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What's missing


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What's missing? Patience from ye average gamer. Sure, nothing's perfect, and the Wii-line-up definitely leaves some desiring, but seeing as the past year brought so many surprises, the next will only be more pleasant.

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POKEMON!!! It fucking buggers belief how Nintendo haven't given us a truly outstanding home console Pokemon game since Pokemon Stadium 2. WTF. I've been playing Pokemon since 10 years ago and at 22 I am still addicted to battling the little critters. Oh god...I'm going insane.


Lets screw Animal crossing for a bit and make a MMO Pokemon game...And please don't come here with the same excuse 'Pokemon won't work on home consoles' blah blah blah... Surely they CAN think of something.


With the state of things on Wii, Nintendo just keep making me sad. I have such an emotional tie with their older games, and I patiently wait for more games to create such connections... But i wait in vain. :(

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Split screen on a 32" sucks, how big must the set be before it doesn't feel claustrophobic?


In all honesty, It depends on how far you sit away from the screen. I've played some great games when sitting a few feet away from an average size 480i CRT, but when sitting a meter away from the same TV it starts to feel claustrophobic.


POKEMON!!! It fucking buggers belief how Nintendo haven't given us a truly outstanding home console Pokemon game since Pokemon Stadium 2. WTF. I've been playing Pokemon since 10 years ago and at 22 I am still addicted to battling the little critters. Oh god...I'm going insane.


Lets screw Animal crossing for a bit and make a MMO Pokemon game...And please don't come here with the same excuse 'Pokemon won't work on home consoles' blah blah blah... Surely they CAN think of something.


With the state of things on Wii, Nintendo just keep making me sad. I have such an emotional tie with their older games, and I patiently wait for more games to create such connections... But i wait in vain. :(


Pokemon XD wasn't that bad. But you are right. We need a good pokemon game on the Wii. PBR was pretty good in online but besides that it wasn't that good. Genius Sonority should have something to show of their latest game soon I would think.

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Battalion Wars is this







am no it;s not



the fact you are 14 years old means you don't appreciate split screen cause you likely grew up with on-line gaming so.......no.


Split screen on a 32" sucks, how big must the set be before it doesn't feel claustrophobic?




It doesn't suck. on-line will never be as fun...


but not to be a smart ass here and this isn't directed at anyone.. you need family and friends to play it.

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Star Fox ftw !!


POKEMON!!! It fucking buggers belief how Nintendo haven't given us a truly outstanding home console Pokemon game since Pokemon Stadium 2. WTF. I've been playing Pokemon since 10 years ago and at 22 I am still addicted to battling the little critters. Oh god...I'm going insane.


Lets screw Animal crossing for a bit and make a MMO Pokemon game...And please don't come here with the same excuse 'Pokemon won't work on home consoles' blah blah blah... Surely they CAN think of something.


With the state of things on Wii, Nintendo just keep making me sad. I have such an emotional tie with their older games, and I patiently wait for more games to create such connections... But i wait in vain. :(


Amen brother, amen

Agreed with every word !

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Split screen multiplayer rocked back in the day. The only other option to play multiplayer is to have a lan. Has anyone here ever been at a console LAN?


I used to play 4 player split screen Goldeneye on my 14" tv back in the day. And it didn't feel claustrophobic at all. We would actually sit for hours and hours playing away.

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I kinda feel like a candle metaphorically speaking; I am able to bring some light, some joy and lots of smiles to those around me, yet when I am alone…I really feel alone. I feel that I am missing something, something is just empty.


Perhaps is it God… God is what I am missing, I checked my Godmeter a few hours ago, it showed close to empty. But you know what’s really strange? I just don’t feel like seeking Him…yet. No don’t get me wrong, I still love the Big Man, I still think of Him from time to time during the day, but yet…I somewhat feel I’m not ready for him yet, I am not ready to seek him yet.


