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Well it´s hard to take your points into consideration when if I´m right you end up being the next lynched.


The last few page you´ve selectively answering what I´ve been saying, forgetting why were talking about this and bad attempts at connecting me to the mafia


No, he isn't. If it's always the same agent killing bad guys, it isn't a mafia, as they can send whoever they want to kill, I never thought of that it makes perfect sense and puts the theory to rest in my head.

I don't see why the fact that a good agency isn't killing good people proves anything, it's like the most normal thing in the world. Twisting logic and reason to make people defend the evil guys and kill the good guys, just makes it all the more obvious.

Again, it's pretty obvious that the twist here is that the mafia isn't grouped while the good guys are a secret agency. That doesn't change who the mafia is and who's evil.


That really isn´t a twist, that´s giving the mafia a massive handicap and making an extremely uneven game where it´s near impossible for the evil mafia to win.


Now having the mafia marked as good, that´s a twist.

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This isn't about what you regard as a twist or not, it's about interpreting the facts. It's also harder to hunt down mafia members if they're seperated as they don't act accordingly to each other, although that alone doesn't balance the handicap, the fact that they're at least 12, it makes it more than worth it.


IF they can´t communicate then they can´t plan anything which just might end up with them killing each other.


Also, I´m seeing people viewing this thread that haven´t commented or voted.

please do so, the only persons posting here are people that are at a loss if this proves to be right

IF they can´t communicate then they can´t plan anything which just might end up with them killing each other.


Also, I´m seeing people viewing this thread that haven´t commented or voted.

please do so, the only persons posting here are people that are at a loss if this proves to be right


They don't kill each other, because most likely they were told who they were in the beggining of the game. They were given their roles my Tellyn/Cube, informed who their team mates were and then the EMP went off, making it impossible for them to communicate. This is the most likely set of events.

Coming up with complicated explanations adnt theories to make people look elsewhere, might be a good idea, but what matters to me, is that it's 100% proven by the writeups that an evil mafia exists. Losing site of the facts or the real goals, because a dust storm went up is simply a mistake and being fooled by others.


Well according to his theory the evil mafia haven´t been killing each other yet they have... how?


That´s a glaring hole.

I meant mine :P i disagree with hellfires theory


What theory? The one about the new don?

I´m not denying the fact that there was a evil mafia but with lack of communication make them redundant and what happens when the don dies? a new one comes along.

Just the fact that the don died and a new one came in the same write-up shows that they had no choice in it so it was something inevitable and the whole it´s too confuse fits very well in my theory.


"If you can't be swayed by that then lets examine the killer.

The killer kills evil and neutral people, what did wally die of? A possibly evil doctor maybe?


The mere fact that there is a killer contradicts any mafia, each death at the hands of this killer shows that it's the same guy, now mafia people can send people to do their killing.


Lets say there was a 'good' mafia, why is it that they can't do this? (assuming that the killer is with the good mafia) Why must their killing be relilent on that of a singular person? if this killer/agent was to die, they wouldn't be able to kill, now that's not efficient for anyone is it?"




"No, your twisting that to your own ends, your saying that a new don is to derail us? That's wrong, the reason there's a new don is because there's a mafia, and an evil one at that that's had a don killed and a new one put in place. And how about this theory, some of the mafia can talk (making them mafia AND evil and having a new don) and some can't (making them simply evil)."


ta da


Actually we don´t know if theyre always sending the same person

The killer is always referred as "agent" and if I´m correct the "good" mafia is people connected to agencies

That ALWAYS kills in the same way? it's just very unlikely that it's not the same person.


Or that they always use the same guy to kill.

It´s been done before.


For every kill? it's just a very risky thing for them to do, isn't it? Think about it, the more likely reasoning is that its the same person killing every one

For every kill? it's just a very risky thing for them to do, isn't it? Think about it, the more likely reasoning is that its the same person killing every one


Yes for every kill, when you appear good what have you to lose sending multiple people.

Also sending different person for every kill would make people realize that there is a good mafia. So sending the same person is just a strategic move by them.

Yes for every kill, when you appear good what have you to lose sending multiple people.

Also sending different person for every kill would make people realize that there is a good mafia. So sending the same person is just a strategic move by them.


Unless it was actually just what it is at face value, a killer killing people. But your point is valid about them doing that, i've just never encountered it before.


Still think your wrong about the killer

Unless it was actually just what it is at face value, a killer killing people. But your point is valid about them doing that, i've just never encountered it before.


Still think your wrong about the killer


Then vote for Esequiel, then we know if there is indeed a good marked mafia.


Pssh, not gonna do that am I? Look this is how i see it


I vote for Esquiel and in the worst possible situation, he turns out to be good, you'll think i'm good and lynch me blah blah blah


I don't vote for Esquiel and you say i'm in league with him.


For the love of god people rip those bananas out of your ears and listen and stop behaving like children.


Think it like this


I can prove that esequilel lying how.... let´s look back on what he said about me










Well It looks like He is 100% sure I´m Hannibal or the two shot murderer witch is 100% wrong.


I only targeted one person and thats on night 3/day 4.


He is lying people how can´t you see it ?


If we vote him out and he appears netrual then you have busted around 5 bad/netrual guys is that not good enough for you and I bet the "good mafia" is planing on killing me,mundi,nintonught tonight because we busted there plan and found the ultimate twist.





I went over the threat again not one good guy has been voted out .... what more do you guys need, a picture of me so you can see I´m not Hannibal or a blood sample, sperm sample and a eye scan ?


So your not gonna vote for him at the risk that you would be exposed as a "good" mafia member.

I think you kinda admitted to what I´m trying to get across...


No, i don't want to side myself either way, as i pointed at before, theres way for me to get out of esquiel saying i'm good, so i'm just not gonna vote for anything.

No, i don't want to side myself either way, as i pointed at before, theres way for me to get out of esquiel saying i'm good, so i'm just not gonna vote for anything.


So when Esequiel said you´re good it was all for shenanigans?

Not in any way to back someone up in the mafia he´s in?

So when Esequiel said you´re good it was all for shenanigans?

Not in any way to back someone up in the mafia he´s in?


Shouldn't this be directed to him rather than me? I never said i knew him, and i always said that

No, he isn't. If it's always the same agent killing bad guys, it isn't a mafia, as they can send whoever they want to kill, I never thought of that it makes perfect sense and puts the theory to rest in my head.


Actually no, it makes perfect sense that they'd always use the same hitman. The least characters to be suspicious of, the better off they are. My point being, they don't want to be suspicious, therefore they should keep using the same hitman.


I'm probably the only one here who isn't all worried about saving my skin since I don't really care who's who, but what Mundi's saying is making crystal clear sense. Wether or not it is true... is a different matter altogether.

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