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Wow, freaky...


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So I am/was recording some bass on my crappy assed Mac and Garageband using my little effects console. The setup is bass, to effects console, to Mac all via line in. And I was pausing for a moment to think about stuff when I hear talking. And what do you know, I'm picking up radio-stations. I dunno what part of the set-up is doing this, but I've picked up some weird American show, a woman talking about the Vatican and crazy assed big-band music. It keeps crackling and the best bit is if I move my hands away from the strings the volume increases...


It's so freaky! Now two woman is talking about local authorities bulldozing shanty towns.

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My PC sub-woofer used to pick up my front neighbor's illegal radio station (not really a radio, more of a channel they use to talk between them, its kind of a hobby), and he did this at 3 am while I was a sleep. The first time I woke up screaming calling for my parents, thinking there was a burglar inside, but after that I kinda liked to listen to their conversation, his nickname was "Snow White" and he used to talk to the "Big Bad wolf"... seriously.


Eventually my dad talked to him and got the antenna higher, and it stopped. This happens I believe because of the strong electromagnetic waves near the speaker.

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