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Sorry, our bond will just have to stay broken :p


Its basically like ive mentioned before, I just love superheroes and its very rare that i'll read a comic that isnt about them. Probably just Walking Dead actually.

Ah, then I implore you to read the second and third issues then.




Theres not actually super heroes, I just think you should read it.


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Ah, then I implore you to read the second and third issues then.




Theres not actually super heroes, I just think you should read it.



Fine, but then you have to admit that you love ALL of Jeph Loebs current work and that you want him to write sequels to Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum!

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I love:


Ms. Moonstonemarvel: Agh! I don't need this shit!

Morgana Le Fey: You stand in defence of Victor Von Doom, whore?!

Ms. M: "Whore"? Nice. Lady, you are crazy! And I have an M.D in psychiatry, so when I say you're crazy...you're crazy.

*Morgana swings pink energy sword of death, but...*

Ms. M: Yeah...Intangibility. How about you?

*BAM! Morgan is blasted off her steed*

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So I caught up with the Sisterhood of Mutants arc of Uncanny X-men (since I started it, then skipped straight to the current Dark X-men arc).


I like Fraction's writing, and normally, I'd be all over a story about super sexy teams of randomly put together femizon mutant bitches. But it was ruined by Land's art. Ignoring the fact he's a copier/tracer/whatever, it just doesn't work as illustration for a story. The art often leaves me confused as to what's going on, or it's just..weird. The thing is, I really like his men. His guys look a bit like Cassady's Astonishing X-Men stuff (almost, but obviously not as good).


But his women are ALL copied from what appears to be adverts for shampoo or something. They look sort of the same, with really strange and unnatural hair going all over the place.


Madelyne Pryor made no sense to me. She looked like someone else. She always looked like she'd just asked someone if they wanted a quick fuck. Might've been that weird, old woman fur ruffle thing she had on, but still.


His Emma Frost in close-up panels always looks like she just finished sucking someone off too.


This of course, isn't helped by the fact it's been found he traces from porn for his action shots. Now every strained face in a battle seems to turn into some old man fucking a young woman up the ass.


His art is dynamic sometimes. But I wonder how much of that is the colourist.


I compare it to Chris Bachelo, who I love. I also caught up with a storyline I never finished, way back in X-Men 197-199, "Red Data". His art is beautiful and frenetic and very unconventional. Sometimes it is hard to tell what is going on, but going through the art is rewarding, and the messiness of each scene gives the story more action and excitement.




Brian Cronin of Comic Book Resources remarked that Land's art in Uncanny X-Men #510 is "possibly has the most harmful art to a story that I’ve seen in a comic," saying that the Land's limited supply of poses and use of the same models for multiple characters "results in terrible art and particularly terrible storytelling."[1]


That's the issue I was talking about the storytelling being awful (art-wise), as well.

Edited by Paj!
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Yeah, Land blows pretty hard. It's really worth reading though for Fraction's writing.


For like...the polar opposite of The Land Effect you should totally read Invincible Iron Man. Salvador Larocca is on pencils and, by Jehovah, he's incredible. Even his X-Treme X-Men run pales in comparison. (for all it's considerable faults, there's no doubt it was a gorgeous run)

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Salvador Larroca is definitely up there with the very best Marvel has to offer.


Looking back, Larroca's art was the only compelling thing about X-Treme X-men. So when Igor fucking Kordey took over, I wanted to burn every story I read.

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I don't remember what happened.


Let me think;


- Vargas + Psylocke being killed + Beast being accelerated.

- Storm and Thunderbird have a holiday in sydney (...). Plan on having rampant sex with Lifeguard and Slipstream. They join the team instead. Some very confusing story follows, basically Sage and Lifeguard beat Lady Mastermind, yay.

- Space rape lords build a neverending tower in madripoor + Storm is forced to be queen + Rogue and Gambit stabbed by Vargas

- Rogue, dressed as Psylocke does or doesn't *dun dun* kill Vargas

- Somehing else in Madripoor. Probably.

- Oh that issue where they're all having dinner at Rogue's mansion she'd never mentioned before. Shadowcat gets pissy because someone made a joke about her dead dad or something.

- Elias Bogan and the case of fucked up story. Some boy kills all his family and friends in alaska, Emma doesnt want him handed over to the authorities. Storm and Emma fight, then team up. Ohnoes Bogan has Emma under control. X-Men win.

- SOME UTTER SHIT THAT COINCIDE WITH X2. Shadowcat basically has another shit adventure.

- Some more shit with shit art.

- Oh lord. Storm: The Arena. Kill me now. Worst idea for a story ever? I hated.

- Then Bogan returns. And I stop reading.


Nice to look back.

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ah but at the start (Vargas attacks!) they were after Destiny's diaries trying to discover some prophecy stuff about the fate of the world etc. and because the diaries mentioned Xavier and several other X-Men, they had to go underground, effectively on the run from their own people if need be.


precognition is always good. That's a compelling story right there.


Good job they totally fucking dropped it and replaced it with a motherfucking alien invasion.


And yes. The Arena. Somebody should have been executed for that.

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Exactly, I liked the premise at the start! I got it. But then...Psylocke dies and it's like "QUICK WE MUST - OH SHIT ALIENS".


Oh fuck, forgot that awful story with the bitter lesbo with one eye who hates Rogue and took her to court or something. And Mystique was there. SOME SHIT ASS story.

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