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I've just started to read this thread and I agree with King_V; Nintendo do not deserve the sales they are getting. Let's face it, if a consoles sales were in correlation to the quality of games on the console, the Wii would have sold A LOT less. You have to remember they are a lot of people still buying Wii for Wii sports, and they are then going on to buy bullshit games. Take Mario party for example; how the HELL has that sold 2 million units worldwide! That's fucking rediculous considering how bad it is.


Yeah, how dare Mario Party sell as well on Wii as all 7 previous iterartions did on N64 and Gamecube! God dammit it's those casual gamers buying it again, the same ones that owned an N64 >_>.


Yeah, Nintendo do make some great games, and games like Galaxy prove that, but come on, you can't deny they've left some of their old hardcore fans in the dark abit. I mean, i want some new AAA IPs, not Big brain academy. That said, we know what will always sell more.


Every major Nintendo franchise has a sequel on the Wii - except Pikmin and Star Fox. Now, seeing as we're not a year into the consoles life span, I'd say that's pretty good going. Yeah, Nintendo are going after other markets too, but I'd say their line up still speaks more then enough volume as to where their loyalty lies.


Also, TellyN listed some great wii games for both single player and multiplayer. Well, the one game worth owning a wii for atm is Wii sports. Most other games can be found on other consoles tbh. I mean, Warioware lacked the GC's multiplayer and as always is criminally short, SPM is a last gen game no matter what anyone says, and TP? Well that lacked the next gen feeling completely.


It's all your opinion, for the most part I'd agree, the Wii's software has pretty much sucked. I guess people cope with it in different ways, to be honest I got exactly what I expected having owned a SNES, N64, GameCube, PS1, PS2 and GBA since launch. Fact is, consoles post-launch always suck, I can't remember for how long Oni was the 3rd best PS2 game, but it was longer then I wanted to cope with >_>.

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What's happening is Nintendo is expanding the market to new gamers and selling them poor games, but since they don't know shit from good they eat up crap like Mario Party 8.


But then there will be games like Metroid Prime 3 that get criminally ignored because they are over-complex for new gamers and that scares them off.


That fact annoys me.


That's true. Asides from Mario Party, Nintendo isn't selling shit to anyone, but for the most case yeah. It's basically the same when NES expanded the market and when PS1 did the same, there was an insane amount of crappy games out there.


Goron, you keep saying most people buy Wii for Wii sports. You know that in Japan, Wii sells like crazy and doesn't come with Wii sports? I also hate when people start pouting out that "AAA" game crap. Ugh, it's so annoying.

Goron, you keep saying most people buy Wii for Wii sports. You know that in Japan, Wii sells like crazy and doesn't come with Wii sports? I also hate when people start pouting out that "AAA" game crap. Ugh, it's so annoying.


But Wii Sport's has a 70% attatch rate in Japan :P.


Not that it's even worth bringing the Japanese market into this, as it's an entirely different kettle of fish.

Goron, you keep saying most people buy Wii for Wii sports. You know that in Japan, Wii sells like crazy and doesn't come with Wii sports?


And the top selling games for the Wii in Japan are Wii Play and Wii Sports, those two titles have been in the top 40 there for pretty much the whole year, it really is what's carrying the Wii's momentum.


And once Wii Fit is released the Wii will be secured a new lease of life in Japan for at least another year, that's Nintendo's big gun for the casuals, that's why they keep showing it off so much at conferences (Thinks of E3).

When translated to gobbledegook, yes.


I guess then some people really will defend a popular Nintendo franchise to the death. There really aren't that many good Wii games out, the fact that Super Paper Mario is...somewhat high up the list just proves that.


Picture a 2D Mario game where it's either 1 or 2 hits and death, with some good platforming. Now grab an eraser-topped pencil. Rub out the difficulty - done easily by having ever-increasing HP, healing items, life shrooms, pixls and the ability to flip (thus breeze past the majority of enemies unscathed). Pencil in some infuriatingly poor plot (which by the way, you lucky people, cannot be skipped whatsoever) and sprinkle with lashings of walkover bosses, increasingly poor level design and a graphic style that, while at first appeared interesting and retro, eventually just looked basic (the lifts in the main town were literally boxes).


After I finished this game I felt completely screwed of the £32 I paid for it. I had played the first Paper Mario game and somewhat enjoyed it. This was just roadkill.

And the top selling games for the Wii in Japan are Wii Play and Wii Sports, those two titles have been in the top 40 there for pretty much the whole year, it really is what's carrying the Wii's momentum.


And once Wii Fit is released the Wii will be secured a new lease of life in Japan for at least another year, that's Nintendo's big gun for the casuals, that's why they keep showing it off so much at conferences (Thinks of E3).


To be fair Super Mario Galaxy already has 700000 consumer pre-orders in Japan, and that was a month before it's release. Chances are that Mario Galaxy is going to be bigger then Wii Fit in Japan, or at least on par, the Japanese market isn't really suitable to do all this comparison stuff anyway.


