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  pedrocasilva said:
Having Mario in a title works as some kind of seal of quality for Nintendo, warrants sales and is something the clients trust.




So next time a new Mario spin off is anounced instead of sayin that Mario is being whored (even though he always was like that since his creation), just think that it's the oportunity to play most likely a good game.

  Hellfire said:
So next time a new Mario spin off is anounced instead of sayin that Mario is being whored (even though he always was like that since his creation), just think that it's the oportunity to play most likely a good game.


Ooo oo can I play too?





















Huh? Hellfire, we're meant to be posting pictures of bad Mario spin-off games.


Mario Kart, Super Circuit and DS are good games.


The Mario RPG games are also a delight to play. (one of them was also developed by the oh so evil Squaresoft)


You're right with the rest though, they are shit.


The name's McMad actually, get it right.


And I'm not crazy it's called having taste. And also realising that you don't have to buy mediocre sports titles just because it has Mario's face on it.

  Hellfire said:
Ooo oo can I play too?





















Isn't that a list of some of the best games ever??? I think Mario is almost like a seal of quality, you know it's going to be a polished game (with few exceptions like the party games which really aren't my thing even if they were ace)

  McMad said:
The name's McMad actually, get it right.


And I'm not crazy it's called having taste. And also realising that you don't have to buy mediocre sports titles just because it has Mario's face on it.


Well if you don't LIKE certain games it doesn't mean they're SHIT.

And Zechs that's my point I was kidding. Just to prove my point that most of the recent Mario spin offs are awesome games. But you know, it has Mario's face on it and I'm a fanboy, so I'm biased. They must be shit, go figure.

  Hellfire said:
Well if you don't LIKE certain games it doesn't mean they're SHIT.

And Zechs that's my point I was kidding. Just to prove my point that most of the recent Mario spin offs are awesome games. But you know, it has Mario's face on it and I'm a fanboy, so I'm biased. They must be shit, go figure.


Admitting it is the first step dude, now you're gonna need to work past this, discover that they're actually are other sports titles out there that are a lot better.


Then maybe you can appreciated videogames fully without having such a closed minded scope of things.


And by the way, what I say pretty much is fact, so yeah what I don't like is normally a big steaming pile of shit.


And my work here is done. :smile:


Oh come on, Mario Tennis 64 was a quality game, sure the sequel was a bit drab but they're far from shit.


  McMad said:
And by the way, what I say pretty much is fact, so yeah what I don't like is normally a big steaming pile of shit.


Are you The Bard's prodigy?

  McMad said:
Admitting it is the first step dude, now you're gonna need to work past this, discover that they're actually are other sports titles out there that are a lot better.


Then maybe you can appreciated videogames fully without having such a closed minded scope of things.

That there is you're problem. You always assume that because I like Nintendo, I don't like other games and that all Nintendo games are better than the others. Did I EVER say those games mentioned above are the best of the genre? No, no I didn't, in fact I don't even like golf games unless they're done with the Wiimote but there's no denying that they're very good games. You are the one who has closed mind when dealing with people because you assume they just like things because they're fanboys and not the other way arround.

I'd say that since I play every console (except PS3 and 360 cause I don't have those yet) and the PC would entail that I can apretiate videogames on a wide scope, but you're always so damn quick to use the fanboy card that you can't even imagine that can you?


ivs IV not V thats the fave, i belive it goes IV VI VII V is pretty bad, the storyline is weak and the job system isnt that good. its totaly mediocre. IV rules, but i like VI more.




erm, this is more relivent to page one. sorry.

  Hellfire said:
Well if you don't LIKE certain games it doesn't mean they're SHIT.

And Zechs that's my point I was kidding. Just to prove my point that most of the recent Mario spin offs are awesome games. But you know, it has Mario's face on it and I'm a fanboy, so I'm biased. They must be shit, go figure.


Fanboys of the world unite! Well, at least we're fanboys of the best company EVER lol

  McMad said:
Admitting it is the first step dude, now you're gonna need to work past this, discover that they're actually are other sports titles out there that are a lot better.:


Not in the arcadey side of sports titles.


  Hellfire said:
...but you're always so damn quick to use the fanboy card that you can't even imagine that can you?


What you excepted from guy who worships Kingdom Hearts? :)


Wow you know what I really couldn't care less what you have to say Teppo, but you all seem to really be bothered by what I have to say, otherwise you all wouldn't always need to argue you opinion. Kingdom Hearts is greater than you btw


The only reason I did all this is to prove a point, and now it's been proven.


People are right, the Wii boards have gone to hell.

  McMad said:
Wow you know what I really couldn't care less what you have to say Teppo, but you all seem to really be bothered by what I have to say, otherwise you all wouldn't always need to argue you opinion.


You bashed Hellfire for no real reason, and your general attitude is pretty awful. Indeed, Wii forums have gone to hell, but it is solely because of idiots like you and King_V. You can always claim that you don't care about what others say, but guess what? We others do care what you say. Your and your ilks trolling disturbs normal discussion, and turns it into petty fighting that doesn't serve anyone. And your defense for your actions always degenerates into same, stupid excuse, which is "you're close-minded fanboy". Only thing that your post proved is that you are intentionally trying to get attention, and that you think that this is your personal playground where you don't need to care about others or their feelings. Nothing else.

  Teppo Holmqvist said:
You bashed Hellfire for no real reason, and your general attitude is pretty awful. Indeed, Wii forums have gone to hell, but it is solely because of idiots like you and King_V. You can always claim that you don't care about what others say, but guess what? We others do care what you say. Your and your ilks trolling disturbs normal discussion, and turns it into petty fighting that doesn't serve anyone. And your defense for your actions always degenerates into same, stupid excuse, which is "you're close-minded fanboy". Only thing that your post proved is that you are intentionally trying to get attention, and that you think that this is your personal playground where you don't need to care about others or their feelings. Nothing else.


Normal discussion...meaning topics upon topics of praises to Nintendo and scorn for the other games that are not on Nintendo's. You just can't accept that someone might dislike a Nintendo game (namely Mario Strikers) you dearly love with your life and then proceed to whine on about it. Look at this topic since you briefly came into it again; we were discussing fine - like adults - but then you need to start making personal assaults then add a little smiley at the end as if to cushion the blow. I have yet to see you enter a decent discussion with some decent and unbias input. if anything, you start the arguments.


Wake up, mate.

  killer kirby said:
.......whats this topic about again?

I kinda lost track a page ago?


I'm afraid its now a random skirmish of toy throwing...


First started with an honest and 'why not?' question, into a milking contest...Though you can speak about anything you want at this stage. :indeed:


I'm sorry but that's the biggest bullshit ever. Most of the Wii boards consist of you guys bashing Nintendo and insulting everyone whose opinion is not like yours and calling everyone a fanboy. You can't put in those heads of yours that people are fond of games made by one of the best developers there is. So, normally if you bash those games (which seems to be what you devote your life to doing), you are going to get replies, specially since you are on a Nintendo board, try to go to a Sony board and bash Ico, GoW and SotC and see if people will just shut up and pat you on the back.

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