The-chosen-one Posted August 25, 2007 Posted August 25, 2007 i have Wii and 360 i have a 360 couse of the fun online play and for these games: Halo3 , Naruto , asassin creed , Devil may cry , Virtua Fighter , Bioshock , Blue dragon , there are more but these games i really want and the wii yeah its obvious why i have that its becouse it will get the best games at first i wanted to buy a ps3 over a 360 then i played it at my brothers house and when i played 360 even it has almost the same games the graphics on 360 are more smoother then ps3 if you look at the games you see more blurry in ps3 then 360 :S and then people want to talk about power wats the point in having more disc space ( blue-ray ) when there are almost none exclusive for that console only exclusives are tekken and metal gear but i know for sure that 360 gets a metal gear also only i think 6 /7 months later maye a year
Zechs Merquise Posted August 25, 2007 Posted August 25, 2007 Goron_3 said: I know what you mean (i used to be a fanboy myself) and I'm not a big fan of the PS3, HOWEVER you can't judge a console until it's 'best' games are out. Everyone said the Wii wasn't that great but once games like Metroid and Mario come out i'm sure it'll shut some people up, and the same can be said about the PS3. I understand what you mean about the gameplay but SURELY with your logic about gameplay needing to change, Metal Gear Solid 4 won't be that great? And so won't the other PS3 big hitters? I agree that motion control is great, but you can't claim the ps3 isn't a great console because it doesn't have a massive gameplay change, seeing as most hardcore gamers would prefer the PS3/360 tbh. No, I wasn't trying to say that at all, I wasn't saying that gameplay needs to change be completely different, but it needs to improve. For example, Super Mario World was not simply a graphically improved Super Mario Bros. Since Doom FPS game have been improving, they add new ideas and new ideas. Look at how games like Doom evolved in games like Goldeneye then into Halo and beyond. These games all made graphical leaps (huge ones in certain cases), but the gameplay also improved. I've played Resistance (probably the best game on the PS3 in my opinion), and bar the pretty graphics it adds nothing new - however it is a very solid game. Games like Lair and Heavenly Sword are just graphical show cases, nothing more. The gameplay has clearly taken second place. I agree with pushing graphics forward but the gameplay should advance too, even if it's only small things, better level design, improved controls, neat little ideas that when implemented add something new and fresh. As for Metal Gear Solid 4, I hope they have added something new to the gameplay. I hope it's not simply a rehash of previous MGS games with updated graphics and a new story.
Dante Posted August 25, 2007 Author Posted August 25, 2007 July Console Sales Shakedown Sony and Microsoft respond to the Nintendo-riffic NPD numbers. by Ryan Geddes August 24, 2007 - July's NPD console sales figures may show Nintendo's hardware handily beating all other comers in terms of sheer U.S. units moved, but Sony and Microsoft aren't ready to bend the knee to Mario just yet. Despite the fact that, collectively, more Nintendo Wii and DS units were purchased last month than all other current-generation gaming platforms combined, Microsoft and Sony this week announced that they are quite happy with their platforms' performance, thank you very much. Microsoft on Friday gave a polite nod to Nintendo's numbers but said it was the Xbox 360 - not the Wii or DS - that "continues to drive the growth and success of the videogame industry," which has seen 37 percent overall year-over-year growth. Nintendo may have surged and sold more than twice as many Wiis in June as Microsoft sold Xbox 360s, but the 360 is slowly and steadily winning the race, the company argues, grabbing half of the overall consumer spending on gaming hardware since the PlayStation 3 and Wii launched. And for the record, Microsoft made sure to mention, the 360 is still outselling the PS3 for the ninth month in a row, despite the Sony console's recent price drop. For its part, Sony Computer Entertainment America saw sunshine in the July NPD figures, too. On the official PlayStation blog, analyst relations manager Mariam Sughayer lead off her NPD-related post by announcing Sony is "very excited about how great July was for video games." And Sony grabbed a slice of that magic, Sughayer said, enjoying a 61-percent increase in the number of PlayStation 3s sold in last month, thanks to a price drop announced July 9. When will Sony be crowing about its next big month? Possibly in October, after the release of Warhawk (Aug. 28), Lair (Sept. 4), Heavenly Sword (Sept. 12) and the slimmed-down PSP, which is due to hit store shelves sometime next month. The real news behind the latest monthly NPD numbers could be less the sales trends of indivudual platforms and more the fact that, in a traditionally slow month for videogame sales, everyone was a winner. "July is typically one of the slower months for the video game industry, falling between June and the related Father's Day and graduation gift occasions, and before Madden month, said Anita Frazier, industry analyst with The NPD Group. "Despite the summer slowdown, the industry still realized nearly $1 billion in sales for the month, and year-to-date is up nearly 43% from the same time period in 2006. At this pace, the industry is on track to ring up $16-$18B for the year."
Tellyn Posted August 25, 2007 Posted August 25, 2007 Of course 360 is having the most game sales, PS3 and Wii haven't even seen a full year into their lifespan yet, the 360 is almost two years old and has a massive back catalogue. Whatever they want to believe, the Wii is days/weeks away from surpassing 360 in sales.
Gizmo Posted August 25, 2007 Posted August 25, 2007 Typical corporate spin trying to make us believe what they want us too. Wii is doing miles better, and at the end of the day MS know it.
Zechs Merquise Posted August 25, 2007 Posted August 25, 2007 I love those self serving press releases, they're great. Here's the real SONY one: "SONY have had another awful month, despite a major price cut an the intoroduction of the new 80gb model which we'll be losing EVEN more money on, the PS3 still failed to outsell anything but the aging GBA. Next month looks to be even worse, as all the 60gb models will be sold and Microsoft will be dropping the price of the 360 and intorducing a new Elite Bundle before the release of Halo 3, which along with Bioshock and a number of other high performing games will see the PS3 squeezed out further as out big 'system selling games' which we've been crowing about fall well short of the mark."
Gizmo Posted August 25, 2007 Posted August 25, 2007 Zechs Merquise said: I love those self serving press releases, they're great. Here's the real SONY one: "SONY have had another awful month, despite a major price cut an the intoroduction of the new 80gb model which we'll be losing EVEN more money on, the PS3 still failed to outsell anything but the aging GBA. Next month looks to be even worse, as all the 60gb models will be sold and Microsoft will be dropping the price of the 360 and intorducing a new Elite Bundle before the release of Halo 3, which along with Bioshock and a number of other high performing games will see the PS3 squeezed out further as out big 'system selling games' which we've been crowing about fall well short of the mark." Hahaha, I don't always agree with what you say but that was so well put :awesome:
dannbrownn Posted August 27, 2007 Posted August 27, 2007 zechs, the level of 0wnage that you have layed down in this thread is inspiring! Well done, it is people like me and you who make sure that sony are brought to account for their lies and bullying, perhaps one day they will learn, until then though, i can't help but feel that we will be very busy people!
AshMat Posted August 27, 2007 Posted August 27, 2007 0wnage my arse. Jesus, why, it's a thread about the Wii doing well in sales, so it turns into "HAHA SONY ARE SHIT I HOPE THEY SOLES AND ALL OF SONY'S EMPLOYEES DIE".
Goron_3 Posted August 27, 2007 Posted August 27, 2007 AshMat said: 0wnage my arse. Jesus, why, it's a thread about the Wii doing well in sales, so it turns into "HAHA SONY ARE SHIT I HOPE THEY SOLES AND ALL OF SONY'S EMPLOYEES DIE". 0wnage my arse indeed. And in answer to your questions, its fanboy bullshit.
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