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  • 1 month later...
How did you get in? Kane's Wrath?


Yup, though EA messed up the chronological order (no pun intended :heh:) of beta sign ups, so I didn't get mine as soon as I'd hoped. Anways...


RA3 Beta impressions


Well, first thing I noticed was the flashy looking main menu, it looks seriously awesome! If you've seen the ending of the first RA3 Trailer with the animation of Kirovs bombing America, that's what's been used. Also, the RA2 menu music has been used, though I'm not sure wether that's a placeholder or not.


I set up a 1v1 game, with me as Soviets and my opponent as Empire of the Rising Sun (EotRS). Now, one thing that struck me about the gameplay is, and a lot of people might not like this, that it feels a lot like C&C Generals at first. However, that's mainly due to the much slower paced gameplay. I for one welcome it, as it gives plenty of time for base expansion.


And you seriously need to expand! Instead of the classic harvesting routine, you need to place an Ore Refinery directly infront of an Ore Node. Whilst the harvesters do travel back and forth from these quite quickly, you don't get much income. Hence the need for expansion, which is done in a similar fashion to C&C3; by building a certain type of vehicle and then setting them as outposts outside ore nodes.


As for the units, they're fantastic! EA have deffinitely kept the spirit and feel of RA2 alive here. The old classics; such as the Tesla Soldier, Apoc tank and Dreadnaught make a welcome return, even with some of the original voices used (although they also might be placeholders.) Theres a variety of great new ones too. The Soviet War Bears, Bullfrogs and Hammer Tanks are great ones that come to mind.


It's really the secondary abbilities that make them stand out, and add a new variety of tactics to play with. The Hammer Tank can "leech life" as a seondary ability which, not only drains the enemy unit's health, but can steal the destroyed targets weapon. The Apoc can drag in small tanks with a magnetic laser, and then crush them with its grinders. And there's other ones that can speed up units or increse rate of fire, but doing this slowly decreases thier health.


There's also a Generals like powers menu that lets you select support powers. These need to be obtained in a certain order. These range from magnetic lasers that drag enemy units into the sky, to the desolator strike, that drops chemical bombs.


Overall, I think that RA3 is a great game, and a worthy sucessor to RA2. The slow pace actually works a lot better, and allows for more epic battles. It's certainly more tactical than any other C&C game in that sense, and the fact that units are far more balanced is a great achivement.


Sorry for the longish post, but there's so much to talk about! I'll try a game as Allies next, and then as EotRS. If anyone has questions, feel free to ask away! ^^


Desolataaaarrrrr rreeeaaadyyyyyyy. Sorry, I know the RA2 unit quotes a little too well. I think the music and what not are placeholders considering Frank Klepecki(sp?) is doing the music again :D. I'm intrigued by the secondary functions you mentioned. Is it a case of you have to press a different button i.e. X for primary, Y for secondary. Or, which would be more logical, select it it in the units options to use one or the other automatically. Though if you had a group of different units how then would you change between primary and secondary fire? I'm hoping it keep up the difficulty of the previous installments, i'm not fussed about the slower pace. Red Alert as a series was never as fast paced as CnC anyway. It'll suit the console version more too. Bring on November, hopefully enough people will buy the console version for some awesome multiplayer :).


For the motherland!!

I'm intrigued by the secondary functions you mentioned. Is it a case of you have to press a different button i.e. X for primary, Y for secondary. Or, which would be more logical, select it it in the units options to use one or the other automatically. Though if you had a group of different units how then would you change between primary and secondary fire?


Primary and Seondary functions are toggled with the F key. Some units have instant functions, whilst others can toggle between each mode. There's also the unpack function for some units, like MCVs.


Btw, I think RA3 is out in October. I can't wait for the full game either! ^^

Have you heard any form of Hell March? Are there any noteworthy tracks thus far?


The latest trailer for RA3 (revealing EotRS) has a new version of Hell March. Here it is: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/36360.html. I'm not sure if it'll get used in RA3 though, but I don't see why it wouldn't be.


As for the soundtrack, there's only one song in the beta at the moment, and It sounds more like something from Generals/C&C3, although it does have a slight RA feel to it at times (there's some guitar).


The music is ambient; calm whilst there's nothing going on, it ramps up whilst attacking/being attacked, and there's a dramatic element to it if you loose a lot of units. I think it sounds pretty good, but it's hard to judge with one track.


Oh, and there's something else I forgot to mention, different build mechanics. Each faction has a different way of building thier structures:


Allies use the classic C&C method, by clicking the structure in the sidebar and placing it instantly once completed. They have a set space to build in.


Soviet structures need to be placed within the the battlefield first, and are then constructed in real-time, making them vunerable to attack. However, each building adds more of a build radius, allowing easy base expansion.


Finally, The Empire of the Rising sun have a unique method. They construct "Nodes", which are small vehicles that deploy into structures anywhere on the map. Although the Nodes are very vunerable to attack, and can be destroyed quite easily.


