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Thriller Mafia


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lol I love it that you're saying that if Esequiel is good, it proves that there is a good Mafia, so many times, like it was undeniable proof, when in fact it proves absolutely nothing, asides from proving that he wouldnt want to reveal that he is good, because that would make him a target for the evil people and the good mafia "followers".

Regardless of how this goes, it's obvious that the evil people will most likely be targeted and then their mates will say "See, we're being killed!" How weird, evil people being targeted and killed.

From what you gathered mundi and nut I have no doubts that the good guys, or at least some good guys are part of a group. That they're a mafia, I doubt it. And that's the only thing I can assume. Specially when what Dom said makes perfect sense, why would a Mafia risk sending the same guy to kill every time? Too damn risky.


Actually no, it makes perfect sense that they'd always use the same hitman. The least characters to be suspicious of, the better off they are. My point being, they don't want to be suspicious, therefore they should keep using the same hitman.


I'm probably the only one here who isn't all worried about saving my skin since I don't really care who's who, but what Mundi's saying is making crystal clear sense. Wether or not it is true... is a different matter altogether.

What matters is what makes MORE sense, considering the facts. Lots of theories can be created that make sense, assuming lots of things. Assuming for example that a Mafia would always use the same hitman is wiiild speculation and would require lots of forethought and it was a huge risk. I don't care who the mafia is either, it makes absolutely no difference to me.


And if you want to see if it´s right then vote Esequiel out dammit!

Desperate much?

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Your all talking about selective

hearing... maybe you should look in a mirror. Heres vicars links in full:


Well nintendohnut, i know that you were trying to steal off the doctor/physciatrist. That makes you the thief, and you know who Hannibal is, and i know that Vicar was there, which makes him either Hannibal or The 2 shot guy.


This was in reply to me asking nintynut who he targetted.


Before you ask how i know that Vicar was there -



The TV fizzled into life, and the girl and her clown were about to strike again. The test card girl appeared as the channel stopped for the night, but before she could step out, a man shot two bullets through the TV.


He exited the apartment as it burst into flames, and found that he had lost his protector.


ShadowV7 is dead. He was the test card girl (Evil), a twisted trademark of the BBC who haunts the dreams of those trapped in the town.


I investigated the scene and found blood belonging to Vicar. Add this to:



The psychiatrist offered his services to the missing protector...



And that makes Vicar either the Psychiatrist or the killer.


This was me saying how i knew vicar was there, as for the blood, i have no idea ask Tellyn or cube they do the writing not me.


And as for why there would be blood... Who knows? There was an explosion i guess?


Thats my explanation to vicar.


I didnt get the info i wanted instead i ended up at the morgue examaning his body. There was someone else there (Dom) "talking" to the body.


I assume any guy who has access to a official morgue to be good? Unless hes hannibal... Which is gross.


Thats why i said dom is good.


First of all, i took along time because i was removing C.Panda eggs from an aquarium which is a delecate jobe, im cooper2085 on a forum, heres timestamped proof:




Second of all, i dont make the rules. When Tellyn tells me there was blood, then there was blood. Simple.


Third of all, i ont buy all this good is bad, bad is good crap. Look at the names of the good people who died, and the names of the bad people.


Fourth and final you didnt anwser my question. Its dead easy. Your the thief. Admit it, then tell us who Hannibal is seen as you have his notebook. If Hannibal isnt Vicar then Vicar is the guy who has been killing all the evils.


Its really really simple.


Thats the next one.


The next 3 are basicallly replies to "No you".


1 thing that would help is if the 3rd person from the crime scene would come forward, that would give us 3/3. At the end of the day all we are doing is going round in circles, i feel im been made a scape goat of and want this day to end one way or another.


Nintendohnut is the thief. Vicar is Hannibal or 2 shot. Lynch Nintendohnut and you prove me right.

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Actually the reason behind that is:

Esequiel said that Dom is good (which Dom tries to deny now) Dom says that Darksnowman is good (and admits to it) and this is all following the whole sniper thing.

If Esequiel is lying about being neutral then the only reason he might be lying is too save his ass when people find out about you.


