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Dilemma: going to Turkey or not?


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Okay, so I don't really know what to do. Today, I got asked by my Art History teacher if maybe I wanted to go to Turkey this summer to one of the archaeological sites to go draw stuff they dig up and whatever.


Sounds cool right?


Thing is, it'd be the entire month of August (so four weeks), while working 5 days per week. Unpaid work. Your trip to there gets paid for, and I think most of your stay too (which I doubt would be in a hotel), but I'm pretty sure expenses for food and any other things (like trips to see/do stuff) would have to be paid for by me.

A month is long. And since it's summer, it'll be bloody hot there. I can't stand the heat very well... At 25°C I'm already melting, and I'm pretty sure it gets warmer than 40°C there during the day. =/


Also, it would mean any other trips I would have planned (Spain or the States, don't know yet), probably wouldn't happen. And once you say yes to this project, you can't go back anymore; you have to go. I also pretty much wouldn't be able to do a summer job, meaning I'd have no money. Andddd I also would have to pass all my exams in June, cause the resits for those exams are in August as well...

Last bad part, I'd be one of the only people from my school going. Only me and some other guy I don't know got asked to go so far, so I basically would be sitting there all alone for a month. I'm totally not a social type so making friends, getting to know people and going out with them (not even sure there's many options there for stuff to do) isn't my kind of thing.



Guhhhh, I don't know if I should do this or not. And the teacher already wants to know my answer tomorrow, cause then they can start with the administration part of it. And of course now my parents are in Italy, so I can't even ask them what to do (though I bet they would push me to just do it).

This seems like a nice opportunity, but there's so many negative points connected to it that sort of seem to outweigh the positive point.


I'm interested in the history of art (this is in Sagalassos, and it has remnants of an old Roman city), but it's not something I would want to do in the future, so it's a bit useless to put on my CV even. Plus as far as I understood from the teacher, we wouldn't even be on the site itself, but somewhere else to draw the stuff. =/


Any ideas or opinions or whatever? I'm kinda clueless right now as to what to do. >.<;

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Hmmm, I know a guy who does exactly that for a living and loves it. You don't sound entirely keen though. To be honest I would love to do something like that, if simply for the experience and excitement of doing something different. If you're not that interested in going to Turkey, you could always look for similar projects in other parts of the world. There are always archaeological digs on the go (perhaps even somewhere you were planning to go to anyway like Spain perhaps :wink: )

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I'd try and find out more about it before making a decision. If i was in your position i would most likely be thinking i wouldn't want to go, based on what you've said (I hate heat too). If you have better and more funner things to do then i'd say go with them.


IMO i couldn't see drawing things (especially roasting hot) being much fun after say a week or so, but thats just my opinion.

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Hmmm, I know a guy who does exactly that for a living and loves it. You don't sound entirely keen though. To be honest I would love to do something like that, if simply for the experience and excitement of doing something different. If you're not that interested in going to Turkey, you could always look for similar projects in other parts of the world. There are always archaeological digs on the go (perhaps even somewhere you were planning to go to anyway like Spain perhaps :wink: )


But does he do the digging? Cause I won't do any of that of course. I'll just be sitting in some building or somewhere outside baking in the sun, drawing whatever other people dug up.

And I'm not really looking for other locations either, since I never was very much interested in this in the first place (never thought they would ask me even).


i think you should go, you might not get an oppurtunity like this again, and its only 1 month, theirs always the year after for the states.


A month is long though, especially since it'd be half of my summer break gone, working in a not so great environment and not getting paid for it. And going to the States the year after isn't much of an option, since my boyfriend/best friend/whatever lives there and I don't think I can go a year without seeing him. =/



It seems like a cool experience, but only for a week or two. A month just seems way too long, especially since I'm not sure I'll have other people to hang out with. I'd get homesick I think. >.<;

I'd love to get some more information, but I don't think I'll be getting any. The teacher himself isn't even part of this project, he just recruits students. And I am one of those since my grades were good and I can draw. =/

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But does he do the digging? Cause I won't do any of that of course. I'll just be sitting in some building or somewhere outside baking in the sun, drawing whatever other people dug up.

And I'm not really looking for other locations either, since I never was very much interested in this in the first place (never thought they would ask me even).


He does do a little bit of digging, but mainly he does the drawings of finds as well as reconstructions of what the site may have looked like when it was around. If you only fancy a couple of weeks I'm sure that would be possible. I voluteered at a dig nearby my home for a couple of weeks a few summers back. For me it mainly involved digging out trenches and moats with a pickaxe though.

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Well I just had a bit of a chat with my parents. Of course they're both like: Go go go! And I can understand why. It is a really nice opportunity to go somewhere and do something different. Hell, they even said that if I don't get to do a summer job because of this, they might just give me some money or help finance my trip to the States.


I'm really still not sure what to do. I wish I had some more time to decide...



- paid ticket to Turkey

- once in a lifetime experience (unless they ask me again :P )

- could be cool to draw that stuff

- possibly meet new people



- hot weather = unhappy Eenuh

- only one or two other persons will probably be there drawing as well

- won't be on the archaeological site itself

- unpaid work, 5 days a week, not sure food is paid for either

- a month is longggg

- I might get awful lonely and homesick

- no summer job or relaxing trip to Spain


I think tomorrow I'm going to ask the teacher if maybe it's possible to go for like, two weeks instead of four. I kinda don't think it's possible, but it's worth a try I guess? And dad also asked me to ask if they pay for my food. I don't even know what kind of food they have in Turkey. O.o

Also, apparently, the people in the village there aren't used to "showing skin", so I'm not even sure I'd be allowed to wear shorts/skirts/tops or whatever. =O


*goes to think some more about this*

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