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Sigh this is tiresome. Whatever you think of the graphics they are GOOD for Wii and that sort of effort should be applauded. If you think otherwise then frankly your an idiot.


Doing nothing different? Jesus christ, give us all a break. THE CONTROLS.

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This game looks shit.

I hate the phrase 'good for a wii game' because all it does is highlight that the Wii can't possibly handle a good modern FPS. It can't do physics, AI, graphics or animation to any quality to keep up with the current crop of the genre, and this game just comes out looking like an N64 shooter.


Bullshit, N64 shooter? Get your HD glasses off. So GC/PS2/XBOX FPS are now unplayable and totally inferior to 360/PS3 games? Most of the so called modern FPS (most, not all), hardly have a huge increase in physics or AI quality to make the game that different, it's mostly just the same as it ever was, but with "prettier" graphics. Emphasis on the quotes, because oversaturation, HDR rape, bump mapping everywhere, gray, brown and blur doesn't make for a pretty game. To me FPS=controls, so if a game with worse graphics delivers that (which I personally don't think any dual analogue FPS does, one can get used to it and it's not impossible to play, but nothing compared to remote or M+KB), the others are the ones who need to keep up.


I can look at a SNES game and say it looks good, same with PS1, do I need to compare it to PS3? It's good for Wii, because it's obvious the Wii doesn't have the power the other consoles have, but mostly, it's good for a Wii game, because devs don't try at all in the graphic department for the Wii. If we all had to think in absolute terms and black and white, we'd be pretty much screwed.


i;m going to kind of agree with you here. It doesn't even look THAT great ha..


If this came out on the 360 nobody would give a shit.. I really think that wii owners are depending too much on this but I will judge when it comes out but... I think it will turn out an average enough game or it will be overated from all the hype..


This game is doing NOTHING different.


They even answered to that on the interview. They're not trying to run away from the generic action filled FPS, because there's next to nothing like that on Wii and because the controls alone makes it different. To be honest, this is what console FPS need, controls that can be at least a little comparable to PC controls. MoH:H2 would be nothing with 2 sticks and it's pretty cool on the Wii. because I'm not watching my games, I'm controlling them.

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I'm not watching my games, I'm controlling them.


Exactly! It's so easy to forget this watching trailers and pictures... I used to not really like Okami's visuals, the screens and the trailers looked ridiculous in my eyes. Same for Wind Waker. But once you start playing them, in stead of watching them, it all makes sense.

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They even answered to that on the interview. They're not trying to run away from the generic action filled FPS, because there's next to nothing like that on Wii and because the controls alone makes it different. To be honest, this is what console FPS need, controls that can be at least a little comparable to PC controls. MoH:H2 would be nothing with 2 sticks and it's pretty cool on the Wii. because I'm not watching my games, I'm controlling them.


but that's the thing.. Metroid prime and moh:h2 had very good controls already.. The only thing making this unique so far is that It has goodish graphics.

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So wait, everyone is complaining that the Wii needs more Hardcore games and that 3rd parties need to make a better effort, and then when both of those happen, people dismiss it as generic and bad because its visually inferior to what would be on HD consoles? This game is exciting because its everything hardcore Wii owners have been asking for since the console came out. An FPS with online, decent visuals for the hardware, decent enough AI, ect, and most importantly with decent controls. Yes if this game was on the 360 it would probably be nothing, but the point is its not on the 360, its on the Wii. Because of that it also has the advantage of the Wii remote, a controller that is basically the perfect controller for FPS games on consoles. Heck, the Nun-chuck was specifically designed for FPS games. (It was requested for MP3.) Ask yourself, what type of game do you want on the Wii from 3rd parties. Alot of people when asked this question are going to basically describe The Conduit.

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That's 2 games and prime is barely an FPS.


It's still 2 games. I'm sorry but I;m not complaining that it's using the metroid system but it's hardly original and Yes 2 games count especially if one of them was made by ea :)


So wait, everyone is complaining that the Wii needs more Hardcore games and that 3rd parties need to make a better effort, and then when both of those happen, people dismiss it as generic and bad because its visually inferior to what would be on HD consoles?

