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Hopefully they dont just censor stuff though. But I can see lawyers rubbing their greedy hands...


Well I went to check...I wasn't going to play it as had already seen it in that movie, I wanted to see how many plays it had and whether it had been hearted...if you type 911 in now, there is a educational memorial 911 level and not a lot else...so they got censored...

Well this is a new thing for console gaming so lets see how it goes. I am not a fan of censorship though.


hmmm...I guess vulgarity has to be censored owing to it not being rated as such. Stuff that is in say bad taste is a bit harder to say whether it should as no matter how horrifying people will find such things there are people out there who will find it entertaining...


Is it easy to cretae levels? It sounds complex; or is it a simple case of the more time you put in the more complex they are, but you can still create fun levels pretty quickly? I love games like this, I don't even understand how the backdrops, items and characters are so varied - can you upload pictures and stuff?


This is my most eagerly awaited game!


PS Is it possible to create a football pitch and have a game? I mean what actually is and isn't possible?


The more you put into the level creator the more you'll get out of it. Anyone can make a simple level. It takes a lot of time and work to make a really unique one though.


I've been making afew levels although i seem to hit a problem. I have alot of switches throughout my level, which all work fine (I test it throughout). However when i test it sometimes, when i use a switch all the bits which have been stuck (to walls and floor) unglue and fall through the floor. I'm not sure if it's a bug or not.


As for my impression of LBP: Bloody great, it's amazing how quick the time goes by when creating a level/playing.

The more you put into the level creator the more you'll get out of it. Anyone can make a simple level. It takes a lot of time and work to make a really unique one though.


Thats sums things up. My first level sucked I am working on my next level now and am slowly but surely learning, there are a few things I wanna try and perfect that. It can be trial and error buts its really damn addictive...

I know i ask this question alot about games but i was wondering how much memory will this game take up? Or does it depends how many levels u make?


Dunno, think most the assests stay on the disc cant see the point in copying them to HDD,


Finally got my first level up (involving rescuing fruit for some monkeys) then I realised that I was solely making something akin to Mario on the NES. Realised it needed to be a more fleshed out experience. My typical humour is in there (very Rare inspired!) but now I have mastered the basics of springs/motors/switches etc now I just need to master tricks with layers. I played this for about 4 hours tonight and never even realised :o


Whadda game.


I was doodling in my margins at work today ideas for levels. Must. Stop!


Well i may get shot for this but here goes...


I don't really like this game, i find it quite boring. I do think the concept of it is amazing and kudos to the developers but i just don't feel like it's my kinda game. :(


I'm going to play more of the beta but it ent looking good. I do think the graphics look really cool though!



Well i may get shot for this but here goes...


I don't really like this game, i find it quite boring. I do think the concept of it is amazing and kudos to the developers but i just don't feel like it's my kinda game. :(


I'm going to play more of the beta but it ent looking good. I do think the graphics look really cool though!




Well its not for everyone. I can understand why some people may perhaps not like it.


Burn the heathen!! :p


I was a bit underwhelmed at first but after about an hour I really couldn't remember why. Multiplayer is the only way to really play a level. :heh:


Well I had great fun last night creating a CoD4 'Search & Destroy' level. Took me about half an hour to do a short version. I have now expanded it to fill the whole level.


If you play it may I recommend you staple some leaves to your Sackboy for that ghillie suit look and lols.


Well my latest level is up called flameboy's flaming hot. what is there so far has taken me ages to do and it very much a condensed version of the level I originally intended. I had intended the current door to the level to be opened by flying a rocket and getting it to lift the door away but could not get into work well enough so lost it....anyway give it a try and let me know what you think...


My other level got taken down. A message popped up whilst I was playing another saying my level Heroes Story? had been moderated, so finished the level I was playing and then went to my levels to find it was no longer published....


To be honest I am actually getting a bit bored of the beta...I know know blasphermous...but I am kinda being put off making more levels it takes me so long to get the simple things done right now that I am kinda being put off spending hours and hours making levels when I know its going to be lost...


