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Yes, I want to instance dammit! I can tank with my awesome-mess(better not get pwned), then we can have Zero and his Paladin if he's up for it, your and Aimless' hunter for DPS, so we just need a healer. Good if we could get MadDog or something.


That'd be good, although you logged on, logging straight back out. :indeed:

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I don't mind healing if, I can get my act together and level some more. My DPS just now is terrible so, that's not a good idea.


Surprised how low you guys are. I dinged 67 last night, looking forward to getting my flying mount at 70, then i can mine alot quicker and make money easier. I'd help you guys out with gold and questing but I'm on 'The Maelstrom' server.


I'm 80 on my Hunter and i'm gonna start doing heroics soon. Got a few good blues last night. And I have a 74 alt Druid. The reason we are all still so low is because we all decided to level together the other week.


I will definetly be on my Paladin tonight and hopefully get a level or two. i can also rez now so, go me :heh:


Just downloaded the new patch, though I can't make a Death Knight on Terokarr. There's an error just now so not all players can make a DK on any realm, i'm just not one of them :heh:


I had a plan to make a DK, then take some folk through instances to power level folk if they wanted, then another DK could do my character and a few others. But won't work quite yet...


Well for now we can always settle for conquering DM? I mean were all 16+ now I believe except MadDog, but I cannot see it being a problem. You'll just have to communicate and find out when you want to do it!


Just gots myself a new UI, and I think I like it, needs a bit of tweaking, finished it on my Druid, jsut worked on my Lock, thanks to nightwolf for the grouping the party bar looks alright.


This be it:



I need more shininess ;-;


I'm not quite 16 yet but, i'll try to get to 16 tonight and power level tomorrow id i can't. Who wants to conquer DM tomorrow then?


I can make a DK on Terokkar.

I'm up for it tomorrow. Might actually be bothered to go and try to reach 22 next time I go on.


You need to slow down mister and let the rest of us catch up :p


The new WoW launcher is groovy.


I might make a DK on our server, I always wanted to make a Human DK but didnt want to play alone, best chance to make one I guess. I'll boost u through SM/ZF and shizz :D


I've started a Draenei Shaman. I got sick of my Paladin killing everything so slowly and i'm currently trying to level as quick as I can. I should be able to get to 16 by Saturday or, if i'm lucky, Friday night so, can we do DM then if we all have nothing planned? I'll still be healer.

I've started a Draenei Shaman. I got sick of my Paladin killing everything so slowly and i'm currently trying to level as quick as I can. I should be able to get to 16 by Saturday or, if i'm lucky, Friday night so, can we do DM then if we all have nothing planned? I'll still be healer.


I can always instance with you with the Death Knight to help you catch up.

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