Zero Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 Please tell me it's Terrokar everyone is on. That's where I made my guy. Name's Orez. Zero backwards.
nightwolf Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 So there's Me as a dreanai Mage Aimless as a Night elf Druid Dyson as a night elf druid also MadDog as a Draenai Priest Shadowv7 is a Draenai warroir. Zero as a Human Paladin. Uzit as a Draenai Shaman. Remember not to go as high as level 10 if you want to group with me and aimless! I think it maybe easier to have our own guild, yes/no?
ShadowV7 Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 There's Uzit aswell as a Dranie Shaman. Forgot what So far the levels are: Myself and Zero are 5, MadDog 4 and Uzit 1.
nightwolf Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 Sorted. I think my college mate, carla wants to join us, I hope thats alright? She's been level 80 before etc and knows her stuff. Plus it means I'm not the only girl!
ShadowV7 Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 More the better I say. Would bring our group up to 8!
nightwolf Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 So guild? I was thinking something along the lines of KNEEEE etc.
ShadowV7 Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 I was thinking something along the lines of 'Anti-Gnome Campaign'. Then I thought, why don't we meet in the middle and go for 'KNEEEE Anti-Gnome Campaign'. Yes, I hate Gnomes.
Aimless Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 "The Knights Who Say KNEEEE", clearly. Also, I figured that being a second druid, especially another Feral one, didn't make much sense, so I've made a night elf Hunter. The name's — both appropriately and ironically — Aimless and he's level 6 at the moment. I've made far too many alts in my time so I'll soon catch up with everyone. Oh, I'm going to take Skinning and Leatherworking if anyone wants to take that into consideration.
Dyson Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 I don't mind funding the startup of the guild, I have loads of gold as the highest level at the moment, and a cat carrier to sell. I'll make it later and get you all to sign the charter in an hour or two! Edit: Got the charter, will sort out name in a bit, and also get signatures in an hour or so! And then I'll gather consensus for a good Tabard design and pay for that too.
MadDog Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 Nice one! Me and Shadow are currently level 6, and Zero is level 7, Uzit is level 5.
ShadowV7 Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 Get enough folk for a 10 player raid. So far we have 8 people I think.
MadDog Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 Can we get Tellyn too? He doesn't play anymore
nightwolf Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 I think we should definately have The knights who say KNEEE ^_^ good choice. I'll come on now.
Dyson Posted January 14, 2009 Posted January 14, 2009 The bad news is, we can't have the guild name mentioned before. We're currently placeholding with a guild name of Fallen Pigeons, which I personally love. The good news is we're only 3 signatures away from Guild creation, and I still need to collect a signature from Aimless and someone else I think..
ShadowV7 Posted January 14, 2009 Posted January 14, 2009 I went back on this at midnight. Got to level 8 then logged off. Bring on the Fallen Pigeons! We need some more members and have a big group of us on at once. Was pretty fun earlier.
UziT Posted January 14, 2009 Posted January 14, 2009 The reason why I said Fallen Pigeons was because it was one of my first guilds I had made. Few months into when the game launched, so brings back memories! Also, just dinged 80 with my mage! bring on naxx the biatch!!
nightwolf Posted January 14, 2009 Posted January 14, 2009 Managed to get to level 11, I forgot how boring it can be levelling on your own at such a low level.
Dyson Posted January 14, 2009 Posted January 14, 2009 I'll be on later tonight probably, eveningish. 7 perhaps?
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