Also why should he be afraid of dying for being good, most people with kill power

are probably dead and the ratio between good people dead and evil shows your likelier to be evil than good and more and more evil people keep dying.


We can´t be this lucky

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Why risky? I see no risk in it. It's a perfectly acceptable sacrifice when the overall goal is winning. This way they avoid suspicion to every other member and make it all seem like he's acting alone. It's perfect, actually. Of course... he may truly be acting alone and this all made no sense, but that's what we'll have to find out. Or better, you.

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All this bullshit is leading us nowhere. What we have to consider is... are good and bad really reversed? To all the nay-sayers, state your claims, give us something that actually makes sense as to why it isn't reversed, because there's already pretty darn good clues telling us that good and evil are reversed.

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Why risky? I see no risk in it. It's a perfectly acceptable sacrifice when the overall goal is winning. This way they avoid suspicion to every other member and make it all seem like he's acting alone. It's perfect, actually. Of course... he may truly be acting alone and this all made no sense, but that's what we'll have to find out. Or better, you.


It would be a great strategy I'm not denying that, but one that's very unlikely to happen, using always the same killer makes it easier for people to discover info about him and those around him, since he's always on the spotlight. Unless, he's working alone of course, which could be the case I suppose.


Mundi, I think's pretty damn obvious that anyone who lies is to save his ass, regardless of being good, evil or neutral.

I'll stand by my logic, nothing is lost, except for the evil people, if evil people die. Good Mafia or not, the town is safer with evil people dead. Trying to overanalyze and speculate merely results in a lack of objectiveness or in misinformation.

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how many freaking times do I have to say this to you Esequiel


I´m not Hannibal or the Two shot murderer


I have gotten no pm from Tellyn this week about I have lost some blood or have been attacked.


and to bust you theory (For the freaking fifth time or something ) I only have targeted one person,


I will say it again in letters size 4 and with bold letters and under mark so it will fit in you brain


I only have targeted one person

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All this bullshit is leading us nowhere. What we have to consider is... are good and bad really reversed? To all the nay-sayers, state your claims, give us something that actually makes sense as to why it isn't reversed, because there's already pretty darn good clues telling us that good and evil are reversed.


What is normal doesn't need to be proven, just what is abnormal.

Even so, lots of points were already raised to disprove the role reversal, saying that hasn't been done is either being blind or skipping the last pages. What matters to me is that the evil people are indeed evil and that a reversal didn't apply to that.


Mundi, considering that you're making it seem like a universal truth that if Eseq is good, a good mafia exists, anyone would want distance from him. You're superimposing your points of view.


Also, Vicar, I'm gonna say this, my penis is 3 meters long. I can bold it, make flyers, put it on national TV, does that make it true? Not that I suspect you of anything, just saying :P

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What is normal doesn't need to be proven, just what is abnormal.

Even so, lots of points were already raised to disprove the role reversal, saying that hasn't been done is either being blind or skipping the last pages. What matters to me is that the evil people are indeed evil and that a reversal didn't apply to that.


I know it doesn't need to be proven, but quite frankly it's becoming increseangly obvious there's something wrong with this game, and yet again, all of the points risen to disprove the role reversal are based on aerial premises, none of them stands on it's own. On the contrary, the number of dead bad guys speaks for itself, that's why I'm resilient to believe that "What is normal doesn't need to be proven", because this is anything BUT normal.


Also, Vicar, I'm gonna say this, my penis is 3 meters long. I can bold it, make flyers, put it on national TV, does that make it true? Not that I suspect you of anything, just saying :P
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Well would you look at that I finally got you attention it took about 7 posts or something and I think I have even told you guys who I targeted.


Sorry, it's because you were directing it to esetc and not me, but hey, you got me with the big text :)

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Aerial premises? lol, that's exactly what the role reversal theory is based on.

