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TBH, there's a lot of talk about retri pallies and I agree with the nerfs from the patch notes (as a rogue without Prep I play perfect games, vanishing bubble, dismantling correctly and still get burst in three secs after surviving so long) but mages need a good looking at as well. Instant cast 5k in honor gear will never be OK.

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It's tough to balance the classes because when they look at PVE, some classes need that boost, but then the boost overpowers them at PVP. I think it's something that they'll never ever get spot on.


tried to run a resto (Brutal Glad) and Deadly Brew/Prep today - lost 100 to double ret, arcane/ret, moonkin/ret, lock/ret and then we gave up. Skill isn't really a factor anymore, it's who can press their Instagib buttons first.


Back to moonkin/muti.


BUT: Bloodsail Admiral :D


My Wrath of the Lich King pre-order is getting processed on GAME.co.uk now, god I hope it comes the day before release so I can install it and be ready to play it at midnight...


Or I will be tempted to go out to one of the Midnight lauches and get a second copy xD


I hate my brother! Today was the first time in a little while that I'd been able to play it. So I was in the middle of soloing Scholomance for runecloth and to see if I could get any drops for money and he switches on his pc and continually tries to log in while I'm on and he gets me disconnected from the game twice. He knew I was on so he was just being a dick. Really, he should be a bit nicer to me considering that I spent the little money I had to get him the new Guitar Hero. :shakehead

My Wrath of the Lich King pre-order is getting processed on GAME.co.uk now, god I hope it comes the day before release so I can install it and be ready to play it at midnight...


Or I will be tempted to go out to one of the Midnight lauches and get a second copy xD


That's exactly why I want mine early. I want to get everything set up so I can be ready to get on it at midnight, instead of coming home late on Thursday night from Uni and having to install it all and play it for 10 minutes :heh:

That's exactly why I want mine early. I want to get everything set up so I can be ready to get on it at midnight, instead of coming home late on Thursday night from Uni and having to install it all and play it for 10 minutes :heh:


Same here, I've got a full day of University on Thursday, so I want to play a bit after midnight before I go to sleep. I did book Thursday night off work to get a few more hours of game play in though. :p


My Collector's Edition on GAME.co.uk still says


"Your order is currently held as a Preorder".


Though I don't expect them to post it until like Tuesday.


I only just found the Collectors Edition yesterday in HMV and Zavvi but never had a chance to order it, never even knew GAME listed it till you mentioned it, either way doesn't look like i'll be getting the CE :heh:


I start a bit late on Thursday at Uni, I have 1 lecture, 2 hours gap then another lecure. Might miss the last and head home ;)


Grats Ramar on getting a Collector's Edition... Missed all 3 of them myself :( (WoW, TBC and now Wotlk)


Might ring up my local GAME's and see if they are keeping any for launch days. Mini Frost Wyrm pet ftw :(


I slapped a post up when I ordered it, you guys must have missed it though.


Just remembered my lecture next thursday morning has been cancelled which means I can either get up an hour earlier or play an hour longer to sleep in a bit more. Well thats if the game arrives wednesday.



My Collector's Edition on GAME.co.uk still says


"Your order is currently held as a Preorder".


Though I don't expect them to post it until like Tuesday.


Mine too :) cant wait! :D


What time did you actually pre-order?


I can't afford the CE - lol.


Wonder if I can convince my local GAME manager to hand it over Wednesday evening - ring it through as the Muppets Monster Adventure or something.


Also, 3.0 is sooooo broken I want to cry. All the fun things I like have been crap for a month.

Mine too :) cant wait! :D


What time did you actually pre-order?


19:04 on the 1/10/08.


Anyone else find since 3.0 the game is a lot more laggy?


Same. My laptop was playing it flawlessly until the latest patch. Don't really understand Naxxramas' presence outside every city as the only way to get in will be from Northrend so perhaps it'll disappear. Not like you can get up to it from any city as flying mounts can't be used in Azeroth.


edit: down Onyxia. Bloody easy. So easy in fact. Could probably have done it with less people but at least that's one downed for me.


Just seen on the official WoW forums that some peeps WOTLK: CE GAME pre-orders are being picked and packed.....mine is till on Pre-Prder :(

Just seen on the official WoW forums that some peeps WOTLK: CE GAME pre-orders are being picked and packed.....mine is till on Pre-Prder :(


Never fear, mine is still pre-order. I expect them to pick it and pack it tomorrow, post it Tuesday.

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