I so can't wait for this. Ever since RA2s online multiplayer network ceased to be i've been wanting a sequel. I wonder if Tanya is back ;)

I so can't wait for this. Ever since RA2s online multiplayer network ceased to be i've been wanting a sequel. I wonder if Tanya is back ;)


Yup, Tanya is back, lol. However, she seems a bit different in this one. She's blonde and long haired, instead of dark haired like in RA2. It makes me wonder wether Kari Wurher will be Tanya this time or not...


Excellent, sounding good so far, thanks for the info coolfunkman!


Don't suppose if u know the release date for the 360 version do u? Command and conquer 3 seemed to come months after the PC one. Is it the same in this case?


I haven't heard anything about a delay for the 360 version, so it's on track for October as far as I'm aware. Though the lack of news regarding the 360 version seems to show otherwise...


And OMG I've just had the most epic match so far!!


It was 2v2, me and my ally were Soviets, and the enemies were Soviet and EotRS. The map has a main island in the middle, with lots of small islands surrounding it. The first enemy, EotRS, got wiped out easily. However, our Soviet enemy wasn't giving up.


Later on in the match, he sent out a naval fleet and almost wiped out my base, and I was forced to sell most of my structures. Luckily, I'd packed up my MCV just before it could get destroyed, so I sent it to my allies base. Also, I'd expanded my base to a small island at the top of the map, and he hadn't found me, plus I had tons of cash saved up. So I built up my base again, and my ally and I sent out loads of Apoc Tanks and a naval fleet to finish off his base.


I managed to take out his con yard, and he quit the game, leaving me and my ally victorious! Expanding + quick thinking = Win! :grin:




Well, I'm away till Monday now, so I'll post more impressions when I get back. Feel free to leave me any questions. ^^

  • 2 weeks later...

So, is anyone else getting Red Alert 3: Premier Edition? I know I am! :grin: Though at £45, you can argue it's a tad expensive, and it's apparently exclusive to GAME. Ah well, Reward Points ftw! ^^ Mind you, I think the special features are quite good. Oh, and I've bolded a feature which seems... rather interesting:


* Limited edition collector’s tin.

* Five exclusive multiplayer/skirmish maps.

* Bonus DVD featuring: Full-length Raising the Iron Curtain making-of movie with exclusive interviews from the star-studded cast, Concept art montage video (From Pens to Pixels), Bloopers and outtakes from the cinematics sessions, Women of Red Alert 3 montage video, An inside look into the future of Command & Conquer and Red Alert, Tips on how to unlock the secrets of each side, directly from the developers, Complete video walk-thru on one of the game’s hardest missions! And more!

* Game Soundtrack including exclusive remixes of Hell March and Hell March 2 by From First to Last, plus the all-new Hell March 3.

* Exclusive Beta Key to a future C&C game!

* A C&C Red Alert 3-exclusive item for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (also available with the standard edition of C&C Red Alert 3).


Hmmmm, wonder what it could be? My guess is that it could the Tiberium. However, the fact that it doesn't specify exactly what future C&C game it is leaves room for some speculation.


And sorry if anyones annoyed at double posting, just that I really felt that this info was quite significant.

I haven't heard anything about a delay for the 360 version, so it's on track for October as far as I'm aware. Though the lack of news regarding the 360 version seems to show otherwise...


And OMG I've just had the most epic match so far!!


It was 2v2, me and my ally were Soviets, and the enemies were Soviet and EotRS. The map has a main island in the middle, with lots of small islands surrounding it. The first enemy, EotRS, got wiped out easily. However, our Soviet enemy wasn't giving up.


Later on in the match, he sent out a naval fleet and almost wiped out my base, and I was forced to sell most of my structures. Luckily, I'd packed up my MCV just before it could get destroyed, so I sent it to my allies base. Also, I'd expanded my base to a small island at the top of the map, and he hadn't found me, plus I had tons of cash saved up. So I built up my base again, and my ally and I sent out loads of Apoc Tanks and a naval fleet to finish off his base.


I managed to take out his con yard, and he quit the game, leaving me and my ally victorious! Expanding + quick thinking = Win! :grin:




Well, I'm away till Monday now, so I'll post more impressions when I get back. Feel free to leave me any questions. ^^


Pfft... Not saying anything about your performance, but weak allies always piss me off. In C&C3, as soon as my ally puts his crane in my base I know he must be some weak arse who felt he was incapable of maintaining and defending his own base.


You're not like that, are you CoolFunkyMan? :p

Pfft... Not saying anything about your performance, but weak allies always piss me off. In C&C3, as soon as my ally puts his crane in my base I know he must be some weak arse who felt he was incapable of maintaining and defending his own base.


You're not like that, are you CoolFunkyMan? :p


Nah, I'm not weak, I just wasn't ready :heh:


Seriously though, I've come across a problem with RA3 already, and most people agree, that the EotRS are over powered. I once managed to win a match as them by just using 10 units! Hopefully EA are looking into it...


I didn't think it could. Thats why they released that keyboard thinge to connect to the controller coz you couldn't connect a keyboard.


I have no problems using the controller over a mouse/keyboard anyway, i loved C&C3 and kanes wrath on the 360.


If I could play with a PC and Mouse and with the PC interface I'd get it on the 360...


...but the C&C3 interface on the 360 put me off like crazy. It was nasty compared to the clean PC interface.

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