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The Law


Shold they be treated as adults?  

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  1. 1. Shold they be treated as adults?

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    • no
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Sorry for killing a child? Sorry doesn't and never changes what a person has done, nor the effect it has on the family/friends around the person who was killed.


I know it means no blood is spilt, but it still irratates me to high hell, they should be in prison just like everybody else who commits a crime, not let off because they are younger.


As it is I don't agree with a life for a life, I dislike the idea of hanging people nor the electric chair, because that then makes us hypocritical, but I don't believe in letting them go scot free.


They got new lives, new identities, new homes, a whole new eistance because of something they did which was evil..


I think the death penalty is harsh, and weve evolved from it for most crimes, although we can still be hung for treason.

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If they are innocent, then its all fine and dandy. But if they are sorry, they still deserve to be locked away with other scum like them.


As a humanist, I believe that you should be ready and willing to forgive those who are truly sorry and repenting for how they have wronged you.

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Yes I know they did, which is why I don't agree with our legal system.

I don't think it's fair for the parents to have to go and say ''oh you killed our child, brutually, but never mind eh we forgive you'' it doesn't work like that and if the parents do happen to forgive them they have a heart of solid gold for doing so.


I never want children, but if my child was killed like that, I would quite wish for them to stay in prison for a good part of their lives and even then it wouldn't be enough.

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How many of these people do you actually think have common sense, eh? That's what stops most people from committing crimes, and yet they still do. Therefore, they probably have none.
Some crimes are commited in pure desperation, like stealing food when you havent eaten in days. Its still wrong, but i think its a bit less punishable than killing a child.
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Some crimes are commited in pure desperation, like stealing food when you havent eaten in days. Its still wrong, but i think its a bit less punishable than killing a child.


I was talking about more serious crimes. Crimes for survival (excluding the likes of killing someone to join a gang in order to survive on an estate, etc), are different, and, to be fair, the courts do take those into account.

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Yes I know they did, which is why I don't agree with our legal system.

I don't think it's fair for the parents to have to go and say ''oh you killed our child, brutually, but never mind eh we forgive you'' it doesn't work like that and if the parents do happen to forgive them they have a heart of solid gold for doing so.


I never want children, but if my child was killed like that, I would quite wish for them to stay in prison for a good part of their lives and even then it wouldn't be enough.


If it was my child, id want a firing squad. But thats un ethical, and id want them to rot in prison. Life should mean LIFE, not 'oh, youve been good.. have 4 years'...

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How can you tell someone is truly sorry?

Im sorry, we wont do it again


*does it again*

im truly sorry this time!




Willy Brant and Auschwitz, anyone? An extreme example I know, but the point stands.


An element of judging the person is in order. I'm not suggesting that someone who commits a crime and is truly sorry should be let off, no strings attached. I'm suggesting that lenience is in order.


I'm also talking about personal forgiveness, not legal.

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Willy Brant and Auschwitz, anyone? An extreme example I know, but the point stands.


An element of judging the person is in order. I'm not suggesting that someone who commits a crime and is truly sorry should be let off, no strings attached. I'm suggesting that lenience is in order.


I'm also talking about personal forgiveness, not legal.

Those names dont come to mind, ill look them up.

But my philosiphy is do the crime, do the time.

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No it isn't what I said, I already stated that I do not believe in killing others like the americans do. They get new lives for killing a child, is that really right to you? :indeed:


They were young and brought up in terrible conditions. I reckon they are most likely horrified by what they did. If they are, they should not be released to a mob of people who are like-minded (albeit to a greater extent) than yourself.


What ever happened to "there is no judge more terrible than ones own conscience"?


Those names dont come to mind, ill look them up.


You don't know Willy Brant or even Auchwitz? By god, looks like I'm right - I have for a long time thought that the more ignorant a person, the more extreme their views.

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They were young and brought up in terrible conditions. I reckon they are most likely horrified by what they did. If they are, they should not be released to a mob of people who are like-minded (albeit to a greater extent) than yourself.


What ever happened to "there is no judge more terrible than ones own conscience"?

You cant use that as a fact.

You dont know how they were raised, or how they feel about it.



You don't know Willy Brant or even Auschwitz? By god, looks like I'm right - I have for a long time thought that the more ignorant a person, the more extreme their views.

Ive just looked it up, and because my memory is so bad i forget the names of things.
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You cant use that as a fact.

You dont know how they were raised, or how they feel about it.


Part of the reason the courts ruled as they did is because of the way they were raised. It's quite well known.


Ive just looked it up, and because my memory is so bad i forget the names of things.


The name Auschwitz isn't something most forget in a hurry...

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Maybe if they got new identities, and had to serve the time for their crime. It wouldnt be so bad. (but theres no way of knowing where they are...


As far as I am aware, they served the sentence handed down to them. The main reason new identities is to prevent more crimes being committed against them. The main purpose of the legal system in the UK is to prevent more crime.

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As far as I am aware, they served the sentence handed down to them. The main reason new identities is to prevent more crimes being committed against them. The main purpose of the legal system in the UK is to prevent more crime.


Then let's hope they don't grow up and decide to do something so disgusting again shall we.



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The way the person is raised is only part of the act, as I recall their parents didn't stand over them while they were kicking that child to death.


I understand the courts acted as they did, but it shouldn't be something that rules over the whole case.


About their upbringing, I don't think you can comment on it until you know what they'd been through. It wasn't simply their parents shouting at them telling them to be violent.


Their upbringing, in fact didn't hold any baring on the case because attitudes like yours led them to be held at her magesty's pleasure with a minimum of 8 years to serve their sentence. That was then extended to 10 years and then to 15 years, mainly to satisfy public reaction, before the European Court of Human Rights finally stepped in. The law has no place for emotion because crap like this happens.

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About their upbringing, I don't think you can comment on it until you know what they'd been through. It wasn't simply their parents shouting at them telling them to be violent.


Their upbringing, in fact didn't hold any baring on the case because attitudes like yours led them to be held at her magesty's pleasure with a minimum of 8 years to serve their sentence. That was then extended to 10 years and then to 15 years, mainly to satisfy public reaction, before the European Court of Human Rights finally stepped in. The law has no place for emotion because crap like this happens.


No, but it still shouldn't rule the whole case, I never said it should be ruled out to ''satisfy the public'' it shouldn't satisfy anyone, it should be ruled as the court see fit, following the law, including issues of how they were brought up, though it brings into persepctive why the parents weren't given some form of ''punishment'' if it was balantly obvious that they had brought up their children in such a bad way.


Crap does happen, but it doesn't mean we can go ''oh let's just let them off because their parents treated them badly'' not every child who has been treated like crap has killed a child, so why did they kill one?


It doesn't mean that they should get a harsher nor lighter sententce, but at 14 years of age, you would have known that when your foot connects and kicks that child it is going to hurt them and in their case it killed the child.

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Just to point out, they were both just 10 years old then.


Your right, but the court will decide how much bearing their upbringing, and all other factors, will have on the sentence. I'm just saying the in this case other factors, that have no place in a court room, had a massive effect on the sentencing.

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Guest Stefkov
That's a shit idea - they killed someone, so lets demonstrate how civilised, grown-up, and fair we can be by setting the example of killing them.

Well yeah.

I'd rather the person be dead that clogging up the prisns everywhere. They're in there for life, might aswell cut it short.

Once they've had their 5 minutes of fame on TV for killing someone they'll be forgotten. Once the killing of prisoners gets into a continuous flow, everyone will come to accept that if you kill you will be killed.


I sound like Kira. I like it.

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