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This is some new mobile provider for 16 - 24 year olds, and from what i can see it looks pretty good, you get 43 mins and 217 texts a month for free, and all you have to do is recive some (albeit annoying) adverts via MMS to your phone, I have ordered a sim card as it will be good for emergencys.



(wasnt sure weather to put this in here or in the Trades/Bargins board so move if you see fit.)

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Gay. Will be a massive flop.

Please state why. Also if it flops i will have gotten a few months of free calls/texts so i dont mind, apparently the CEO of blyk is the co founder of t-mobile so im pretty sure he knows what he is doing. (however i didnt check that out i just heard it from one of there reps so it could be bull)

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Links to evedence of this.

I dont see why everyone is so down on the idea, its a solid prospect being handled by more than experienced people.


I can't be arsed to search, but it definitely has been done and has failed every single time. If you are so interested then im sure you can find the info.


On a plus note, this does sound more promising than normal. They've laid down strict limits which might well save them

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You really shouldn't be using that word to describe a situation or service. Some people may find it offensive.


Theres more than one meaning to that word though, and it ain't clear which he is using (due to none making any sense). Anyone who takes offence is over-reacting

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Same as me calling the idea, "Black" or "Asian". Or worse, a slang swear version of those.


Thankfully, i'm not a racist.




Sounds good/I haven't topped up my phone for like 3 months or something. I have no money on it.


Or white maybe:indeed:

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