-some good guys probably can talk to each other, so they have to be a mafia

-there are too many bad guys dead, so the good guys must be bad

-if eseq is good, then the good guys are mafia


And so on. View these arguments from the point of an evil guy seeing that he and the rest of the evils are gonna get wiped out. It's called wishful thanking and making elaborate stories to turn them into theories, taking advantage of the fact that this is a different mafia. You know the differences I spotted? The evil mafia isn't in contact, there are a lot more evil dudes than usual, there are people being revived and there is a good secret agent group. None of this points to a role reversal or a good mafia, just a good group.

More evil people, bigger probabilty of them being killed, which explains why there are also dead townsies, it's a guessing job.

I'm not going to attack a group that can be helpful to the town, because the evil guys are cornered.


Anywho, Mr. Mundi, let's recap, why the hell is killing Esequiel a good thing?


It's simple to anyone who buys his point of view. Hes saying that if he's good, the mafia is good (:indeed: ), so the evil guys will be off the hook, anyone who disagrees with him will be lynched and the evil guys will be safe. More dangerous when backed into a corner indeed.

The fundamental flaw is that with the theory that good is bad floating around denying to be good is the most natural thing, because he would be the target of townsies and the evil mafia.

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I only have targeted one person


Your lying.


Well would you look at that I finally got you attention it took about 7 posts or something and I think I have even told you guys who I targeted.


Nice attempt to dodge the question there.


Night all.

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Anywho, Mr. Mundi, let's recap, why the hell is killing Esequiel a good thing?



-11 evil characters dead 3 good character


-The same guy referred as a agent who has only killed evil/neutral and the fact that every good guy that has died is connected to some agency


-Twice in the write up it has been said that the evil mafia can´t communicate with each other thus showing that the mafia can´t function as a mafia


-Esequiel (who is being voted to show as proof to this theory) withholding important information that could have saved people´s life before by he chose to keep it to himself which is mafia like behaviour


-Gizmo accuses Darksnowman of being the sniper, DomJcq jumps in and says that Dark is good and Esequiel says that DomJcq is also good too back him up.

This is also typical mafia behavior, mafia members backing each other up to lynch someone they need dead and this time because they know they are all marked as good they think they won´t lose anything from backing each other.


-Esequiel said that DomJcq is good, DomJcq says that Darksnowman is good. After I started talking about the possibility that there is a good mafia

Esequiel says he´s neutral and has been lying and withholding evidence (Like I said mafia like behavior) DomJcq instantly tries to create distance between him and Esequiel and Darksnowman says he´s good after all this



Once again, vote Esequiel out he has been withholding important evidence and lynching him will be the definite proff if there is a good mafia

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-there are too many bad guys dead, so the good guys must be bad.


That's the only part I ever supported. I don't really care about the rest, the rest is all guesswork, like you put it. The only hard solid fact is, there are much more bad guys than usual. And that's the only part I'm giving my support to. Anywho, what you said about Mundi's points stands true to all of the points made in favor of "the good are really good", they make sense from certain points of view, but that's all.


What I've been trying to say is, at the end of the day, all we really know is, there's at least 12 bad guys. Wich means there's something wrong. Either:


A - There are numerous bad guys because they can't communicate, and therefore need to have a chance somehow, and what's stronger than numbers?




B - The good are the mafia.


It's really a matter of picking one. I personally believe in B.

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It's simple to anyone who buys his point of view. Hes saying that if he's good, the mafia is good (:indeed: ), so the evil guys will be off the hook, anyone who disagrees with him will be lynched and the evil guys will be safe. More dangerous when backed into a corner indeed.

The fundamental flaw is that with the theory that good is bad floating around denying to be good is the most natural thing, because he would be the target of townsies and the evil mafia.


When have I said that someone who disagree´s with me is bad?

When have I said that some who agree´s with is on the side of town?


Your just assuming that so you can discredit me

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That's the only part I ever supported. I don't really care about the rest, the rest is all guesswork, like you put it. The only hard solid fact is, there are much more bad guys than usual. And that's the only part I'm giving my support to. Anywho, what you said about Mundi's points stands true to all of the points made in favor of "the good are really good", they make sense from certain points of view, but that's all.


