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Yeah we do but they don't carry malaria.


They don't in Thailand either unless you off the beaten track...which I stupidly did (though it was fun, and I had my Deet factor 100).


Neither do ours >_>


I swear there aren't any mosquitos on Syros. I have no idea why but I wasn't bitten once and I must have beet there for almost a month in total.


I like many others also hate them. I live next to some large fields and i have made the mistake in the past off leaving my bedroom light on and my window... They swawm in then!


Did they actually do any good in this world?

Guest Jordan

This is where a sentry would be helpful. Are those real yet?

I like many others also hate them. I live next to some large fields and i have made the mistake in the past off leaving my bedroom light on and my window... They swawm in then!


Did they actually do any good in this world?


of course. they brought us the dinosaur's DNA :D

Yeah we do but they don't carry malaria.
Oh, they can carry malaria, as long as they have bitten someone who had malaria.


There's a few cases per year in countries without malaria focuses; the phenomena has a name but I don't remember it.



I seem to repel them, I lived in Mozambique where there's quite the malaria focus and never got bitten once, even in stuff like... hot nights in restaurants where everyone was getting bitten by feasty mosquitoes... but me.


Thank god, I even ceased to use repeller, I hated the substance (no wonder mosquitoes did too)


Midges=gnats=mosquitoes=pure fucking evil


never heard about the marmite remedy though, and I do have a lot of marmite about the place. Good work.

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