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Should Videogames Be Regarded As Art?


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Yes Crap art is still art, but thats like saying "100% of hardcore gamers are hardcore gamers."


I don't think something like babies party could be considered art. Just like most people wouldn't consider a piece of paper with random scribbles to be art. The Good games are art, even most mediocre games are art, but bad games, just like random scribbles, or really bad singing, aren't considered art.

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But there is no criteria for something to be art. Maybe Oot's graphics aren't that great, maybe the story isn't the best ever. But thats not what makes a game art (by itself anyway). Art isn't something that can be defined by the left brain, it is something that your right brain just knows is art. The feelings you get when playing a game make it art. The way the game makers decide to give you these feelings is not important. What matters is the feelings them-self.
I find this "just knowing" reason a bit lame, it's really not something mystical.


Art is what seperates man from beast. Monkeys know games, they know work, but they don't know art - they don't comprehend. Don't tell me there isn't any high level, intellectual process involved there, because there is.


This 'getting a feeling' really only describes to me how you're massively entertained by something, and try to make it art because of it. It's simply not.

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I'm staying brief because i'm tired. Video games could become art, and there are a few casses which I think break into that area. But far too few games challenge the player like a film can or inspire a player like a fine piece of music. This is because the games industry is still too driven by revenue as opposed to creative drive.


This is something I want the gamer's seal to help change.

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I find this "just knowing" reason a bit lame, it's really not something mystical.


Art is what seperates man from beast. Monkeys know games, they know work, but they don't know art - they don't comprehend. Don't tell me there isn't any high level, intellectual process involved there, because there is.


This 'getting a feeling' really only describes to me how you're massively entertained by something, and try to make it art because of it. It's simply not.


I'm not saying there isn't any hight level intellectual process, I'm just saying we don't understand that process.

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Braid is beautiful, entertaining and inspiring. It stretches both intellect and emotion, and these elements dovetail beautifully rather than chaffing against each other. Still wondering if games can be art? Here's your answer.





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No... It's a GAME!!!


Art = Crap


Game = Fun



End of...


But you haven't said why games aren't art. You're just saying what you're view is without backing it up here. We could do that all day going back and forth but there would be no point.

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But you haven't said why games aren't art. You're just saying what you're view is without backing it up here. We could do that all day going back and forth but there would be no point.


Music = Music


Games = Games


Films (movies) = Movies (films)




My point being... they are what they are; games, films, music don't have to be art. That's just pretentious people (frustrated 'artists') trying to justify their chosen, money making career.


The reason they aren't art is because they are! Anything creative isART, all of the above is 'art' but they way it's being spoken about here is just asking "Some games are sooo good/artistic/pretty/beautiful tehy must be art!" So in that sense, like a previous answer of mine. EVERYTHING creative is art, but to say "that is" and "that isn't" is a mute point! Therefore it is not ART as asked in the question!


And if you can understand the answer I just gave you're a better man than me! :P

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Music = Music


Games = Games


Films (movies) = Movies (films)




My point being... they are what they are; games, films, music don't have to be art. That's just pretentious people (frustrated 'artists') trying to justify their chosen, money making career.


The reason they aren't art is because they are! Anything creative isART, all of the above is 'art' but they way it's being spoken about here is just asking "Some games are sooo good/artistic/pretty/beautiful tehy must be art!" So in that sense, like a previous answer of mine. EVERYTHING creative is art, but to say "that is" and "that isn't" is a mute point! Therefore it is not ART as asked in the question!


And if you can understand the answer I just gave you're a better man than me! :P


That makes alot more sense than your first post.

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I think it just depends on the type of game - Madden and Pro Evo for example are not art, just as watching a Premier League match on the telly isn't art. I suppose you would have to say that games contain artistic elements more than they do represent art themselves. Some games, you could argue are art though - it really depends on the game and how you look at it. For example, what category would you put Mario Kart Wii in? Art, game or something completely different altogether? You can argue these things in so many ways depending on how you look at it.


In reference to the article - I personally thought it was awful. The person who wrote it just seemed like they were high on LSD or something at the time, mainly because it was just a splurge of pointless "ideas", rather than a cohesive discussion. Sorry to belittle someone's work, it's not really like me, but it was a very disappointing article I found.

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