What I've been trying to say is, at the end of the day, all we really know is, there's at least 12 bad guys. Wich means there's something wrong. Either:


A - There are numerous bad guys because they can't communicate, and therefore need to have a chance somehow, and what's stronger than numbers?




B - The good are the mafia.


It's really a matter of picking one. I personally believe in B.

The problem with B is that we know that the evil ARE the mafia, it's a fact, regardless of them being disfunctional or not, heck USA is disfunctional and they're still a country. That would mean 2 mafias. Where does that leave the neutral townsfolk?

Mundi, not disagreeing with you per se, just agreeing with Esequiel, almost everyone who didn't agree with you was lumped with the "good mafia" at some point.

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Mundi, i'll type an uber long statement out refuting that tomorrow or something. But i'd like to just quickly say, if we are looking at the whole Gizmo issue, you are the one who stepped in first and said gizmo was lying, your just as likely from then on to be a good person. Oh and also, as i said, Bad guys have died who are connected to agencies, and yet, you've said nothing about that. Next you said i've distanced myself from Esquiel, if i was doing that as you so claim, then why am i not voting for him? That would be the ultimate distancing would it not be?


"-Twice in the write up it has been said that the evil mafia can´t communicate with each other thus showing that the mafia can´t function as a mafia"


They have dons, yes i'll say it all day long, you can say "it's a twist" and i'll say "no it's not, it proves there's a mafia"


-11 evil characters dead 3 good character


-The same guy referred as a agent who has only killed evil/neutral and the fact that every good guy that has died is connected to some agency


You know my reasoning behind this fact and yet came up with a much more complex one yourself.


-Esequiel (who is being voted to show as proof to this theory) withholding important information that could have saved people´s life before by he chose to keep it to himself which is mafia like behaviour


I have done the same through the game, i haven't revealed until now that Jayseven could kill (OMG LOOK A KILLER WHO WAS EVIL) but only on odd nights, and why? I didn't think it would lead us anywhere.


Oh well

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I guess that in this whole role reversal thing is that:


-Good are the mafia


-Neutral are Neutrals


-The evils are townies


I guess they have a winning condition that´s "Win when all the threats to you are gone"

That is everyone who threatens the dysfunctional mafia

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11 evil characters dead 3 good character


I'm with you on that one.


The same guy referred as a agent who has only killed evil/neutral and the fact that every good guy that has died is connected to some agency


The agency makes perfect sense, we've been over this already. It's not set in stone, but it makes sense.


Twice in the write up it has been said that the evil mafia can´t communicate with each other thus showing that the mafia can´t function as a mafia


This proves nothing.



Esequiel (who is being voted to show as proof to this theory) withholding important information that could have saved people´s life before by he chose to keep it to himself which is mafia like behaviour


He withheld info? When? And why, Mr Esequiel?


Esequiel (who is being voted to show as proof to this theory) withholding important information that could have saved people´s life before by he chose to keep it to himself which is mafia like behaviour


That's only mildly suspicous... it does nothing to prove anything, it's all suspicioun and doubt-casting.


Esequiel said that DomJcq is good, DomJcq says that Darksnowman is good. After I started talking about the possibility that there is a good mafia

Esequiel says he´s neutral and has been lying and withholding evidence (Like I said mafia like behavior) DomJcq instantly tries to create distance between him and Esequiel and Darksnowman says he´s good after all this


So there's pretty much no doubt that Esequiel is suspicious in his behaviour.


Once again, vote Esequiel out he has been withholding important evidence and lynching him will be the definite proff if there is a good mafia


No, Mundi, that's the hole in your argument, Esequiel being good proves absolutely nothing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Not a single thing. All it will prove was wether he was lying or not.


The problem with B is that we know that the evil ARE the mafia, it's a fact.


No we don't... and no it isn't. All we know is that the Evil cannot communicate amongst themselves. We know they are A mafia, not THE mafia. Heck, they're evil, that's what they do, they plot against the good. But what we must fear is an organised entity who's goal is to wipe all others out. And in a disbanded mafia, each has their own individual goals, what we must fear, is organized crime... this "good mafia" may just be a theory, but it's starting to make A LOT of sense.

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