Not really Well i never said it would be bad just average.. And like red steel i hope this isn't getting attention that it doesn't deserve. So far they have delivered on everything they said they would do.. it was really the motionplus thing that annoyed me. It's not needed clearly.


The graphics are good and it's a start for more to come but I still would prefer the art style of metroid prime 3. Nothing madly impressive though.

This game is exciting because its everything hardcore Wii owners have been asking for since the console came out. An FPS with online, decent visuals for the hardware, decent enough AI, ect, and most importantly with decent controls. Yes if this game was on the 360 it would probably be nothing, but the point is its not on the 360, its on the Wii. Because of that it also has the advantage of the Wii remote, a controller that is basically the perfect controller for FPS games on consoles. Heck, the Nun-chuck was specifically designed for FPS games. (It was requested for MP3.) Ask yourself, what type of game do you want on the Wii from 3rd parties. Alot of people when asked this question are going to basically describe The Conduit.

Your having the advatage of the wiimote argument sounds very similiar to what people said before red steel came out..


But I agree it should help and I hope it does..


To be honest I have never quite gotten over the split screen decision either(about the lack of )

those are my only beefs with this game so far. Just being cautious and picky. It's going to be a good game but not the classic people are expecting I feel.

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Yer, two games definitely saturates the market.


yes very good now next time read my posts before turning into a sarcastic bitch.


I'm sorry but if something has been done before 2 TIMES then it's no longer an original selling point. Yes we could d with more of them but this innovative crap is pissing me.. thats the ONE thing the game isn't doing.. I;m just fearing that people are hyping this one a little too much.


I'm more concerned about the ACTUAL game.. the graphics and controls will be fine we know this.

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i;m going to kind of agree with you here. It doesn't even look THAT great ha..


Glad to see you no longer feel that the game looks like an "N64 shooter".


I did read your post and you're basically saying that something unique is only worth doing once and thus The Conduit was just another "clone" of those games. It's a rediuclous argument. I mean, come on, the 360 would be dead without FPS's and if you think along your lines then CoD 4 is just another FPS clone when clearly it's not. It's a refined FPS to the point where the quality of the experience is just so much better than what came before. This is exactly the same as with The Conduit. It's potentially the single best example of FPS on Wii, a fledgling genre in itself. Look at one of the most succesful games companies in the business - Blizzard. They have NEVER innovated or done anything unique yet their games are held in extremely high regard. They refine, they improve and they polish to the extent where being unique is irrelevant - it's about making the best RTS in a saturated PC market or the best MMO on the internet. This anaolgy holds true when applied to The Conduit except on Wii the hype surrounding the game is far more understandable as there's very little competition anyway.

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People are moaning about art direction and graphics and it's becoming tiresome. If you're the sort of person that looks at this and then goes off to play Call of Duty 4 or Halo on a 360, fine. But please realise that many many many people don't own 360s, and can fully appreciate what HVS are doing with this. The comparison keeps being made: when Halo came out, the Xbox was starved dry of any decent FPS effort, while the PC crowd were laughing away on their Half-Lifes, etc. Retrospectively, people realise that Halo didn't really bring anything at all new to the table.


So why can't this be the same?

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but the hype is clearly all based on that lack of competition. If a game of this standard came out on 360 (graphics aside, the ai and gameplay is more important) People would laugh . You can't say 'oohh CONTROLS! either because, well it's bullshit. It has nothing to do with game design.


oh and for the record, Halo bought a ridiculous amount of new ideas in. Have you never played it? It changed everything about the genre.

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but the hype is clearly all based on that lack of competition. If a game of this standard came out on 360 (graphics aside, the ai and gameplay is more important) People would laugh . You can't say 'oohh CONTROLS! either because, well it's bullshit. It has nothing to do with game design.


oh and for the record, Halo bought a ridiculous amount of new ideas in. Have you never played it? It changed everything about the genre.


