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The Recent Mention Of My Name...


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Dear Readers,

I would like to take this oppurtunity to introduce myself to you. I was made aware of my name being present on this website, and being described as walking on the wrong side of the tracks. I.e. Being a Homosexual. Firstly, I don't walk on the wrong side, I'm so gay I don't even bloomin' walk on 'em! Yeah, its Me, Jon. I'm here, I'm Queer Get Used To It! As a Homosexual I do enjoy mincing and all that Malarkey, but why the hell does this mean my name has to appear here? Why has my name been placed upon this ummm...website thing whatever its for. I don't have a clue.


First of all I will vouch for Munky, he is not a Homosexual, but do you people honestly think knowing a Homosexual makes you one? You all probably know one and I've probably had 'em, who cares. Oh and everyones a little bit puffy nowadays which is common knowledge...and on the subject of Brighton...it's the flaming gay capital. Ever other guy in the street is a Homosexual or has had one! The whole city reeks of Poppers!


Had I not been alerted by my fellow Homo, I would have been blissfully unaware of my name on this site and the negative impact it could have on my position as a Homo. I do not want to be associated with whatever this is. I have been on here 5 minutes and saw Penis Slapping, Penis Windmilling and god knows what, and other such smuttery.


I shall leave this godforbidden website now, but for god sake, Leave us Mo's alone. But I shall be returning to inform you of my upcoming appearance on TV, Which I'm sure Munky will not be too pleased about...but more about THAT later...Anyway, Ciao Mein Straightguys and Closethomos...


P.S. All this talk of Penis' is covering up the fact this site is secretly a meeting point for gay boys...

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While my better instincts counsel me to follow a policy of laissez-faire, there are a couple of Homo Sexual's statements I feel I cannot let pass. Before I get moving here, let me point out that when I was younger, I wanted to drive off and disperse the primitive liars and cheats who create division in the name of diversity. I still want to do that, but now I realize that you might have heard the story that he once agreed to help us view the realms of communism and fogyism not as two opposing poles, but as two continua. No one has located the document in which Homo said that. No one has identified when or where Homo said that. That's because he never said it. As you might have suspected, Homo claims to be fighting for equality. What he's really fighting for, however, is equality in degradation, by which I mean that if we make some changes here, then the sea of narcissism, on which Homo so heavily relies, will begin to dry up. Homo is not only deranged, but he also lacks the self-control necessary to conform his behavior to reasonable norms. Because I unfortunately lack the psychic powers that enable Homo to "know" matters for which there is no reliable evidence, I cannot forecast when he will next try to enshrine irrational fears and fancies as truth. But I can undeniably say that Homo extricates himself from difficulty by intrigue, by chicanery, by dissimulation, by trimming, by an untruth, by an injustice. I have a problem with his use of the phrase, "We all know that...". With this phrase, Homo doesn't need to prove his claim that he acts in the name of equality and social justice; he merely accepts it as fact. To put it another way, in public, he vehemently inveighs against corruption and sin. But when nobody's looking, he never fails to waffle on all the issues.


What a cunning coup on the part of Homo's toadies, who set out to turn opportunists loose against us good citizens and got as far as they did without anyone raising an eyebrow. If Homo thinks that his anecdotes provide a liberating insight into life, the universe, and everything, then he's sadly mistaken. Ask him about any of his backers who saddle the economy with crippling debt, and the possession-obsessed, lousy guttersnipe will say, "I never meant they should go that far." Yeah, right. The truth is that you may make the comment, "What does this have to do with patronizing nutters?" Well, once you begin to see the light, you'll realize that whenever anyone states the obvious -- that you shouldn't let yourself be flummoxed by Homo's fast talk and air of self-confidence -- discussion naturally progresses towards the question, "Why doesn't Homo reveal the truth about himself?" There is widespread agreement in asking that question, but there is great disagreement in answering it.


It has been said that Homo disregards any evidence that contradicts his views. I believe that to be true. I also believe that his cause is not glorious. It is not wonderful. It is not good. His slatternly artifices convince me of only one thing: that he would like to see patriotism, honor, and personal responsibility fall into desuetude. If, after hearing facts like that, you still believe that he can absorb mana by devouring his nemeses' brains, then there is indeed no hope for you.


Armed only with a white shirt, pocket protector, slide rule, thick glasses, and some other neat stuff, I have determined that one of the things I find quite interesting is listening to other people's takes on things. For instance, I recently overheard some folks remark that Homo's unpleasant zingers can be quite educational. By studying them, students can observe firsthand the consequences of having a mind consumed with paranoia, fear, hatred, and ignorance. I hope it will not disappoint you to learn that the point at which you discover that Homo once used his notoriety, name recognition, and national fund-raising base to pass off all sorts of inimical and obviously sententious stuff on others as a so-called "inner experience" is not only a moment of disenchantment. It is a moment of resolve, a determination that he is trying to send children to die as martyrs for causes that he is unwilling to die for himself. His mission? To put increased disruptive powers in the hands of asinine, vengeful flakes. If I had my druthers, he would never have had the opportunity to subjugate persons of culture, refinement, and learning to clumsy upstarts. As it stands, Homo is guilty of at least one criminal offense. In addition, he frequently exhibits less formal criminal behavior, such as deliberate and even gleeful cruelty, explosive behavior, and a burning desire to pooh-pooh the reams of solid evidence pointing to the existence and operation of a wily, vainglorious coterie of racialism. For those of you out there who don't know what I'm talking about, let me give you a quick explanation: he has stated that those of us who oppose him would rather run than fight. That's just pure statism. Well, in Homo's case, it might be pure ignorance, seeing that Homo is terrified that there might be an absolute reality outside himself, a reality that is what it is, regardless of his wishes, theories, hopes, daydreams, or decrees.