You've got to remember the size of houses in Japan, and that they all have one TV and stuff. The Japanese lifestyle means that family-orientated multiplayer games are always going to go down to much better. It hasn't really slowed down the sales of their single player games either though.

Retail actually.


My sources said consumer, I'll look it up and see if I can find anything :/.


WiiFit will likely be bigger. Its games li Wiifit that will carry the Wii. Look at Zelda its kind of forgotten.


When you look at the DS, it's as much the Pokemon / NSMB / Mario Kart carrying things as it is Brain Training and nintendogs, so I'd say there's plenty of room for both games to do the carrying. Zelda floped as much as Big Brain Academy Wii Degree I guess :/.

Because it's introducing people into gaming who would have otherwise never even considered doing it. It's tearing down that stereotype of anyone with a console being a no-friends geek who plays all day in their basement and allows people like me to share my passion with alot more people then I was previously ever able too.


It seems some people don't dig this for some reason, which is their views, but to me it's great. As far as I'm concerned the fact that Nintendo are changing the face of video games in this way makes them worth every sale.


I somewhat challenge that view. The technology in the Wii remote is not all that new and innovative. Games attempting to replicate real life actions have existed long before the Wii; go to your local arcade or theme park and you will see these games. That said, casual games have also existed without consoles, you got anybody-can-play games on just about every visual device these days: phones, teletext etc.


The Wiis success is down to a lot of press, advertisements totally aimed at the casual gamer (ie full of wii remote gestures), design savviness (white ipod scheme) and a bit of ignorance by these so-called 'new' gamers who think the Wii is truly revolutionary. I think the PS2 with its 'grown up' approach and design first had that 'geek-buster' appeal and it also had a fair number of casual games using a few of its devices like the Eye Toy.

-Yes we have seen all the franchises but only the new mario truly feels next gen.

-Mario party 8 has sold a lot better than the previous games.


It's been a year what do you expect? Metroid is also revolutionary in terms of FPS controls and Zelda considering it's a GC game (heck, even not considering that) has amazing movement and IR controls. You clearly just consider things "AAA" or "next-gen" if they have amazing graphics. I mean, Nintendo ALWAYS took their sweet time with their franchises, they actually gave us Zelda, Metroid and Mario in one year, all fantastic games and you people complain about them needing to make more games?

New IPs? Sure, I'm up for that. Disaster's comming. HAMMERs been canned, hope they have more comming asides from "non-games", but let's face it, it sells, they'll keep making it. We had Pikmin and BW last gen only, so it's not like they're over used IPs, they're still pretty much fresh. But some 3rrd parties are giving us fresh stuff like Zack & Wiki and Dewey at least.

But in the end, what matters is if the sequels are different enough or not. I mean, I look at PS3 and 360 and very little games are either new IPs that are original asides from the name or sequels that actually do anything different at all. For example, Rare managed to make Viva Piñata, it's original and it's good, but if it was, say Pokémon, but the same game, it would be good too, new franchise or not. Look at Heavenly Sword. It's God of War with a hot chick. Ratchet and Clank. This is what, the fourth? In one gen and a year? This is the case for Wii too of course, but most 3rd parties try to disguise that with crappy motion controls and pretend it's revolutionary. To me, that's the main problem with the Wii: not graphics, not the lack of new IPs, not quality, but the poor efforts we've been seeing by most 3rd parties.

What did 360 had in the first year that was successful? (Mind you I'm horrible with dates, these might have come out after the first year) CoD2, GRAW, PGR3 (with 4 already out now), Oblivion, Dead Rising and Geometry Wars. One new IP, two original games: GW and Dead Rising. Is it much different from Wii? Look at 360s top sales: Halo 3, GoW, Oblivion, Fight Night, GH2, CoD2. They sold without an abundance of new ideas too. Yet, people forget that, like it was a perfect launch with a perfect first year filled with original games.

None of this really matters, in 2 or 3 years, I'll probably have all 3 consoles, lots of games I love, most of you too, and the rest is just memories.


And just so you know, I'm writing all this, not to confront anyone, but because I'm avoiding study lol

I somewhat challenge that view. The technology in the Wii remote is not all that new and innovative. Games attempting to replicate real life actions have existed long before the Wii; go to your local arcade or theme park and you will see these games. That said, casual games have also existed without consoles, you got anybody-can-play games on just about every visual device these days: phones, teletext etc.


I think it's more the fact that Nintendo 100% pushed the technology, which seemingly was a huge risk. No one has changed the industry like that. you can say the technology is old or whatever, and it is, but it feels new which is surely all that matters? I mean the the technology in the PS3 and 360 has been around for years, just like the Wii Remote's it was never at a price which they could economically bring to retail, until now.