That isn't to detract how much I love the game. Just can't get into spending hours on levels at the moment. Come release day though will be working on many more levels I am sure...

Well my latest level is up called flameboy's flaming hot. what is there so far has taken me ages to do and it very much a condensed version of the level I originally intended. I had intended the current door to the level to be opened by flying a rocket and getting it to lift the door away but could not get into work well enough so lost it....anyway give it a try and let me know what you think...


My other level got taken down. A message popped up whilst I was playing another saying my level Heroes Story? had been moderated, so finished the level I was playing and then went to my levels to find it was no longer published....


To be honest I am actually getting a bit bored of the beta...I know know blasphermous...but I am kinda being put off making more levels it takes me so long to get the simple things done right now that I am kinda being put off spending hours and hours making levels when I know its going to be lost...


That isn't to detract how much I love the game. Just can't get into spending hours on levels at the moment. Come release day though will be working on many more levels I am sure...


I know what you mean, I have spent a good 10 hours in the level editor, only for it all to vanish in a few days time. Although I have had fun creating them and we have got a heads up on level design when the full game comes out.


I played your old level and could not see why it would get pulled? Strange.


I played your new one, its class. If I could just make a suggestion? The first main gate you come to when you jump on the red button - if you tweak the switch to make it directional rather than on/off. Players then need only to jump on the switch once rather than wait on it. :)

I know what you mean, I have spent a good 10 hours in the level editor, only for it all to vanish in a few days time. Although I have had fun creating them and we have got a heads up on level design when the full game comes out.


I played your old level and could not see why it would get pulled? Strange.


I played your new one, its class. If I could just make a suggestion? The first main gate you come to when you jump on the red button - if you tweak the switch to make it directional rather than on/off. Players then need only to jump on the switch once rather than wait on it. :)


Good suggestion will give it a try...its a level I want to expand and create a much bigger extended version of it. I have halted it and made it smaller more confined preview of what I had...


I am waiting for the final release too. Alot of stuff wont make it in so i am not going to put in too much time right now as its just a beta anyway. There are many more tools yet. So far 5/5 of my levels have stuck so lets see. Make sure your level is complete. Incomplete levels are being taken down.


TGS updates: Japan to get LBP bundles. huge focus.


Snake and Sephiroth Sackboys.










I want those Sackboys!!!!


Just tried to play the game this morning and it says 'Save data is corrupt'. Its done this before, I have to restart from the beginning. My levels are still uploaded, but all my tools and goodies bag have been erased. Can't be bothered to play through all the tutorials again to get them back. Just gonna wait for the full game now. Still annoying though.


*Presses 'right' on the D-pad*

Just tried to play the game this morning and it says 'Save data is corrupt'. Its done this before, I have to restart from the beginning. My levels are still uploaded, but all my tools and goodies bag have been erased. Can't be bothered to play through all the tutorials again to get them back. Just gonna wait for the full game now. Still annoying though.


*Presses 'right' on the D-pad*


I have heard this problem with other people so your not alone.


Tapedeck played your level, went ok until i got stuck! at the wall with the bottles on it! thought I had to drag the other bottle there but I couldn't.i really enjoyed the level tho!

I will do soon...want to try out mine as well?!


I'll play yours tonight mateys. Glad you liked mine! : peace: (Did you solve the seesaw problem to get to the end?)

I'll play yours tonight mateys. Glad you liked mine! : peace: (Did you solve the seesaw problem to get to the end?)


nope didnt but going to go back on it soonish so will try again...


news on the beta stuff vanishing;


Attention all LittleBigPlanet beta testers, advocates, PlayStation 3 owners worldwide! Sackboy needs your assistance on a matter of considerable importance.


The LBP beta is scheduled to end on October 12, and Sony wants you to tell it what it should do with all the levels created and published by beta testers so far. Would you rather dump the lot and start the level-designing community from scratch in the retail release? Or would you rather preserve these early blossoms for posterity?


Either way, get that big ole' butt down to the PlayStation discussion forum and cast your vote.


LittleBigPlanet will be dancing its way into your living room on October 24.


the link to have your say is;



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