This isn't a 360 game, it's on the Wii. High Voltage are doing a damn good job to push the hardware to its limits - it has 16-player online, voice chat, possible MotionPlus controls, a fantastic graphics engine for a non-HD game and reportedly brilliant controls.


Why do we even need to compare it to Halo, anyway?

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oh and for the record, Halo bought a ridiculous amount of new ideas in. Have you never played it? It changed everything about the genre.


I hope that was a joke. I've never laughed so hard. Halo did NOTHING that FPS on PC hadn't been doing for years prior.

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but the hype is clearly all based on that lack of competition. If a game of this standard came out on 360 (graphics aside, the ai and gameplay is more important) People would laugh . You can't say 'oohh CONTROLS! either because, well it's bullshit. It has nothing to do with game design.


oh and for the record, Halo bought a ridiculous amount of new ideas in. Have you never played it? It changed everything about the genre.


Someone go fetch that Tintin "Ahah oh wow" image.

Seriously. It's not even worth further commenting.

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but it is a shooter, and those are the industry standards. My point is that it looks sub par as an fps, and people are making excuses for it based on hardware, not software merit. The design looks old and boring, so why get excited?


Most publications who had the chance to play the E3 and PAX demos were extremely impressed with it and its visuals though; as D_prO said, some reporters even mistook it for a 360 game.


And it's not just a sub-par shooter, it's doing more than a Wii FPS ever has. There's some clever missile guidance sections and bits where you have to shoot off-screen whilst using cover to shoot round corners (just two examples there, so no sarcastic "OOOO IMPRESSIVE" please, people) - then there's the previously mentioned online and local multiplayer and WiiSpeak.

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I hope that was a joke. I've never laughed so hard. Halo did NOTHING that FPS on PC hadn't been doing for years prior.



Recharging health (now adopted by...oh, everyone!)

seamless vehicle/ on foot combat

limited, tactical weapon selection

massive leap forward in AI

perfection of the console fps control method

revolutionary level design

Co-OP campaign



yeah, those were totally lame features, right? Nobody pays any attention to that stuff...



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Recharging health (now adopted by...oh, everyone!)

seamless vehicle/ on foot combat

limited, tactical weapon selection

massive leap forward in AI

perfection of the console fps control method

revolutionary level design

Co-OP campaign



yeah, those were totally lame features, right? Nobody pays any attention to that stuff...




Don't forget that it also has the best lobby/party system ever and Theatre mode and the way it was implemented has to be one of the best ideas ever for a video game as well as Forge which is just amazing. It's no wonder that Halo 3 one the EDGE award for Interactive Innovation.

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Recharging health (now adopted by...oh, everyone!)

seamless vehicle/ on foot combat

limited, tactical weapon selection

massive leap forward in AI

perfection of the console fps control method

revolutionary level design

Co-OP campaign



yeah, those were totally lame features, right? Nobody pays any attention to that stuff...



Although I can't contradict you on all of those due to my somewhat limited knowledge of FPSes, I can confirm you're wrong on various things.


1) Starsiege: Tribes did seamless vehicle/on foot coombat back in 1998.

2) It was Goldeneye and Perfect Dark that perfected FPS controls on a console, not Halo. Infact, I feel that Halo brought them down a notch if anything (fucking dual-stick controls).

3) Revolutionary level design? You obviously forgot about the highly criticised library level, amirite?

4) Perfect Dark on the N64 had a co-op campain, if I'm not mistaken.


I'm sure some people can confirm that the other claims you made are errorneous, though.

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There was also no massive leap forward in AI, level design in the first one was crap (in single player at least) and there's certainly nothing revolutionary about it. Perfection of console FPS control method? Funny, because that's what Conduit is doing ("ou can't say 'oohh CONTROLS! either because, well it's bullshit."), tactical weapon selection? Please, loads of games only allowed you to carry limited weapons.

What you can call revolutionary is the theater and forge, that's awesome.

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