for playing beat'em ups online.

Posted (edited)

Completed the campaign a few hours ago. Was alright but there wasn't any real 'wow' moment. The last part was a bitch, playing on hard difficulty I can't imagine how tricky that would be on elite.


Still, the later levels were much better than the starting few which were so mundane. Online shits all over it.

Edited by dwarf
Completed the campaign a few hours ago.


Weird so did I


The final boss was a complete git but got there in the end.


Single player is just a distraction from the multiplayer which frakking rocks - got 75 kills today using the grenade launcher.


Deffo getting better at it!

Weird so did I


The final boss was a complete git but got there in the end.


Single player is just a distraction from the multiplayer which frakking rocks - got 75 kills today using the grenade launcher.


Deffo getting better at it!


I really need to fit in some time...but now I've got Resi 5...ah well have to split time between the two...anyone gonna be on tomorrow?


No chance for me because I haven't really played it online this week. I'm actually doubting whether I want to play it much more unless there are more clan matches.


I demand everyone replay the game on easy just using a knife. It is so much fun.


There was this one alley with about 10 helghast and I shredded them just by charging through. They get so confused when you just run at them.


The rocket launcher dudes are also awesome because they can't shoot you at close range so they just keep running away. :heh:

Its mostly about score efficiency. Last week my score per hour was very high. So no problem for me. We will setup clan tournamnets or take part in them. I am signing up. There are clan medals for wins which i would like :heh:




Old stuff, obviously will be patched. Its near impossible in practice though you can kill much faster manually in almost every case. It also takes alot of effort. So dont worry, not an issue.


Tip: despite the video, dont use zoom much. Use it only for far away targets. I almost never use it on any gun besides the single shot types and look at how i perform.


There is a vid where someone performs it with ease during a match, getting headshots almost every time. Anyways, I dont and can't use it because I use the original controls, which really down allow you to zoom in like that all the time, and I never use the zoom when in close quarters, which is where I get most of my kills, especially as I am using the engineer mainly. Does not make sense really.

I will be on tonight. Trying to arrange a test clan match for us around 7ish. Would make a good practice run.


Thinking which clan though. I know major websites have euro clans. I can even try randoms. There are also tournament websites for KZ2. I will have a look again and definately arrange something(maybe neogaf eu, avforums or ps3 blog? they are hard).


I cant seem to upload our clan logo(or my own player logo) but here it is:







Those videos are heavily edited to kills only and the guy still takes longer than killing normally in most cases! That was the first video i saw and quite frankly its not practical to do even if you can be a robot, not spasm out and tap like that. Try it yourself. It is not that effective and is horrible to do. Which is why i guess hardly anyone is making a big deal about it on forums. Its hardly much of an exploit and easy to patch out.


There is already a 19 page topic (when I checked yesterday) on this topic alone and even the beta testers are saying it's a serious issue. Also, it's an issue when it comes to long range as you dont even have to aim properly, just in the vicinity of an enemy, get that thing to snap you in place, then shoot. Also, it would not take less time to kill the person if they are strafing you continually. With the missed shots, readjustment of aim and your own strafing factored in, the kill would be more difficult than snap zoomine w/e it's called ensuring the enemy is always in your sights.


There is no defending that glitch Choze, that is awful. It is actually really powerful and no doubt loads of people have killed me by using it.

Just tried it and for mid-long range it is really effective, couldn't believe it. I won't be using it but christ whoever is responsible for that slipping through needs to be fired.


What?! It's the worst error that's ever been made in an online FPS game... I'm sorry but I've used it a few times in one match and it got me rediculously high in 1st place because I was picking people off that I didn't really realise were there.

I'd say I'm fairly good but its so exploitable I can't believe you're trying to dumb it down. Well I can but....




I have the beta tester tag too. :wink: Overall its nothing to worry about. It will be patched but its not that effective in the meantime either.

Note how this person is mostly flanking, behind or catching people by suprise mainly. I am not seeing fast kills either.


Yeah I have seen you post before in the KZ forums. Hence why I said beta testers are complaining. It shows that even they have noticed how rediculous this is.


I kind of just experimented and went simple. Wanted to use a flame version of the N-europe logo but i kept messing it up. So i went gray and blue. Decent for temp logo imo. Shame website wont let me upload anything. I will try to fuse a Helghast elite or something later. See you on.




Not that effective or maybe i am just that good :heh: Its unlikely to have been used on me, especially since hardly anyone knows about it. As far as exploits go this is tame, lol.


For example: the recent cod games have had much worse issues and even had their leaderboards/stats hacked for fake points!




This sort of stuff happens all the time in competitive online games especially fps. Its up to the developer to keep tabs on this stuff and update. Sony have an excellent record going by Resistance and Warhawk patches/fixes. So dont worry, there is no need to be stressed. :smile:


Logo looks very cool. Anyways others in the forum have likened that exploit to the CoD stupidness you are talking about. All I know is that, as a shotgun user, I am already at a massive disadvantage, obviously with a massive advantage thrown in there, but imagine if an assault player uses this. Not my cup of tea.


EDIT: Anyways, I really wanted to play in the clan match but it looks like it did not happen anyways. anything scheduled for tomorrow?


Yes it will be fixed, but can you not see that it is such a bad mistake? Please admit it, I know you'll defend it but please - this is so bad that it's worth moaning about.

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