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Best story


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Hello people. This is my first post on the forums.


I would like to ask your opinions on the best story in a wii game. So far I haven't really been engaged in any story lines on a wii title, apart from resi 4 but that doesn't count because I already knew the story from when I had it on the cube.


So my question is what games have a decent story to tell?

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Welcome to the forums. Hope you like it here. :)


The obvious choice would be The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I found the story great and interesting. Maybe not as good as some of the other Zelda games, but it's still good. As it can be seen by a thread on these very forums, it is debated whether TP lived up to it's promises. There is also widespread agreement, though, that the game had been hyped and is in fact a great game. People just expect very much from Zelda games and thus can be prone to disappointment. I would seriously consider giving it a try, especially if you're after great storylines.


Other obvious choices are Super Mario Galaxy (for a Mario game, it actually has a rather deep background story) and of course Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Well I for one really liked No More Heroes' story. Like most scrolling beat em ups, it's a simple revenge story but it's carried of in an interesting way.


It's not that the story was epic or really unique but the way in which it was delivered through the game through the cool cut scenes with excellent voice acting that was completely in sync with the game's attitude and style.



I also think Fire Emblem has a decent story. It jumps about a bit... well, a lot, but I like how it shows you the view points of the various factions but still leaves a bit of mystery concerning the true villians' motives.

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There are a few upcoming games which promise some great story... Fatal Frame 4... The Conduit... Factor 5's Wii Game should all have some interesting stories to tell.


On the other formats, developers go out of there way to create narrative (often ending rather rubbish, mind) but Wii doesn't have that many titles with interesting narrative.

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Would probably have to go with Okami also , even if it is a PS2 game originally.


Reckon I must be close to completing it now , and the thing has had me grabbed from the moment I started playing.


Also a nod goes to No More Heroes and Metroid 3 , although thinking about it there is a lack of games with a decent storyline on Wii.

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Twilight Princess for me too, by some margin. MP3's was good but just because of the nature of the game, scanning etc, it seems slower to develop. More of a discovery thing than a paced adventure at times.


Okami looks brilliant, shame I can't afford it atm :( but then you have to prioritise Smash :p

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