As for their being casual gamers, yeah there were, but again I think you're missing what I'm saying. It's bringing these people into our industry, who before would have just carried on playing bejewelled. In my experience, it is getting people into video games when they previously wouldn't have touched them, whether they played a few of these casual games or not.

The Wiis success is down to a lot of press, advertisements totally aimed at the casual gamer (ie full of wii remote gestures) and a bit of ignorance by these so-called 'new' gamers who think the Wii is truly revolutionary. I think the PS2 with its 'grown up' approach and design first had that 'geek-buster' appeal and it also had a fair number of casual games using a few of its devices like the Eye Toy.


And that too, was the reason behind the success of the PS1. It opened the industry up to a new market, and I think most of us agree it was ultimately for the better. The Wii's just taking that approach even further, while also doing even more. What else are you expecting Nintendo to do? :/

I somewhat challenge that view. The technology in the Wii remote is not all that new and innovative. Games attempting to replicate real life actions have existed long before the Wii; go to your local arcade or theme park and you will see these games. That said, casual games have also existed without consoles, you got anybody-can-play games on just about every visual device these days: phones, teletext etc.


The Wiis success is down to a lot of press, advertisements totally aimed at the casual gamer (ie full of wii remote gestures) and a bit of ignorance by these so-called 'new' gamers who think the Wii is truly revolutionary. I think the PS2 with its 'grown up' approach and design first had that 'geek-buster' appeal and it also had a fair number of casual games using a few of its devices like the Eye Toy.


I disagree. Sure the technology existed, but no one had the balls to apply it to home consoles. The main "revolution" wasn't the motion sensing and IR to me, but the shape of the controller. A remote (Of course that if didnt have gyroscopes and whatnot it would suck lol). That takes a lot of guts to pull off and if you want to attract non gamers it's a great idea. To me the remote isn't the ideal controller, I'd prefer a normal control with 2 analogues split in 2 with all the functions the wiimote has. The best of two worlds, but hey, they wanted old people and babies playing. It's not rocket science, no home console ever had this type of control, it's radically different. No discussion there.

Will it be revolutionary? In a way. Every console will have motion sensing and pointing from now on, that's for sure, but if Nintendo didnt do it someone would eventually. No one will make a controller shaped like a remote anymore, not even Nintendo, that was just to attract people, but mark my words: controller split in 2 pieces with motion sensing, analogues, speakers and poiting devices will be the future. And probably touch screens, kinda like DC's VMU. Such a shame that idea didn't take off. But to me the biggest revolution was simply the fact that I finally played a game with my family. I played Wii Sports with my father on the launch day. I don't think he ever played a game before.

they actually gave us Zelda, Metroid and Mario in one year, all fantastic games and you people complain about them needing to make more games?


Zelda and Mario were well over due. We got the last Mario in 2002, the last Zelda in 2003 and the last Metroid in 2004. The seemingly squash of games for this year is just a result of past droughts and delays. (especially in Mario's and Zelda's case).

Zelda and Mario were well over due. We got the last Mario in 2002, the last Zelda in 2003 and the last Metroid in 2004. The seemingly squash of games for this year is just a result of past droughts and delays. (especially in Mario's and Zelda's case).


As I said, this was always the case, good games take a lot of time to develop.

Zelda and Mario were well over due. We got the last Mario in 2002, the last Zelda in 2003 and the last Metroid in 2004. The seemingly squash of games for this year is just a result of past droughts and delays. (especially in Mario's and Zelda's case).


And? At least they're not rushed like most 360/PS3 games.

Damn, can't find one but I'm sure it's true to some extent...


EHeh it's cool, don't bother.

On the subject of taking time to release, I'd hate Nintendo to do what lots of devs are doing. I'm not even going to talk about the obvious EA games. But, PGR, PES, Ratchet, etc... All games or franchises that I might not like, but respected highly, yet now they churn them out on a yearly basis. I hate that. I'd prefer if they just took their time and release something much better and with lots of new stuff.

Wheres the ignore ignorance button?


I'm being ignorant?! Listen, I own a 360 and a Wii, I know when a game's been rushed. For instance Halo 3, most of the development time seems to have gone into multiplayer, the single player seems like a one week job. I got to the penultimate mission in two hours last week.


How does a game feel "next gen"?


I was wondering the same thing.

EHeh it's cool, don't bother.

On the subject of taking time to release, I'd hate Nintendo to do what lots of devs are doing. I'm not even going to talk about the obvious EA games. But, PGR, PES, Ratchet, etc... All games or franchises that I might not like, but respected highly, yet now they churn them out on a yearly basis. I hate that. I'd prefer if they just took their time and release something much better and with lots of new stuff.


Huh? Nintendo are every bit as guilty of this.

Look no further than Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Mario Party, Mario Baseball, Mario Strikers, the Prime series, Wario Ware and Battalion Wars


Not saying they are bad (or good)games, but this lineup looks just like the GC lineup of 1/2 years ago

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