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Lexx is brilliant. If you don't like it you obviously have no sense of humour.


If you take serious, it stops being such a brilliant escapade. It's funny because it's horrible.


People who set too high a standard for entertainment levels are indeed losing out by not being able to enjoy an equivalent number of shows as a person with a lower tolerance level. If you peel too much off the onion, you'll get left with very little to enjoy. We live in an imperfect world and our differences of opinion are what make life interesting. I can't tell you you're wrong any more than you can tell me or anyone else here that they are either. When the general feeling towards something is that it's acceptable though, you may start to wonder if it isn't your own opinion which is unnecessarily being swayed by "over-fussiness" as opposed to true assessment.


Basically then, it's your loss as far as quantity of stimuli are concerned.


Incorrect. I'll demonstrate why.


People who set too high a standard for entertainment levels are indeed losing out by not being able to enjoy an equivalent number of shows as a person with a lower tolerance level. If you peel too much off the onion, you'll get left with very little to enjoy.


That's not true, for you see, the artistic range of the world is a very large onion indeed, so much that it would take one severall lifetimes dedicated to nothing else but appreciating only good art to cover all of humanity's worth of actually worthwhile work, so I can clearly see by your comment that you're slightly uneducated, when it comes to art, as you're sticking to what's accessible, instead of seeking all there is. So, in the subject at hand, if you peel too much off the onion, you're still left with too much to enjoy, meaning that even after selective, you're going to have to be selective yet again.


We live in an imperfect world and our differences of opinion are what make life interesting. I can't tell you you're wrong any more than you can tell me or anyone else here that they are either.


First off, yes, differences are what makes life interesting, and yes, neither of us can tell each other than the other is wrong for liking something, that much I won't argue with. I will however argue this, even if I can't tell you you're wrong for liking something (as there is no "good" or "bad" when it comes to one's opinion, it's not objective), I can tell you you're wrong when you say that "x"(something you like) is good, for even if the way we appreciate things is subjective, the quality inherent in them is completely objective and arguable in palpable features. So yes, I can't tell you your wrong for liking Farscape, but I can tell you it's wrong to say that it is a good show, for that is fallacious, as Farscape is a bad piece of art (I usually only debate what I know, so I'm not speaking for myself at this point, I'm using the general critic consensus as well as my first impression). I'm not gonna go into the whole "opinion dictates what is good or what is bad" vs "quality is an inarguable fact" discussion yet again, as I've completely understood that all people who think that the first is true are incapable of comprehending the latter.


That being said, I myself love a lot of bad art. I simply have no problem in admitting it's bad art and never attempt to impose myself to others for them not liking something that is bad. This works both ways, as I hate many good art as well.


When the general feeling towards something is that it's acceptable though, you may start to wonder if it isn't your own opinion which is unnecessarily being swayed by "over-fussiness" as opposed to true assessment.


Ahh, but you see, "general feeling" sums up all of your arguing. The general feeling is irrelevant to wether or not something is worthwhile... One need only look at the most sold CDs or the most viewed movies and witness that "general feelings" and quality are usually (not always) inverselly proportional. That's because the "general" crowd doesn't like to be challenged by art or fiction, they want the same thing over and over again, just because it's easier and it doesn't trouble them... you see, most people see art/fiction as something to fill in the gaps, something that doesn't demand too much of you. I'm always saddened by this.


Basically then, it's your loss as far as quantity of stimuli are concerned.


True. Your one solid argument.


But let's be honest. Let's imagine the total amount of existant art all put together would take you 5.000 years to access. If one becomes selective and rules out the bad art, one would be left with about 500 years worth of good stuff. Wich is still way too much for one to enjoy during one lifetime... I'll be lucky if I get to be 80! I have to be extra selective!


So, in the end, what am I really loosing? Absolutely nothing!! Just because I only want about 10% of all that's out there It's not like I'm gonna run out of things to appreciate anytime soon!

On the contrary, you're the one that's really loosing out, for you clearly are wasting your time on lesser accomplishments. Is this wrong? No. And you know it's absolutely right.


That being said, what truly matters is that you like what you're doing and are enjoying it, because that's your time you're wasting. So if you don't feel like you're wasting it, what does it matter if I think you're wasting your life? You're the one who's living it, and all that matters is that you enjoy it, right?

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That being said, what truly matters is that you like what you're doing and are enjoying it, because that's your time you're wasting. So if you don't feel like you're wasting it, what does it matter if I think you're wasting your life? You're the one who's living it, and all that matters is that you enjoy it, right?


This is largely what I'm trying to imply. Most people watch Sci-Fi in particular for its over-exaggerated ideals and it becomes just a form of entertainment as opposed to what you seem to want to seek; an artistic interpretation. I'm glad you have plenty of scope for enjoyment left to discover and I'm sure I have enjoyed the things you've already mentioned myself too, it's just that I'm more prepared to take of the judgement hat for the sake of a little light entertainment than you are! Thanks for the convo though, it was quite enjoyable. :)

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Farscape is really good. Lots of Sci-Fi fans love it as I know for certain it had a huge following at the time. Plus its by the Jim Henson company!


There were some really good quirky episodes of it (maybe what it did best, imo) and the overall story of the wormhole technology was spot on too I thought. Crichton's ship was like James McCloud's in F-Zero. All positive stuff.

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Damn, I got a region four version. Neither the 360 nor my laptop allows me to play it. Well, I can on my laptop, but it only allows me to change the region coding a maximum of four times and when it reaches zero I have to stick with whatever region I changed too. WMP(no, VLC doesn't work) made it very clear that moving the dvd player or reinstalling windows won't reset the counter. I rather be safe than sorry so I'm going to sell Farscape and make sure I get the right version next time I go hunting for it sometime later.

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Sorry to dig up old bones, but I watched Farscape when it was originally being aired and I loved it. Granted, I was about 12 I think when it started but I thought it was great. I started re-watching them all a few weeks ago and I'm almost at the end of series 4 (the last series) and it gets better as it goes along. Series 1 never quite found its feet. You have to get to know the characters and accept that it was a fairly shit show to start. By the end of series 2, I guarantee you'll be hooked, and then it just keeps getting better and better. They killed it off in its prime.

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