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Visual Note/Scrapbook


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Whichever you want to call it.


Anyone out there keep one? Basically its a notebook/collection of things that inspire you. Can be anything from photos, cartoons, doodles, newspaper articles, observations from life etc. (Granted some of those aren't visual but meh).


If you do have one let us know what it contains, or even show us through pictures, scanning it in etc.


Im going to start one again tomorrow. Was made to for A-level photography but not bothered since. But tomorrow I shall buy a folder, some plastic wallets (that way its not limited to x-amount of pages) and start building it up.

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Well I suppose I do similar stuff for my sketchbooks in Art or even Design Technology.


Mhm. Its generally a practice that is encouraged/forced in art-related courses.


If nobody else posts examples or disucsses anything further I shall take pics of mine in a few days as I started building it up today.

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arg! I had one for over a year when I was 18, and since I've left sheffield people have repeatedly asked to see it WHEN IT IS IN SHEFFIELD ARG. If this thread is still alive in three weeks -- and probably even if it isn't -- I'll post some extracts.


it is more of a notebook than scrapbook, but there's plenty of s'crap in there, ho ho.

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