Eternal God, you know despite how far I go, or how long I’ve gone, I will always come back to you. Despite my own human ego, my flawed intellect, I know that I can do nothing without you. You alone can fill my hearts desire oh Lord and I truly and


honestly long to be with you. Guide me O gentle spirit, so that I that I may be able to see Your holy path and once again walk in the Light and in Righteousness. Fill me oh Lord with that same passion once again to seek you come before you. I need that passion that you’ve always stirred within me oh Lord, please do not forget me or leave me. Be with me oh holy spirit I most humbly pray and ask. Amen.

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Split screen multiplayer rocked back in the day. The only other option to play multiplayer is to have a lan. Has anyone here ever been at a console LAN?


I've watched one but didn't participate in it. They were still using spilt screen though.

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I kinda feel like a candle metaphorically speaking; I am able to bring some light, some joy and lots of smiles to those around me, yet when I am alone…I really feel alone. I feel that I am missing something, something is just empty.


Perhaps is it God… God is what I am missing, I checked my Godmeter a few hours ago, it showed close to empty. But you know what’s really strange? I just don’t feel like seeking Him…yet. No don’t get me wrong, I still love the Big Man, I still think of Him from time to time during the day, but yet…I somewhat feel I’m not ready for him yet, I am not ready to seek him yet.


In other words you need a sequel to LSD for the playstation:

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Guest Maase
am no it;s not



the fact you are 14 years old means you don't appreciate split screen cause you likely grew up with on-line gaming so.......no.






It doesn't suck. on-line will never be as fun...


but not to be a smart ass here and this isn't directed at anyone.. you need family and friends to play it.


Nop, Wii controlls suck at Split Screen, you only have half of the room to shoot, HALF, FFS, it will be impossible to turn for example, or on the contrary, you will always turn, it sucks ass.


Even developers told in IGN that Split Screen doesn't work on Wii, and they are much more older than you, and problably grew with Split Screen too....

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Nop, Wii controlls suck at Split Screen, you only have half of the room to shoot, HALF, FFS, it will be impossible to turn for example, or on the contrary, you will always turn, it sucks ass.


Even developers told in IGN that Split Screen doesn't work on Wii, and they are much more older than you, and problably grew with Split Screen too....


That doesent really matter. The Wii uses the sensor bar, rather than the actual TV, meaning that they can make it work anyways.

What developers said that? Some Ubisoft team is my guess, and as we all know, they don't know shit about shit.


Anyhows, let's hear some other dreamgames.

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Nop, Wii controlls suck at Split Screen, you only have half of the room to shoot, HALF, FFS, it will be impossible to turn for example, or on the contrary, you will always turn, it sucks ass.


Even developers told in IGN that Split Screen doesn't work on Wii, and they are much more older than you, and problably grew with Split Screen too....


thats because every fps on the wii that had split screen sucked fucking ass! and i don't just mean the split screen side... i mean the whole GAME!


red steel, medal of honour vanguard. the lise goes on whereas good games like metroid prime 3 and medal of honour heroes 2 fucking left it out and games like conduit continue to do so.

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thats because every fps on the wii that had split screen sucked fucking ass! and i don't just mean the split screen side... i mean the whole GAME!


red steel, medal of honour vanguard. the lise goes on whereas good games like metroid prime 3 and medal of honour heroes 2 fucking left it out and games like conduit continue to do so.


Happy birthday mate :)

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lol thanks dude :)


haha i love the way you quote one of my angrier posts while saying this haha.:bowdown:


And now I'm quoting a more optimistic one. Congrats, man. :smile:


POKEMON!!! It fucking buggers belief how Nintendo haven't given us a truly outstanding home console Pokemon game since Pokemon Stadium 2. WTF. I've been playing Pokemon since 10 years ago and at 22 I am still addicted to battling the little critters. Oh god...I'm going insane.


Lets screw Animal crossing for a bit and make a MMO Pokemon game...And please don't come here with the same excuse 'Pokemon won't work on home consoles' blah blah blah... Surely they CAN think of something.


With the state of things on Wii, Nintendo just keep making me sad. I have such an emotional tie with their older games, and I patiently wait for more games to create such connections... But i wait in vain. :(


For an MMO? 2D could work, of course. 3D would be either awful or non-existant.


For a 3D game... Pokémon Snap 2? Or maybe that Pokémon fighting game I'm still waiting for? :heh:

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