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Apple Press Conference (New iPods, iPhone price drop)

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No hyphen! It's "iPod". :heh:


Do you think it would be possible for a firmware upgrade to give the old iPods the new menu?


the answer to that is yes, but Apple won't do it, they never go back and upgrade firmware on discontinued models

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Firmware is actually not the OS of a device (except for devices that have very in-complex OSs (such as routers) but the files that tell the device how to access the OS file. OS files are actually Software.


I agree with gmac Apple won't release a new OS for the old iPods unless there was a bug possibly and it would have to be a major bug.

Just saw an advert for the new Nano's. Personally don't like them, look too square.


Holding one is totally different to seeing one in the ads tbh.


Personally I prefer the black but apparently they get fingerprints on them. However my dad has a Black past generation classic and It either doesn't get finger prints on it, or he polishes it but i doubt it so my advice would probably be to chose whichever would look best beside your computer or the other devices you cary around with you. Perhaps go to apple store and compare them. Or you could look at some reviews I think some of them have said stuff about the colour.


I've seen both in the Apple store in Glasgow and I prefer the Black myself, can't see how you would see fingerprints on the new models since it's not shiny plastic like the old ones

Just saw an advert for the new Nano's. Personally don't like them, look too square.


Agreed they're not that nice looking tbh, but video on them is cool, if a bit small.

Agreed they're not that nice looking tbh, but video on them is cool, if a bit small.


Have you actually held one though motion?


They're just incredibly thin, like stupidly so. So what its gained in width it's made up for in loss of depth.

They've got the same thickness as last year's nano.


= "No i haven't actually played with one but i'll harp on anyway"


They have tapered edges and it feels a lot thinner than the size comparison your basing your opinions on.

I have one.


And bollocks, they're the same thickness. Fact.


I said it feels a lot thinner, not that it IS thinner.


See the difference?

"So what its gained in width it's made up for in loss of depth."


There is no loss of depth.


It feels like it when you hold it.


Sorry when i hold it.


I have opinion that don't matter so just ignore me and move along oh big rugby playing one.


I respect most of your opinions, but big up the product by quoting its great new interface or fantastic screen, not a non-existant change in a dimension.

I respect most of your opinions, but big up the product by quoting its great new interface or fantastic screen, not a non-existant change in a dimension.


I just said what i felt, and to me it feels thinner, probably due to the tapered edges. And i have said how it's amazing that they've fit a battery with 24 hour music playback and a screen of that quality that can play video into that size 'box'.

Off to Canada next month, what's the downside of getting an ipod touch from over there, apart from maybe the warranty issue. Will it work fine over here and will I be able to charge it ok?


Well, yes basically. It charges from a USB port and they don't change region to region so thats fine. The warranty issue is fine too, the warranty is fine if you purchased it from another country as far as I know.


Not that much, you'd be better off getting one from the states. Oh and we only have 4 apple stores 3 of which are in toronto.


So try stores like future shop and best buy. Whereabouts in Canada are you headed anyway.

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