Homo has a strategy. His strategy is to establish tacit boundaries and ground rules for the permissible spectrum of opinion. Wherever you encounter that strategy, you are dealing with Homo. To wrap up, I'll just hit the key elements of this letter one last time. First, this is a truth that Homo Sexual's lieutenants are told by Homo that they cannot acknowledge, lest they give aid and comfort to the rest of us. Second, Homo wallows in his basest behavior. And finally, human life is full of artificiality, perversion, and misery, much of which is caused by the worst sorts of jejune sandbaggers there are.

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Oh my Lord...someone give that freak who just did the speech about the biggest load of codswallop I ever heard a medal...This is a prime example of a Homophobe. I do hope my presence at this site is not offending everyone as much as him. I came on here to jokingly get my own back on someone, but sorry for starting a debate on the way Homosexuals have caused world debt and are basically bringing about the end of the world. Im sure your either American (Dumb), Christian (Even Dumber) and Fat (Poor You), so I guess its not really your fault is it? Perhaps you should read up on world history and see how its probably people like you who have caused the world to be like it is, not Homosexuals. Oh and also, perhaps next time you decide to copy a message of the net you could have the intelligence to change it, you plagiarist.


Secondly, to the guy who wrote about me being OTT, This was for the purpose of exagerating the point I was making and trying to do it in a humourous way. Sorry if it offended you!

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Oh my Lord...someone give that freak who just did the speech about the biggest load of codswallop I ever heard a medal...This is a prime example of a Homophobe. I do hope my presence at this site is not offending everyone as much as him. I came on here to jokingly get my own back on someone, but sorry for starting a debate on the way Homosexuals have caused world debt and are basically bringing about the end of the world. Im sure your either American (Dumb), Christian (Even Dumber) and Fat (Poor You), so I guess its not really your fault is it? Perhaps you should read up on world history and see how its probably people like you who have caused the world to be like it is, not Homosexuals. Oh and also, perhaps next time you decide to copy a message of the net you could have the intelligence to change it, you plagiarist.


Secondly, to the guy who wrote about me being OTT, This was for the purpose of exagerating the point I was making and trying to do it in a humourous way. Sorry if it offended you!



Firstly: who exactly are you?


Second: Dabooker's "speech" was copied from an "automatic complaint letter generator" on the internet that creates a generic complaints letter about whoever you like. He is in no way homophobic.


Third, your posts are fucking annoying. I couldn't give a toss if you were gay, straight or bisexual - and neither could anybody else on this forum. Either post something of worth, or go home.

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I couldn't care less where he got it from, whether he wrote it himself or not. If you copy something, and, by posting it under your name, present it as your own, you are saying you agree with the contents of the material you are posting, and as such, it was a Homophobic message. Did I or did I not say myself if he copied it off the internet. I did. Well then.

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I think this is one of those oh-so-hilarious wind-ups. We all know that homosexuality is the pinnacle of hilarity, and the original poster is well doused in flammable hypocricy whilst not being wholly unbelievable. Now all we need is for another new user to enter the debate and we've a completed checklist.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to split my sides.

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Oh and one more thing...if you dont WANT TO READ IT, don't click on it...Simple isn't it...Oh my god who would have thought it. Retard! Anyway losers, I'm going now...to enjoy MY LIFE...Perhaps you should think of getting one. I'll leave you geeks to carry on bitching and moaning like a load of old gays...Oh thats Ironic!

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I couldn't care less where he got it from, whether he wrote it himself or not. If you copy something, and, by posting it under your name, present it as your own, you are saying you agree with the contents of the material you are posting, and as such, it was a Homophobic message. Did I or did I not say myself if he copied it off the internet. I did. Well then.



Had you taken the time to actually read the thing you'd find it's just laden with technical terms, but doesn't really say anything at all...

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I couldn't care less where he got it from, whether he wrote it himself or not. If you copy something, and, by posting it under your name, present it as your own, you are saying you agree with the contents of the material you are posting, and as such, it was a Homophobic message. Did I or did I not say myself if he copied it off the internet. I did. Well then.


And I couldn't care less about your posts. If you would care to highlight exactly where the letter says something homophobic, that would be wonderful.


I'm going to ask an admin to lock this now. This thread is pathetic, and so are you.

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