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UBISOFT's Wii Games


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This thread really is pathetic. It's reactions like this that mean that nobody will make anything but maintstream garbage that never thinks outside the box to make. I'm not going to say this game is good because it's not aimed at me but the intended demographic may love it.


You guys just sit here and bitch and moan because no one is making games that are for you. Yes it was probably cheap to make. Yes it will probably be very profitable. And yes Ubi will keep on making them.

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This thread really is pathetic. It's reactions like this that mean that nobody will make anything but maintstream garbage that never thinks outside the box to make. I'm not going to say this game is good because it's not aimed at me but the intended demographic may love it.


You guys just sit here and bitch and moan because no one is making games that are for you. Yes it was probably cheap to make. Yes it will probably be very profitable. And yes Ubi will keep on making them.


So you add nothing? Not even a single pic?


Its not the game we're angry about, its the overall Ubisoft attitude.

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This thread really is pathetic. It's reactions like this that mean that nobody will make anything but maintstream garbage that never thinks outside the box to make. I'm not going to say this game is good because it's not aimed at me but the intended demographic may love it.


You guys just sit here and bitch and moan because no one is making games that are for you. Yes it was probably cheap to make. Yes it will probably be very profitable. And yes Ubi will keep on making them.


From North American president Laurent Detoc interview:


He acknowledged the Wii in particular has been difficult for Ubisoft to find success with. Pointing to the console's generous sales, he noted that games published for the Wii made up only 10 percent of Ubisoft's sales last year, and added that the company will need to work harder to create games that will "sell as well as Nintendo's own Wii titles."

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Right then why don't we have a Ubisoft sucks thread then?


@Dante: Yep read that quote the first time. That can be looked at in several different ways, including him suggesting things such as that they need to be appealing to the wider audience better.

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Right then why don't we have a Ubisoft sucks thread then?


@Dante: Yep read that quote the first time. That can be looked at in several different ways, including him suggesting things such as that they need to be appealing to the wider audience better.


Because we have this one. And seriously, how wide is the audience this is going to appeal? I can't see anyone else other than girls that are 6-9 years old.

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Because we have this one. And seriously, how wide is the audience this is going to appeal? I can't see anyone else other than girls that are 6-9 years old.


I meant that the game appeals to people from the wider audience. Sorry for the confusssssssssiaaaaahn : peace:


Well you never know. This kind of stuff is new ground and I'm not going to bash it on the basis of theory alone. If people find it fun then thats cool by me.

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So, because of this thread, developers won't think out of the box? Fantastic.

Also, what would the intended demographic be? Babies don't play games, kids don't want to play baby games, at most they play Wii Sports, Wii Play, Guitar Hero, Mario, Pokemon, stuff like that. This is just shit. Sure I mean, they cost 5$ to make, I suppose that's good for them, but Nintendo-like quality games? lol


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So, because of this thread, developers won't think out of the box? Fantastic.

Also, what would the intended demographic be? Babies don't play games, kids don't want to play baby games, at most they play Wii Sports, Wii Play, Guitar Hero, Mario, Pokemon, stuff like that. This is just shit. Sure I mean, they cost 5$ to make, I suppose that's good for them, but Nintendo-like quality games? lol



Oh and you suddenly became an expert on what all kids want to play? Especially girls who don't play games at them moment because there aren't any games that interest them?


It's hard to make games for people that don't play games. It's hard to design and you do need to think outside the box, just not in the way that you usually hear people talking about. And please stop making all of my comments sound absolute when they are not.


You were taking the piss out of the "experts" earlier. You're just as bad.

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I'm pretty sure I have the right to take a guess at what people might play taking in account previous sales. It's hard to make games for people that don't play games? Sure it is, but making poor, rushed and bland party games with a "z" on the name that almost no one cares about isn't exactly the way to go. They're just taking the easy way nothing more than that, what they're doing is the opposite of thinking outside the box. I'm looking at Ubis games and I see nothing that notes effort, or at least real effort to expand their audience. They just churn out lots of these crappy games to make some money to make 360 and PS3 games.

Don't care if you have some sort of beef with me, not my problem, don't know how I made your comment sound anything other than it was, you just come in waltzing into threads acting non-challant to seem like the good guy and I'm the bad guy, just fanboying around. It's on bitch! (lol, it isn't)

Also, if you read properly, I wasn't taking the piss out of the experts, that was a response to McPhee's post.

Carry on, our discussions are boring, pay no attention kids.

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I don't mind this games, there's always been games like this. What bothers me is that they don't take the money they make from and make a decent Wii game.


You've got to understand the company though. The money goes to the "artisitic visionaries" like Ancel and Ubi Montreal who want to make visually stunning games. It's totally elitist because its the little dev departments that make them a lot of their money.


@Dante: I can only think of 3 good games series tha Ubi do well anymore atm. 2 of which are long established franshises. I've never undesrtood why anyone thinks that anything they will make will be any good unless it has a stupidly big budget and is being made by the entire Ubi Montreal team.

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It's kind of weird, because 3 years ago, after playing PoP:SoT and Splinter Cell, I would put ass on the line for them.


I haven't played Splinter Cell in a while, but haven't they all been pretty good? And then there's GRAW and Naruto (havent played but heard it's cool) and probably some other games.

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It's kind of weird, because 3 years ago, after playing PoP:SoT and Splinter Cell, I would put ass on the line for them.


And after all that, fans now treat them like "shit that flies do not want to eat"



Maybe Ubisoft needs a similar "pep talk" from the fans. Or vice-versa.

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I haven't played Splinter Cell in a while, but haven't they all been pretty good? And then there's GRAW and Naruto (havent played but heard it's cool) and probably some other games.


Naruto game is really good, just kind of short. And the battle mode is a bit pants. Had they pushed the story further it would've been awesome.

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Dunno if I missed this but Ubi recently said that marketting these types of games is where a lot of the cash goes. Marketing something like "babiez" isn't easy y'know. - Obviously they are going after a crowd not normally associated with home console gaming.


This is the industry taking steps forwards (in a warped way to the core gamer). But yes, you would think that Ubi would give something to the core wii owner. They obviously think that Rayman is that product (due to sales alone)...and the promise of a certain Red Steel 2.

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They can make all the babiez and horsiez games they want, if they're good, that's awesome, problem is they're not good and they're not original. Also, if they weren't hypocrites, it would help. I liked RRR and 3 has some potential, I'll keep an eye on it, but honestly, what Ubi is doing with Nintendo platforms is just, well, something I would expect from EA last gen.

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If they actually made good games that appealed to non-gamers I'd be fine but the fact that they're putting out all the shit that they do and taking advantage of parents who wouldn't know the difference between this and Mario Galaxy is what bothers me. Nintendo is slowly trying to take in non gamers and turn them into gamers. Ubisoft is making crappy games like this sort of copying game ideas Nintendo have come up with but having the developers make them as cheap and bad as possible. The problem is only Nintendo and very few other developers realize the hardcore market on the Wii. Sure this game appeals to pre-teen girls, but so did nintendogs. and what would you rather play.



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